
kànɡ-rì ɡēn jù dì
  • anti-Japanese base areas
  1. 抗日根据地的政权问题

    On the question of political power in the Anti-Japanese Base Areas

  2. 包括那时我们的各个抗日根据地,在非常困难的条件下,我们都能够生存。

    We survived under extremely difficult circumstances in the anti-Japanese base areas at that time .

  3. 华润集团成立于1938年,前身是香港联和行(Liow&Co),当初为抗日根据地筹集资金购买军需物资。

    Formed in 1938 and previously known as Hong Kong 's Liow & Co. it was initially credited with raising money for weapons for Chinese to fight Japanese forces .

  4. 山东抗日根据地的社会保障工作评述

    Comment on the Social Security Measures in Shandong Anti-Japanese Base Area

  5. 论抗日根据地减轻农民负担的成功经验

    The Successful Experience of Lightening Peasants ' Burden in Anti-Japanese Area

  6. 货币之战:论抗日根据地的金融稳定政策

    Currency War : The Policy of Financial Stability in Anti-Japanese Base Areas

  7. 抗日根据地的农业

    The agriculture in the base areas of resistance against Japan

  8. 山西抗日根据地军事工业初探

    Analysis of the Military Industry of Anti-Japan War Base in Shanxi Province

  9. 华北抗日根据地的灾荒与救济研究

    Study on the Calamity and Relief of Huabei Anti-Japanese Imperialism Base Area

  10. 淮南抗日根据地的法制建设

    Legal Construction in Huainan Base Area in the Anti-Japanese War

  11. 论华北抗日根据地农村手工业

    On the Rural Handcraft Industry of the Anti-Japanese Area in North China

  12. 晋察冀抗日根据地的创建分析

    Analysis of the Foundation of Jin-Cha-Ji Base Area in the Anti-Japanese War

  13. 试论山东抗日根据地的创建及其历史作用

    On the Establishment and Action of Shandong Anti-Japanese Base Area

  14. 华中抗日根据地大反攻

    Great Counter Offensive in Anti-Japanese Base Area in Central China

  15. 晋察冀抗日根据地青年阶层变动的特点

    On the Features of Change in the Youth Hierarchy of Jin-Cha-Ji Anti-Japanese Basement

  16. 苏区、抗日根据地和解放区的新道德探析

    On the New Morality of Sue Area , Resisting-Japanese Base and Liberated Area

  17. 论山西抗日根据地小学教育特殊的经济条件

    On the Special Economic Conditions of Primary Education in Shanxi Anti-Japanese Base Areas

  18. 西北农民银行与晋绥抗日根据地的经济发展

    The Northwest Peasant Bank and the Economic Development of Jin-Sui Anti-Japanese Base Area

  19. 论敌后抗日根据地的攻势防御战略

    Offensive Defense Strategy of Anti-Japanese Base in Enemy Rear

  20. 抗日根据地农业科技发展的特点

    The Characteristic to Develop Science and Technology in Agriculture in Anti-Japan Base Areas

  21. 论1938&1949年华北抗日根据地、解放区的农贷

    Agricultural Loans in Anti-Japanese Bases and Liberated Areas in North China , 1938-1949

  22. 延边地区抗日根据地研究

    The Research on Anti-Japanese Base Study in YanBian

  23. 简论河北抗日根据地的教育事业

    On the Educational Cause of Hebei Anti-Japanese Bases

  24. 从版画艺术实践看山西抗日根据地文化的演变

    On the Cultural Evolvement in Shanxi Anti-Japanese Base from Reviewing the Practice of Woodcut

  25. 统一累进税:抗日根据地财政建设的伟大创举

    Unified Progressive Tax in the Anti-Japanese Base Aras

  26. 敌后抗日根据地的干部教育

    On the Education of Cadres in the Base Areas Behind the Japanese Enemy Lines

  27. 山东抗日根据地的文化建设与民族精神教育

    The Education on Culture Construction and National Spirit in Anti-Japanese Base Area of Shandong

  28. 论新四军在安徽抗日根据地的敌伪工作

    The Enemy and Puppet Army Work of the New Fourth Army in Anhui Anti-Japanese Base

  29. 第一章,论述了太行抗日根据地文化建设的背景。

    The first chapter discusses the context of cultural construction about the Taihang Anti-Japanese Base .

  30. 太行山抗日根据地历史地位论析

    Historical Standing of Taihang Mountains Anti-Japanese Base