
bā lù jūn
  • the Eighth Route Army;Eight Route Army
八路军 [bā lù jūn]
  • [Eight Route Army] 解放军的前身,系中国抗日战争时期由中国共产党领导的中国国民革命军第八路军,抗战的主力军

八路军[bā lù jūn]
  1. 八路军的前身是工农红军。

    The Eighth Route Army grew out of the workers'and Peasants'Red army .

  2. 有些不愿回去的,可在八路军服务。

    Those who do not want to go back may serve in the Eighth Route army .

  3. 这就是为什么八路军不存在什么派系的原因。

    For this reason there were few cliques in the8th Route Army .

  4. 忆延安八路军军医院成长历程

    Clinical Physician Recall the Developmental Process of Eighth Route Army Military Hospital

  5. 送到八路军那里,他们会买的。

    Take it to the8th Route Army . They 'll buy it .

  6. 在战略上,八路军正以山西为中心进行战争。

    Strategically , the Eighth Route Army is centring them on Shansi .

  7. 打仗的军队,我们有八路军新四军;

    For fighting we have the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies ;

  8. 八路军大概是世界上独一无二的一种军事组织。

    AMONG world military organizations , the8th Route Army was probably unique .

  9. 八路军本身应该扩大。

    And the Eighth Route Army itself should be expanded .

  10. 这些事件很使我感到震惊,尤其是八路军的转入反攻。

    All of these things greatly surprised me , but especially the counter-offensive .

  11. 在八路军进驻的地区,地主也不难制服。

    In areas occupied by the army , the landlords also go under easily .

  12. 他十六岁那年离开家去参加八路军。

    He went off to join the Eighth Route Army when he was sixteen .

  13. 八路军模型玩具亮相玩具展

    Army model toys appeared in the toys fair

  14. 他常常深入敌占区给八路军收集情报。

    He often went into enemy-occupied areas to gather information for the Eighth Route Army .

  15. 在许多方面,八路军是与世界各国军队完全不同的。

    In many ways , it was absolutely unique among the armies of the world .

  16. 八路军重庆办事处旧址

    Chongqing Office of the Eighth Route Army

  17. 电视剧《八路军》展现中国抗日战争恢宏历史画卷

    The TV Drama The Eighth Route Army Presents a Great Historical Scroll of Chinese Anti-Japanese War

  18. 据八路军领导人说,这是提高士气的最可靠方法。

    According to8th Route Army leaders , this was the surest way of building up morale .

  19. 武乡八路军纪念馆改扩建工程静压预制桩施工

    On the static pressure precast pile in the expansion program in Wuxiang Eighth Route Army Commemorative Museum

  20. 当和平来到时,八路军已经开始教老乡们怎样进行选举了。

    When peace came , the8th Route Army had just begun to teach the villagers how to vote .

  21. 进入山西的日本军队,现在在战略上是在八路军和其他中国军队的四面包围之中。

    The Japanese troops in Shansi are being strategically encircled by the Eighth Route Army and other Chinese troops .

  22. 这种熏陶为他以后给八路军写戏剧打下了良好的基础。

    Such training stood him in good stead when he later came to write plays for the8th Route Army .

  23. 在八路军的协助下,白求恩尽其所能地发挥他的专业特长。

    In the company of the Eighth Route Army , Bethune practiced his profession as best as he could .

  24. 八路军应在这一改造过程中起模范作用。

    The Eighth Route Army ought to have an exemplary role to play in the course of this reform .

  25. 陕甘宁边区政府第八路军后方留守处布告。

    Proclamation by the government of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and the rear headquarters of the Eighth Route army .

  26. 按西方的标准来看,八路军和游击队并没有真正的医院设备。

    In the Western sense , there were no real hospital facilities for the 8th Route Army and the guerrillas .

  27. 对八路军在战场上使用过毒瓦斯(赤筒12个)一次一件。

    Used poison gas ( a dozen red colored canisters ) against the Eighth Route Army once in the battlefield .

  28. 当八路军进驻河间后,这帮人表示愿意悔改自新,所以政府对他们进行了宽大处理。

    When the8th Route Army entered the town , these men professed repentance and the government did not punish them .

  29. 至于八路军的武器装备,美国和蒋介石军队实际上是他们的主要供应者。

    As far as armaments went , the United States and Chiang 's armies were really their main source of supply .

  30. 先后拍摄了《延安与八路军》、《白求恩大夫》和《南泥湾》等一些价值很高的纪录片。

    This group shot valuable documentaries which included yan'an and the Eighth Route Army , Dr. Norman Bethune , and Nanniwan .