
  • 网络Quebec;Québec;Province of Quebec;quebec province
  1. 在讲法语的魁北克省境内也有少数说英语、母语非法语或英语的加拿大人以及土著。

    Within French-speaking Quebec , anglophone , allophone and Aboriginal minorities also exist .

  2. 魁北克省颁布法令,强制所有移民将子女送进法语学校就读。

    Quebec mandated that all immigrants send their children to French schools .

  3. 他们觉得魁北克省受到了不公平的待遇。

    They feel that Quebec is getting a raw deal

  4. 莫霍克印第安人和魁北克省警方之间的僵持局面仍没有结束的迹象。

    There is no sign of an end to the stand-off between Mohawk Indians and the Quebec provincial police

  5. 所以在魁北克省,加拿大日也被称为搬家日。

    So in Quebec , Canada Day is also known as Moving Day .

  6. 在魁北克省,许多房屋租赁从7月1日开始,持续整整一年,所以许多魁北克人在加拿大日这一天从一所房子搬到另一所房子。

    In the province of Quebec , many home rentals start on July 1st and last for exactly one year , and many people in Quebec spend Canada Day moving from one house to another .

  7. 2013年,RBEnergy公司在加拿大魁北克省开采了一座新的碳酸锂矿,第二年便宣告停产;

    In 2013 , RB Energy Inc. opened a new lithium carbonate plant in Quebec , only to suspend operations in 2014 .

  8. NPR新闻,布莱恩·曼魁北克省拉克·麦肯蒂镇报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Brian Mann in Lac-Megantic , Quebec .

  9. 加拿大魁北克省省长JeanCharest否认蒙特利尔网站上一份宣称他以死于心脏病发作的报道。

    The premier of the Canadian province of Quebec , Jean Charest , has laughed off a report on the website of a Montreal daily that he 'd died of a heart attack .

  10. 有85%的加拿大法语居民居住在法语省份魁北克省。

    85 % of Francophones live in French province of Quebec .

  11. 加拿大魁北克省的区域环境和生物多样性探讨

    Study on regional environment and biodiversity in Quebec Province of Canada

  12. 在魁北克省的一座横跨圣劳伦斯河的吊桥。

    A suspension bridge across the Saint Lawrence River at Quebec .

  13. 在魁北克省,两所大学提供学位课程在法国。

    In Quebec , two universities offer degree programs in French .

  14. 魁北克省基于本省意识抵制成立一个国家机构。

    Quebec 's resistance to a national agency is provincialist ideology .

  15. 魁北克省枫糖浆的生产量占全世界的80%。

    Quebec produces 80 % of the world 's maple syrup .

  16. 威廉姆森阀门工业有限公司总部位于加拿大魁北克省的蒙特利尔市。

    Williamson Valves headquartered in Montreal city of Quebec Province , Canada .

  17. 埃尔伯塔省、魁北克省和曼尼托巴省均支持萨斯喀彻温省。

    Alberta , Quebec and Manitoba have thrown their support behind Saskatchewan .

  18. 联合加拿大被划分为安大略省和魁北克省。

    United Canada was divided into the provinces of Ontario and Quebec .

  19. 我要魁北克省每个医生的住址。

    I need the address of every doctor in quebec .

  20. 加拿大魁北克省的土地利用与管理

    Land Utilization and Management in Quebec , Canada

  21. 加拿大魁北克省沃尔玛已建立工会组织。

    Wal-mart in Quebec province of Canada has already established the trade union organization .

  22. 去魁北克省,去日本,去你们学校要去的地方。

    Go to Quebec , or to Japan , or wherever your school is going .

  23. 对加拿大魁北克省夫妻暴力干预实践及其特点的分析

    Analysis on the Practice and Characteristics of Intervention on Spousal Violence in Quebec , Canada

  24. 1995年,加拿大魁北克省的选民差一点就通过了脱离加拿大的全民。

    In 1995 , voters in Quebec narrowly rejected a referendum on secession from Canada .

  25. 加拿大:很悠闲的魁北克省啊,还有那些站在自己土地上的土著人民。

    The CANADA : Free Quebec Referendum and give the land back to the aboriginals !

  26. 在法语中是魁北克省的省会;位于圣劳伦斯河畔。

    The French-speaking capital of the province of Quebec ; situated on the Saint Lawrence River .

  27. 位于魁北克省的一座著名的悬臂桥。

    A cantilever bridge in Quebec .

  28. 此外,我通过高新技术与魁北克省的四个专家进行访谈。

    In addition , I conducted semi-structured interviews with four specialists of new media in Quebec .

  29. 魁北克省的玛戈隆小屋

    The Chalet Margeaux in Quebec .

  30. 加拿大魁北克省南部一城市,位于蒙特利尔以东的里奇路河畔。

    A city of southern Quebec , Canada , on the Richelieu River east of Montreal .