
  • 网络gossip news
  1. 崇敬她大多数的人不会放过每一篇报导她的八卦新闻,甚至在他们的房间中悬挂黛妃的画像,这些人并非都是傲慢成性。

    Most of the people who worshipped her , who read every tidbit about her in the gossip press and hung up pictures of her in their rooms , were not social snobs .

  2. 台湾的媒体总是喜欢报导八卦新闻。

    The Taiwanese media always likes to report gossip .

  3. 对政治家的访谈与内容相当耸动的八卦新闻放在同一个版面。

    Interviews with politicians were juxtaposed with news items of quite astonishing triviality .

  4. 坊间盛传上身裸露的模特、也是“众多八卦新闻”缠身的当事人在《太阳报》(TheSun)上持续刊登45年后,会“退隐江湖”,该传闻事后被证明是谣传。

    Rumours that The Sun 's topless mascot and author of " news in briefs " was to be retired after her 45-year tenure at the tabloid paper proved unfounded .

  5. 在过去的十年里,英国娱乐八卦新闻周刊杂志《Hello!》杂志封面进行专题报道过的婚礼中,有1/6(16%)的夫妇在六年内离婚,而国内名人的离婚率是7%。

    One in six couples ( 16 per cent ) whose wedding featured on the cover of Hello ! magazine in the past decade were divorced within six years , compared with a national average of 7 per cent .

  6. Nextdoor专为社区社交设计,从八卦新闻到谁是本地最好的维修工,涉及的话题可谓包罗万象。

    The product is designed for neighbors to interact on a variety of topics , from social events to the best local repairman .

  7. 我现在负责《想》的八卦新闻所以很忙

    I cover Voulez ' gossip line now , so busy , busy .

  8. 你可以在这个网站上找到最新的名人八卦新闻。

    You can find the latest celebrity gossip / gossipy news on this website .

  9. 但是,我国面对八卦新闻现象尚无理论上的探讨。

    However , there is no theoretical research on gossip news in China yet .

  10. 老实说我们不遗憾这八卦新闻报纸的倒闭。

    We can honestly say that we do not regret the demise of this muckraking paper .

  11. 不过,他对八卦新闻和娱乐消息的关注使得批评声浪总是有所局限。

    But the criticism has always been limited by his focus on tabloid news and entertainment .

  12. 停止谈论吉尔的八卦新闻吧。

    Stop talking gossip about jill .

  13. 一个放松的机会,把指甲做好看并补上朋友的八卦新闻。

    an opportunity to relax , get your nails done and catch up on gossip with friends .

  14. 这样的八卦新闻已不具备新闻原有的品质。

    It turns out that this kind of gossip news has already lost their intrinsic quality of news .

  15. 专攻丑闻或八卦新闻,在英国这一传统可追溯至250年前。

    Muckraking , or yellow journalism , has a long tradition which goes back 250 years in Britain .

  16. 如果一条跟你无关的八卦新闻在这个网络里散播,你又会想当谁呢?

    And now who would you rather be if a juicy piece of gossip not about you was spreading through the network ?

  17. 对于一位远离聚光灯及八卦新闻的歌手来说,想持续走红基本不可能。

    It is almost impossible for a singer to stay out of the spotlight and away from the tabloids , while still remaining popular .

  18. 2000年,她嫁给棒球明星赵成民,两人关系的恶化一直是小报争相报道的八卦新闻,最终二人于2004年离婚。

    She had married baseball star Cho Sung-min in2000 , but they divorced in2004 , with the deterioration of their relationship becoming tabloid fodder .

  19. 鉴于此,笔者将首先从一些典型的八卦新闻事例入手,对本文所要论述的主题&八卦新闻进行概念的梳理和界定。

    Herein , the author will start the dissertation with some typical gossip news and events to bring in the conception of gossip news .

  20. 如果您是在找八卦新闻的话,真抱歉,你走错地方了。因为网主“浪人”超不八卦,所以这里不会有那种新闻,请到别处找吧。

    If you are looking for news and latest updates on Adam , please visit his forum which is up to speed on his information .

  21. 八卦新闻现象的存在首先是基于文化的原因。其他经济、政治等因素都是对文化原因的加强。

    And the cultural factor is the most important factor for the expansion of gossip news and it has been reinforced by economical and political factors .

  22. 研究者们对一组学生进行了脑部扫描,同时让人把一些八卦新闻念给他们听,其中有关于他们密友的,也有关于若干电影明星的。

    Researchers scanned the brains of a group of students while a person read out snippets of gossip about them , their best friends and a host of movie stars .

  23. 我尽量不要谈到自己的感情或私人生活,因为我尊重对方,不希望对方成为八卦新闻的头条。

    I try not to discuss my relationships or personal life because I respect the other person . I don 't want her to become the headline of some gossip news .

  24. 在上海女性中去一趟美甲艺术轩是一项很受女孩欢迎的外出活动;一个放松的机会,把指甲做好看并补上朋友的八卦新闻。

    A trip to the nail bar is a popular girly outing among Shanghai women ; an opportunity to relax , get your nails done and catch up on gossip with friends .

  25. 结局:这对恋人维系了十年的“世纪婚姻”成为了20世纪60年代最贴近真人秀的爱情故事,它像磁铁一样不断吸引着流言蜚语和无数的八卦新闻。

    The Fallout : The couple 's 10-year " marriage of the century " became the closest thing to reality television in the 1960s , a constant magnet for gossip and hordes of paparazzi .

  26. 按照同样的逻辑,为了获得战略优势,名人和他们的智囊团会等到喜欢看八卦新闻的读者去度假或者在沙滩上晒太阳之后才公布分手的消息。

    By the same logic , celebrities and their handlers may reap some strategic benefit by holding off announcements of a split until many gossip consumers are away on vacation or lounging on the beach .

  27. 但是不到几天,热爱八卦新闻的公众已经知道了宾客名单(包括丽莎·库卓[LisaKudrow]、奥兰多·布卢姆[OrlandoBloom]和莱克·贝尔[LakeBell])、安妮斯顿的婚纱款式(夏日波西米亚风格)和蛋糕样式(木偶主题)。

    But within days , the tabloid-hungry public already knew about the guest list ( which included Lisa Kudrow , Orlando Bloom and Lake Bell ) , Ms. Aniston 's dress ( summery , boho-inspired ) and their cake ( Muppets-themed ) .

  28. 研究者们对一组学生进行了脑部扫描,同时让人把一些八卦新闻念给他们听,其中有关于他们密友的,也有关于若干电影明星的。部分消息是可以从负面角度设计的,例如报道当事人的婚外恋请或者抛弃家庭等等。

    Researchers scanned the brains of a group of students while a person read out snippets of gossip about them , their best friends and a host of movie stars . Some of the gossip was designed to put the person in a bad light , such as having an affair or walking out on their family 。

  29. 本小组上传视频涉及娱乐圈、八卦、新闻、奇闻杂谈、教育、军事等等。

    The group upload videos related to entertainment , gossip , news , anecdote topics for education , military and so on .