- 网络quebecer;quebecois;Quebecers

The Bloc Quebecois 's associate health critic was also unhappy with the decision .
Maybe 250m-350m do or can use it as a second language ; in ex-colonial countries , notably , or in English-majority ones , like 30m recent immigrants to the United States , or Canada 's 6m francophone Quebeckers .
Not all cultures have the same historical anguish over English that Malaysians and Qu é b é cois do .
Only a clear no to Canada , backed by a clear majority in Quebec , would require a Canadian government to negotiate separation .
Odd , because in the past half-century , much of the Qu é b é cois identity has been built on resisting English .
In 1995 many of those who voted yes believed they were voting not for independence but merely for more powers for Quebec within Canada .
In Quebec , favorite foods come from the area 's French heritage .
However , Quebec remained preoccupied with Canadian Constitution which made no allowance of Quebec 's interest and feeling .
After our referendum , Canadians were able to joke that what Quebeckers really wanted was an independent Quebec inside a United Canada .
In the province of Quebec , many home rentals start on July 1st and last for exactly one year , and many people in Quebec spend Canada Day moving from one house to another .