
bā qí
  • the "Eight Banners";the Eight Banner of the Man nationality in the Qing Dynasty
八旗 [bā qí]
  • [the Eight Banner of the Man nationality in the Qing Dynasty] 清代满族的军队组织和户口编制制度,以旗为号,分正黄、正白、正红、正蓝、镶黄、镶白、镶红、镶蓝八旗。后又增建蒙古八旗和汉军八旗。八旗人的后代称八旗子弟,后多借指倚仗祖上有功于国而自己游手好闲的纨绔子弟

八旗[bā qí]
  1. 清入关以后,在兴京地区设置八旗驻防。

    Xing Jing Qing entry , set up the Eight Banners Garrison .

  2. 因八旗制不易,故奴仆制不易,故逃人法一直沿袭。

    Because of the eight banners system difficult , slave system it is not easy to escape laws have been followed .

  3. f(x)的条件。论八旗意识及产生条件

    F ( x ), is given . Discussion on Eight Banners Ideology and Its Formation Conditions

  4. 八旗蒙古是清代统治集团的重要组成部分。

    Eight-banner Mongolian was a very important part of the Qing government .

  5. 这些资源是八旗户籍制度的产物。

    The sources are a product of the Eight Banner registration system .

  6. 同时还出现了一种无论是形式还是内涵都极为特殊的社会制度,八旗制度。

    Eight-Banners-system was a very special social system both in form and content .

  7. 太平天国运动对八旗的冲击泥石流的阵性波状运动

    Exercise . The Impact on the Eight Banners by Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement

  8. 第一个重大的改变就是在中国北方建立了满州的八旗制度。

    The first major change was establishing the Manchu banner system in north China .

  9. 第二部分叙述了允许满汉通婚、司法同一和官制、旗务管理体制改革等平满汉畛域的推行所引起的八旗社会的巨大变化。

    Part two : Narrate the enormous changes caused by implementation of eliminating Man-Han distinction .

  10. 第一节结合八旗制度,对贾府的经济生活进行剖析。

    The first section analyses the economic life of the Jias referring to Banner system .

  11. 试论八旗汉军与满洲的差异性

    The Difference between Han and Manchu Armies in the Eight Bannered Army of Qing Dynasty

  12. 山东青州北城满族村的考察报告&关于青州八旗驻防城的今昔

    An Investigative Report about the Manchus Village of North City of Qing State in Shandong Province

  13. 本文运用八旗谱牒资料,对萨满教与祭祀之间的关系展开研究。

    The paper studied the relation between the Manchu shamanism and fete through Eight Banners genealogy .

  14. 满、蒙、汉八旗三个体系各八个系列,产品丰富。

    Manchu , Mongolian and Han Eight Banners three of the eight series of products rich .

  15. 乾隆时期,与清朝统治由盛而衰相一致,八旗教育也经历了一个由兴盛转入衰落的过程。

    The Eight Banners'education in the reign of Emperor Qianlong saw its turn from prosperity to decline .

  16. 但在两次鸦片战争时期,参加反侵略战争的八旗兵,仍与侵略者展开了英勇的激战。

    But during the two potium wars , the eight flag soldiers launched fierce battles against the invaders .

  17. 其中最著名的是法式善《存素堂文集》中的序跋文和盛昱《八旗文经》中的蒙古作家序跋文。

    Within those , Collected Works of Hui Cun Hall and Literature of Eight Banners were very famous .

  18. 八旗是以满族为核心,以满洲、蒙古、汉军为主体组建起来的。

    Manchu is the core , Manchuria , Mongolia , Han for the setting up of the principal .

  19. 但是,在当时勇猛无比的八旗骑兵面前,他只能是一位力不从心的败将。

    However , in front of the bold and powerful Eight Banners Cavalry , he can only be a defeated general .

  20. 尤其是满洲八旗发挥了重要的军事作用,这就是新疆满营的由来。

    The Manchu eight banners have played the important military role in particular , which is the Xinjiang Manchu Garrison origin .

  21. 最终,随着大清王朝的灭亡,八旗驻防也消失在了滚滚历史洪流之中。

    Finally , With the destruction of the Qing Dynasty , the the eight-banner in garrison disappeared in the rolling history stream .

  22. 八旗制度是清代特有的制度,八旗的存在和八旗制度的建立,曾经对中国社会各个方面产生过巨大而深远的影响。

    The presence of 8 Banners and the establishment of this system , once have enormous and far-reaching impacts on the society .

  23. 有清一代,瑷珲驻防八旗在东北边疆等地区的发展建设中发挥了重要的历史作用。

    Throughout the whole Qing Dynasty , the Aihui garrison eight banners had played essential role in the development of northeastern frontier area .

  24. 子弟书是满族八旗入关后创制的说唱艺术,清乾隆至光绪年间,在北京曾盛极一时。

    Zidishu , a kind of folk art , was famous and popular in Beijing between Qianlong and Guangxu periods in Qing dynasty .

  25. 本文概述了八旗的组建、内部结构、八旗的各项制度、八旗的衰落过程。

    In this paper the " Eight Banners " Garrison , including its organization , internal structure , regulations and decline are summarized .

  26. 东海女真是满洲八旗的重要组成部分之一,日本学者对满洲八旗中东海女真佐领的研究多有遗误。

    Northeastern Jurchen , an ancient nationality in northeast China , was an important part of the Eight Banners of the Manchu nationality .

  27. 但是由于清政府在对八旗制度上的僵硬态度,导致了八旗的衰落。

    However , because the Qing government in the Eight Banners system that the rigid attitude of the Eight Banners led to the decline .

  28. 经济上,实行更名田,满族贵族以及八旗官兵为防家道中落,更加重视子孙的家庭教育。

    Economically , Manchu childes and eight banners pay more attention to the family education with the implementation of the policy of renamed fields .

  29. 马队于清代兵制中占有重要地位,是清朝经制军队八旗、绿营的主要组成部分。

    Cavalry troop was the important arm of the services , And also the major component of the state military organization in Qing dynasty .

  30. 主要介绍了满洲建治之后的宏观社会背景,并说明了与逃人法产生密切相关的两项制度&八旗制度和奴仆制度。

    After built mainly introduces the Manchu rule of macro-social context , and describes the escape and laws closely related system-two-eight banners and slave systems .