
kuí wú
  • burly;stalwart;tall and strong;big and tall;strong-built
魁梧 [kuí wú]
  • [big and tall] 躯干高大;强壮粗大

魁梧[kuí wú]
  1. 他身材魁梧,走起路来很有气派。

    He had a stalwart figure and walked with an air .

  2. 他们大都是一些体格魁梧的小伙子;

    They are mostly young , of stalwart frames ;

  3. 他是个魁梧壮实、粗野的人。

    He was a great brawny brute of a man .

  4. 他身体魁梧健壮。

    He is powerfully built .

  5. 他身材魁梧,头发浓黑。

    He was a large man with thick dark hair .

  6. 我跟在他魁梧的身躯后面进了屋子。

    I followed his big hulk into the house .

  7. 我非常喜欢身材魁梧、肤色偏黑的男人。

    I tend to go for large dark men .

  8. 他身材魁梧,留着红色的八字胡。

    He was heavily-built and sported a red moustache

  9. 他高大魁梧。

    He was a big , burly man .

  10. 他40多岁时很魁梧,曾经肌肉发达,但如今身体逐渐衰弱了。

    He was a big man in his forties ; once he had a lot of muscle but now he was running to seed .

  11. 他们个个都是身材魁梧、强悍有力的人,凡事不太会考虑什么后果的。

    They were big powerful men , with not much capacity to weigh the consequences .

  12. 他是一个魁梧的小伙子——已经比他父亲高了。

    He 's a strapping lad — already bigger than his father .

  13. 门上敲了一下,一个身材魁梧、略为发胖的男人走了进来。

    There was a knock on the door and a large stoutish man stepped in .

  14. 严格得到了充满敌意的父亲hg韦尔斯;行为严谨的六英尺魁梧大汉;严格的训诫者;严格的教养。

    A parent severe to the pitch of hostility-h.g.wells ; a hefty six-footer with a rather severe mien ; a strict disciplinarian ; a Spartan upbringing .

  15. 日前,现年23岁的艾玛沃特森和魁梧的牛津大学橄榄球球星MattJanney飞往加勒比海滩,度过了两人第一次的浪漫短假。

    The 23-year-old actress and strapping Oxford University rugby star Matt Janney have jetted off for their first romantic getaway as a couple .

  16. 我的同事西蒙?库珀(SimonKuper)写了一本关于足球的新书,书中提到,魁梧高大的男子更容易进入顶级球队,因为球探们认为这种人适合踢足球。

    According to my colleague Simon Kuper 's new book about football , hunks get picked more often for top teams as scouts are impressed by players who look the part 。

  17. 我的同事库珀(SimonKuper)写了一本关于足球的新书,书中提到,魁梧高大的男子更容易进入顶级球队,因为球探们认为这种人适合踢足球。

    According to my colleague Simon Kuper 's new book about football , hunks get picked more often for top teams as scouts are impressed by players who look the part .

  18. 她不胖,只是体型魁梧而已。

    She isn 't fat , she is just big boned .

  19. 一个穿着西服打着领带身材魁梧的人走了出来。

    A large man in a suit and tie stepped out .

  20. 你这么英俊魁梧,这么有教养。

    You are a tall , handsome , and well-bred fellow .

  21. 尼克望着躺在床上的那个身材魁梧的汉子。

    Nick looked at the big man lying on the bed .

  22. 那些体格魁梧的橄榄球队员会把原先的计算统统打乱。

    The husky ball players threw all calculations out of joint .

  23. 他好吗?是不是又魁梧,又神气?

    Was he well ? Was he big and bold ?

  24. 一个身着警服身材魁梧的年轻人走了进来。

    A massive young man in police uniform came in .

  25. 每个大星星家族都由一个魁梧的、长着银色被毛的族长带领着。

    Each family of gorillas is led by a great silverbacked patriarch .

  26. 她很苗条,她的男朋友很魁梧。

    A.she is a slim girl , while her boyfriend is well-built .

  27. 一个魁梧有力,大肚子的人走进宿舍。

    A powerful big-stomached man came into the bunk house .

  28. 他抬起头来,看到了位个子高高、肩膀很宽,魁梧结实的家伙。

    He looked up at a tall , broad and substantial fellow .

  29. 他是一个高大魁梧的人,相当健壮。

    He was a big , well-built man , and rather heavy .

  30. 他的魁梧的身材在他们两人面前居高临下。

    His solid form towered over the pair of them .