
bā ɡuó jí tuán
  • Group of Eight;G8
  1. 本周三,塞西莉亚陪同丈夫萨科奇前往德国出席八国集团峰会,在峰会期间,她将和其他第一夫人一同参加由德国总理默克尔的丈夫率领的“夫人团”。

    Cecilia accompanied her husband to the Group of Eight summit in Germany on Wednesday , where she will follow a " wives'programme " & hosted by the husband of German Chancellor Angela Merkel .

  2. 德国总理安格拉•默克尔(AngelaMerkel)完全有理由对她上周主持召开的八国集团(G8)会议的结果感到满意。

    Angela Merkel has good reason to be pleased with the outcome of the meeting of the Group of Eight leading countries she chaired this week .

  3. 八国集团(groupofeight)这类富国小集团,将再也无法在背着世界经济另一半的情况下谋划交易。

    No longer would small cabals of rich countries like the group of eight stitch up deals while excluding half the world economy from the discussions .

  4. 另外,搜索与八国集团相关的文档时,也会返回与Germany、Russia和Italy匹配的文档。

    Also , a search for documents talking about G8 countries would return the document due to a match on Germany , Russia , and Italy .

  5. 今年六月,默克尔将在德国主持全球主要工业国之间的“八国集团”(groupofeight)峰会,届时她将敦促美国和俄罗斯加大减排努力。

    Ms Merkel will urge the US and Russia to step up their efforts to reduce emissions when she hosts a summit of the group of eight leading industrialised nations in Germany in June .

  6. 八国集团(g8)峰会就气候问题向我们作出了美妙的承诺。

    We are promised great things on climate issues from the group of Eight summit .

  7. 海利根达姆会议对这个问题的讨论不仅涉及八国集团,而且还涉及其它CO2排放大国,如中国和印度。

    The Heligendamm discussions on the issue involve not only the G8 but leaders from other top CO2-emitting countries , such as China and India .

  8. 在亚洲金融危机后,八国集团(g8)未承担起重建全球平衡的使命。

    The G8 failed to embrace the imperatives of global rebalancing after the Asian financial crisis .

  9. 我们在1998年招待过出席八国集团首脑会议的领导人,其中包括比尔克林顿(BillClinton)、托尼布莱尔(TonyBlair)和鲍里斯叶利钦(BorisYeltsin)。

    We hosted leaders from the G8 summit in 1998 , including Bill Clinton , Tony Blair and Boris Yeltsin .

  10. 上周末,八国集团(G8)领导人发表了一份声明,对石油市场出现供应中断的可能性发出悲观警告。

    Last weekend the leaders of the G8 issued a statement warning darkly of oil market disruptions .

  11. 非洲7个国家的领导人和非洲联盟(africanunion)主席昨日与八国集团领导人会晤,向富裕国家施加压力,要求它们更有效地履行承诺并加以监控。

    Leaders of seven African nations plus the chairman of the African Union , who met G8 leaders yesterday , pressed rich nations to monitor and enforce their commitments more effectively .

  12. 由八国集团(G8)发起、规模为500亿美元的债务减免计划刚刚实施数月,就出现了这种现象,似乎颇为奇怪。

    This seems odd just months after the implementation of the $ 50bn Group of Eight-sponsored debt forgiveness plan .

  13. 之后他将顺道前往法国参加八国集团(g8)峰会,还会在华沙停留数小时。

    He will drop in on the G8 summit in France and also spend a few hours in Warsaw .

  14. 那么我们就不需要八国集团,而只需要福布斯(Forbes)名单上的950个人了。

    Then we don 't need the G8 but 950 people on the Forbes list , said Mr Sachs .

  15. 出席会议的世界银行(worldbank)行长罗伯特佐利克(robertzoellick)表示,有一些动态表明,八国集团可能与非洲联盟接洽。

    Robert Zoellick , World Bank President , who also attended the talks , said there was " some movement " towards the idea that the G8 might engage with the AU .

  16. 八国集团(g8)峰会能够在最高层面上巩固合理的外国直接投资政策。

    The meetings of the group of eight leading industrial nations can reinforce sound FDI policies at the highest level .

  17. 拉加德是八国集团(G8)成员国中的首位女性财长,并于2011年成为IMF首位女性领导人。

    Lagarde was the first woman appointed finance minister in a G8 country , and became the first female chief of the IMF in 2011 .

  18. 今年5月,八国集团(g8)承诺未来3年向突尼斯和埃及提供200亿美元贷款。

    In May , the group of eight promised $ 20bn of loans to Tunisia and Egypt over the next three years .

  19. 德国正在部署战后历史上规模最大的安保行动,以保护将于2周后举行的八国集团(G8)峰会。

    Germany is mounting the biggest security operation in post war history to protect the G8 summit in two weeks ' time .

  20. 2008年和2009年的八国集团(G8)会议将此列为需要进一步探讨的选择,但未能诉诸实施。

    The Group of Eight meetings of 2008 and 2009 cited this as an option to be further explored , but failed to act .

  21. 富国俱乐部八国集团(groupofeight)的财政部长们表示,世界经济体系中有缺陷的市场和根本性弱点,要求我们对一些规范和原则采用“全球性标准”,在商业中重建道德伦理。

    Flawed markets and fundamental weaknesses in the world economic system demand adoption of a " global standard " of norms and principles and a return to ethics in business , according to finance ministers from the group of eight Club of rich countries .

  22. 八国集团(g8)部分成员正试图加大国际社会在气候变化方面采取行动的力度,但这一努力遭到美国政府的强烈反对。

    Attempts to step up international action on climate change among the group of eight industrialised nations are being strongly contested by the US government .

  23. 每当八国集团(g8)首脑召开年度峰会时,都会有一套详尽的措施来确保这个精英俱乐部的谈话不会泄露。

    Whenever G8 leaders gather for their annual talks , an elaborate ritual unfolds to ensure the conversations within this elite club are kept confidential .

  24. 20应坚决要求八国集团(g8)履行提供援助的政治承诺,帮助为上述刺激计划出资。

    The G20 should insist that the group of eight leading industrialised nations deliver their political promises on aid to help pay for this stimulus .

  25. 八国集团(g8)一度幻想能成为全球的执政内阁,g20却让它丧失了一切存在的重要意义。

    The group of eight nations , which once imagined it could serve as a global Directoire , has been emptied of significant meaning by the G20 .

  26. 虽然中国无疑希望在扩大后的八国集团(G8)或改革后的国际货币基金组织(IMF)中扩大自己的影响力,但它似乎担心为此可能需要付出的代价。

    Though it undoubtedly aspires to greater clout in an enlarged Group of Eight or a reformed International Monetary Fund , it appears worried about what that might entail .

  27. 对“G8countyclimateregulations”的查询会发现同时包含“climate”和“regulations”以及属于八国集团(G8)的国家名称的文档。

    A query for " G8 county climate regulations " would discover documents that contain " climate " and " regulations " together with the name of a country that is part of the group of G8 countries .

  28. 八国集团(g8)的财政部长们已经委托有关机构,对金融市场的投机行为在最近油价上涨中所发挥的作用进行研究。

    Finance ministers of the group of eight leading economies have commissioned a study on the role of financial market speculation in recent oil price rises .

  29. 周末,八国集团(G8)成员国的财政部长将会在日本大阪举行的会议上商讨美元和其它问题。

    Finance ministers from nations in the Group of Eight will discuss the dollar and other issues at their meeting this weekend in Osaka , Japan .

  30. 在下月于日本大阪召开的八国集团(g8)领导人会议上,类似的担忧将会成为首要议题。

    Similar worries will be at the top of the agenda when the leaders of the group of eight meet next month in Osaka , Japan .