
  • 网络Quebec City
  1. 我们旅行中最难忘的部分是参观历史悠久的魁北克市。

    The most memorable part of our trip was a visit to historic Quebec City .

  2. 关于魁北克市,男士提到了什么?

    What does the man say about Quebec City ?

  3. 今日,在美洲所有由欧洲人建立的城市里,魁北克市的历史最为悠久。

    Today , it 's the oldest European-built city in the Americas .

  4. 经过短暂的战斗,法军被击败,魁北克市被英军攻下来了。

    After a short battle , the French were defeated and the city of Quebec was seized .

  5. 我预定在今天上午同加拿大内阁会见,下午同魁北克市政府领导人会见,然后动身前往海德公园。

    I meet the Canadian Cabinet this morning and the Quebec Cabinet this afternoon , and start thereafter for Hyde Park .

  6. 如今,对于引入此类英语课程的时机到底是不是已经成熟,魁北克市学校当局提出了质疑。

    Now , school authorities in Quebec City are questioning whether the time is ripe for introducing those English classes after all .

  7. 一七五九年,英军进侵法国的魁北克市,须乘船闯过圣劳伦斯河一段险流。

    The attack on the French city of Quebec in1759 required the British to navigate a difficult passage of the St Lawrence River .

  8. 因此,美国将领贝纳狄克特.安诺德和理查.蒙哥马利一七七五年率兵进犯魁北克市,和英国将领盖.卡尔顿对敌。

    Following this logic , American generals Benedict Arnold and Richard Montgomery led an attack on Quebec City in1775 against the British general Guy Carleton .

  9. 拉瓦尔大学,蒙特利尔的魁北克市和蒙特利尔大学,都提供认可的建筑学专业本科及研究生课程。

    Universit é Laval , in Quebec City and Universit é de Montreal , in Montreal , both offer accredited undergraduate and professional graduate programs in Architecture .

  10. 加拿大是世界上幅员第二大的国家,大约60%人口集中在魁北克市与安大略省西端。

    Canada is the world 's second largest country after russia . 60 % of the population in Canada inhabit in the area between Quebec City and the western end of Lake ontario .

  11. 警方表示,在此次逮捕行动之前,6月17日,伊夫·丹尼斯、丹尼斯·勒费布尔以及瑟奇·波默洛在等待出庭时用直升飞机从魁北克市监狱的院子里越狱。

    Police say further arrests are pending , Yves Denis , Denis Lefebvre and Serge Pomerleau were awaiting a court appearance on June 17th when they were plucked from the Quebec City jail courtyard by a helicopter .

  12. 隔河岩水轮机模型试验1991年在加拿大魁北克拉辛市进行。

    The water turbine model test for Geheyan Project was performed in1991 , in Lachine , Quebee , Canada .

  13. 本次调查在加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔市的肯高迪亚大学进行,调查的内容是对你所期待的伴侣进行全面的描述,包括正面和负面双重描述。

    The survey , carried out at Concordia University in Montral , Quebec , Canada , gave overall descriptions of potential partners , along with positive and negative descriptions .

  14. 威廉姆森阀门工业有限公司总部位于加拿大魁北克省的蒙特利尔市。

    Williamson Valves headquartered in Montreal city of Quebec Province , Canada .

  15. 除了多伦多,我们还有魁北克省的蒙特利尔市,这是参观加拿大法语区的最好去处。

    Besides that we have Montreal in the province of Quebec . It 's a good place to see the French-speaking side of Canada .