
ɡuó jì shānɡ huì
  • International Chamber of Commerce
  1. 全球盟约是联合国和国际商会(ICC)的一项合作项目。

    The Global Compact is a joint project between the UN and the International Chamber of Commerce ( ICC )

  2. 根据国际商会(ICC)的测算,全球贸易额约80%需要贸易融资的支持。

    According to the estimation by International Chamber of Commerce , approximately 80 % of the global trade needs involvement of trade financing .

  3. 国际商会制定了许多世界贸易规则和标准,其国际秘书处设在巴黎,其国际仲裁院(internationalcourtofarbitration)每年也会接收500余起请求仲裁的商业纠纷案件。

    The ICC , whose International Secretariat is based in Paris , sets many of the rules and standards that govern world trade . Its international court of arbitration also accepts more than 500 commercial disputes every year for adjudication .

  4. 在第二部分笔者分析了国际商会UCP500中与信用证欺诈有关的规定,指出国际商会UCP500天生的弊端在于它并不能防止信用证欺诈的发生。

    In the second part , the Chamber of International Commerce UCP 500 and American Commercial Law are analyzed .

  5. 在双方未对仲裁和诉讼作出选排的情况下,本范本合同将假定Icc(国际商会)仲裁是双方所希望的解决争议的优选方式。

    Where the parties fail to choose between arbitration and litigation , the model Contract assumes that ICC arbitration is the preferred method intended by the parties for the resolution of disputes .

  6. 国际商会(internationalchamberofcommerce)的斯特凡诺贝尔塔西(stefanobertasi)表示,最近有一些报道称,由于担心可靠性及质量(而非成本),一些欧洲公司将外包业务迁往更靠近本土的地方。

    Stefano bertasi , of the International Chamber of Commerce , said there had been some reports recently of European companies bringing outsourced operations closer to the home market because of concerns about reliability and quality rather than cost .

  7. 今年1月1日始,国际商会新的跟单信用证惯例《UCP500》已正式生效。

    The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits ," UCP500 " which the ICC has adopted came into effect on January 1 this year .

  8. 本合同对任何贸易术语(如CIF、FOB、CFR)的援引都视为是对2000年国际商会贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS)的相关术语的援引。

    Any quotation of trade terms ( such as CIF , FOB and CFR ) shall be deemed as the quotation of the relevant term under the2000 International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms ( INCOTERMS ) .

  9. 2006年10月国际商会会议正式通过《跟单信用证统一惯例》UCP600,并从2007年7月1日起正式生效。

    In October 2006 , the meeting of International Chamber of Commerce formally adopted the Uniform Customs and Practice for Commercial Documentary Credit UCP600 , and came into effect from July 1 , 2007 .

  10. 虽然UCP600引入了购买理论,在很大程度上解决了一些争议,但由于国际商会一直对与议付相关的法律问题持回避态度,致使某些争议在一定范围内依然存在。

    Although UCP600 brings in the Theory of Purchase , and settles down some controversies to a great extent , the ICC slides over the legal problem in the link of negotiation , there still exist some controversies over negotiation .

  11. 但国际商会2007年开始实施的《跟单信用证统一惯例》(下称《UCP600》)相比《UCP500》而言,并没有增加对信用证软条款的规定。

    But compared to the " UCP500 ", the " Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits " ( hereinafter referred to as " UCP600 ") taken effect by the International Chamber of Commerce in 2007 , not added the provisions for soft clause yet .

  12. 在20世纪20年代,国际商会主要关注战争赔款及战争债务。

    In the 1920s ICC focused on reparations and war debts .

  13. 国际商会仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则贸易法委员会国际商业仲裁示范法

    Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce

  14. 深圳国际商会中心超高层建筑施工技术

    Ultra High Building Constructing Technology for Center of Shenzhen ICC

  15. 国际商会对与会员有关的最迫切主题享有优先权。

    ICC gives priority to the issues that most urgently concern its members .

  16. 国际商会中国国家委员会

    China National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce

  17. 国际商会亚洲和远东事务委员会

    Commission on Asian and Far Eastern Affairs of the International Chamber of Commerce

  18. 陕西国际商会大厦冷热源方案选择

    Choosing Scheme for Cool and Heat Source of Shaanxi International Commercial Chamber Plaza

  19. 国际商会关于在因特网做广告和推销的准则

    ICC Guidelines on Advertising and Marketing on the Internet

  20. 论国际商会国际仲裁院裁决的国籍

    On the Nationality of ICC Awards Arbitration

  21. 中国贸促会中国国际商会驻海外代表处

    CCPIT & CCOIC Overseas Representative Offices

  22. 在国际商会中的实践;

    The practice in ICC ;

  23. 两年一次的国际商会大会为商会提供全球论坛。

    The World Chambers Con-gress , also biennial , provides a global forum for chambers of commerce .

  24. 诚如你所知,因私贿赂是国际商会长期以来关注的话题。

    As you know , private sector bribery has long been an issue of concern for ICC .

  25. 20世纪60年代,国际商会首先把商业秘密视为工业产权。

    In 1960s , commercial secrets were first regarded as industry properties by international chamber of commerce .

  26. 战后,国际商会一直致力于拥护多边贸易制度。

    In the post-war years , ICC remained a diligent defender of the open multilateral trading system .

  27. 国际商会的商业犯罪服务机构作为商业行为的保护伞,调整各种专业的反犯罪活动。

    An umbrella organization , ICC commercial crime services , coordinates the activities of the specialized anti-crime services .

  28. 涉外仲裁委员会的主任、副主任和委员可以由中国国际商会聘任。

    The chairman , vice-chairmen and committee members may be appointed by the China International Chamber of Commerce .

  29. 从传统意义上来说,国际商会代表商业界的利益向政府和政府间组织提出某种请求。

    Traditionally , ICC has acted on behalf of business in making representations to governments and intergovernmental organizations .

  30. 第六十六条涉外仲裁委员会可以由中国国际商会组织设立。

    Article 66 A foreign arbitration commission may be organized and established by the China International Chamber of Commerce .