
  • 网络quebecer;quebecois;Quebecers
  1. 魁北克人党的医疗卫生评论家也对此项决定感到不满。

    The Bloc Quebecois 's associate health critic was also unhappy with the decision .

  2. 或许有250m-350m人用或者能用英语作为第二语言。特别是在前殖民地国家;或是英国人为主的国家,像30m的美国新移民;或者是加拿大的6m讲法语的魁北克人。

    Maybe 250m-350m do or can use it as a second language ; in ex-colonial countries , notably , or in English-majority ones , like 30m recent immigrants to the United States , or Canada 's 6m francophone Quebeckers .

  3. 在英语这个问题上,并不是所有文化都遭遇了马来西亚人和魁北克人遭遇的那种历史痛苦。

    Not all cultures have the same historical anguish over English that Malaysians and Qu é b é cois do .

  4. 只有在明显多数魁北克人明确支持脱离加拿大的情况下,加拿大政府才必须与其谈判独立问题。

    Only a clear no to Canada , backed by a clear majority in Quebec , would require a Canadian government to negotiate separation .

  5. 之所以说它不同寻常,是因为在过去半个世纪中,魁北克人的民族认同在很大程度上建立在抵制英语这一基础上。

    Odd , because in the past half-century , much of the Qu é b é cois identity has been built on resisting English .

  6. 1995年,许多投票赞成独立的魁北克人相信,他们并不是在投票支持独立,而只是希望在加拿大内部为魁北克争取更多的权力。

    In 1995 many of those who voted yes believed they were voting not for independence but merely for more powers for Quebec within Canada .

  7. 在魁北克,当地人偏爱的食物均来当地法国传统。

    In Quebec , favorite foods come from the area 's French heritage .

  8. 但魁北克对没有考虑到魁北克人的利益和感情的加拿大宪法仍然耿耿于怀。

    However , Quebec remained preoccupied with Canadian Constitution which made no allowance of Quebec 's interest and feeling .

  9. 在魁北克公投之后,加拿大人开玩笑称,魁北克人真正想要的,是一个统一的加拿大内部的独立魁北克。

    After our referendum , Canadians were able to joke that what Quebeckers really wanted was an independent Quebec inside a United Canada .

  10. 在魁北克省,许多房屋租赁从7月1日开始,持续整整一年,所以许多魁北克人在加拿大日这一天从一所房子搬到另一所房子。

    In the province of Quebec , many home rentals start on July 1st and last for exactly one year , and many people in Quebec spend Canada Day moving from one house to another .