
  • 网络Quebec Conference
  1. 加拿大联合省和沿海各省经过夏洛特敦会议、魁北克会议和伦敦会议这三次会议,讨论了联合规划,最终达成一致。

    The representatives from Province of Canada and the Maritime provinces debated the confederation blueprint in Charlottetown conference , Quebec conference and London conference successfully , and got into line in the end .

  2. 在直接推动联邦诞生的三次会议&夏洛特敦会议、魁北克会议和伦敦会议上,麦克唐纳的交际手腕、政治谋略和国家构想都得到了淋漓尽致的体现。

    In the Charlottetown Conference , Quebec Conference and London Conference , which directly promoted the birth of Dominion , Macdonald 's tactical skills , political daring and confederation idea were displayed incisively and vividly .

  3. 魁北克会议(19431944)

    Quebec Conferences ( 1943 and 1944 )

  4. 这些研究人员上周在魁北克举行的会议中表示,与浮冰的融解类似,永冻层的消失可能急剧改变当地居民的生活方式。

    During a meeting in Montreal last week , these researchers indicated that the disappearance of permafrost , similar to the melting of ice floes , is rapidly changing the lifestyle of local residents .