
  1. 随着中国加入WTO以后,外资大量进入中国市场,国有股权转让的速度更是加快了步伐。

    With the China 's entry into WTO , the foreign capital floods into China and accelerates this transaction .

  2. 国有股权转让法律问题研究

    Study on the Juristical Problems of State-owned Stock Rights ' Transference

  3. 国有股权转让引发国际化并购重组热潮

    The Transfer of State-owned Shares Appeals to International M & A

  4. 公允价值在国有股权转让定价中的应用

    Application of Fair Value in the Transfer of State-owned Enterprise Equity

  5. 国有股权转让既具有一般股权转让的特征,同时又具有由于国有股性质所引起的系列特征。

    State-owned stock transferring owns the same characteristics as general stock transferring ;

  6. 国有股权转让会计处理及信息披露问题研究

    Research on Accounting and Disclosure Problems in State-owned Stock Transferring

  7. 国有股权转让协议效力的法律分析

    The Law analysis of National Share Rights Transferring Agreement

  8. 国有股权转让的理性分析

    A Rational Analysis on the State Stock Right Transfer

  9. 本文针对国有股权转让的会计处理及披露问题进行探讨。

    I discussed the accounting and disclosure problems in state-owned stock transferring in this paper .

  10. 论国有股权转让

    Discussion about State-owned Shares Right 's Transfer

  11. 采用国有股权转让给:1.外资;

    Adopt the ways that the stateowned stock is transferred to : 1 . foreign capital ;

  12. 对国有股权转让的监管是会计准则和披露规则能够得以实施的重要保证。

    Regulation on state-owned stock transferring transactions can make insurance to implement accounting standards and disclosure rules .

  13. 第二部分对国有股权转让中的出让主体进行法律分析。

    Part two : the legal analysis on the transferor of the transaction of state - owned share .

  14. 本文第一章回顾了我国国有股权转让的发展历程。这期间形成的多种转让方式反映了我国市场经济建设中国有股权转让制度的变迁和创新。

    I reviewed the development course of state-owned stock transferring in China in chapter one , which reflects the system innovation in China .

  15. 上市公司控制权私人收益及计量&以我国国有股权转让为例

    The Private Benefits of Corporate Control Shared by the Controlling Shareholders and Its Measurement & Examples of China 's State-owned Share 's Transfer

  16. 在第三章中,笔者还讨论了国有股权转让中的关联方交易披露问题和国有股权转让定价信息的披露问题,并针对我国现实情况提出相应建议。

    I also discussed the disclosure of related-party transactions and pricing issues in state-owned stock transferring , and then I put forward corresponding suggestions .

  17. 因此,为推动上市公司治理机制的完善,国家在国有股权转让方面进行多方面的改革。

    The special stock right structure has caused a lot of questions in such aspects as administration structure of listed company of our country .

  18. 由研究结果来看,国家对上市公司国有股权转让价格的监管正在不断发挥效力,并且有逐渐增强的趋势。

    According to the result of the research , national supervision to the transfer price of state-owned shares appears to be effective and strengthened gradually .

  19. 本文第四章从行业监管、行政监管、市场监管三个方面探讨了国有股权转让的会计监管问题,并提出相关的政策建议。

    I discussed it from three respects in the forth chapter , including industry regulation , administration regulation and market regulation , then I put forward relevant suggestions .

  20. 并说明了协议转让和按每股净资产加成法成为目前我国上市公司国有股权转让的主要特点。

    Have proved negotiating transfer and net asset per share method is the main characteristic of state-run stock right transfer of listed company in our country at present .

  21. 在股权转让问题中,对长江水运国有股权转让方式和转让价格作了深入阐述和研究分析,并就出现的问题结合国内外相关理论和实践,提出了自己的观点。

    For the stock equity transfer , the article thoroughly elucidates and analyses transfer ways and price of the state-owned stock equity and presents the author 's viewpoints in the light of the domestic and abroad theories and practice .

  22. 最后总结了国有股权转让作为一种制度创新,必然存在它的不足之处,然而应该看到国有股权转让是大势所趋,我们不应由此否定它的重要性。

    At last summarize that as a system innovate , the transfer of state-owned stock rights exist some disadvantages , but we should set eyes on the transfer will be the generally trend , we should not negate its importance .

  23. 非上市股份有限公司国有股权进行转让的,经国有资产出资人同意,应当由产权交易市场托管。

    State equity rights in a non-listed limited company , when transferred , shall , with the consent of the funds provider of state assets , be trusted to the property rights trading market .

  24. 目前国有股权的转让存在着国有股权定性不准确,股权客体界定不规范,股权主体过于分散,转让程序无权威、统一的法律保障等制度障碍。

    At present there exist in the transfer of state stock right systematical obstacles of uncertainty of its nature , irregularity of its object demarcation , excessive dispersion of its subject , and lack of authoritative and unified legal assurance of its transfer procedure .

  25. 银行业市净率问题研究&兼论国有商业银行股权转让价格问题

    A study of P / B in Banking Industry-Analyzing Transferring Prices of State-owned Commercial Banks

  26. 本文先行对国有股权及股权转让的定义进行分析,简评现行法律、法规关于国有股权转让的有关规定,阐明国有股权转让要依法按序运行。

    Based on defining what are state-owned equity as well as its transfer , this paper will comment on the existing laws and regulations on the state-owned equity transfer , clarify that the state-owned equity transfer should practice according to the laws and that procedural justice is indispensable .

  27. 本文分析了国有股权与国有股权转让,认为国有股权持有者&国家这一特殊财产主体身负的社会责任和义务使国有股权转让比一般的商业资本股权转让具有更多、更复杂的问题和障碍。

    This paper analyzes on the " State Stock Right Transfer " and points out more complex problems and obstacles in the transfer of state stock right than common stock right .

  28. 由于国有股权也存在竞价转让的问题,本部分通过案例分析的方式,来对国有股权转让过程中第三人利益保护予以分析。

    Since the transfer of state-owned equity also has this kind of problem , this part through way of case analysis , to discuss the protections for the interests of a third party during the transfer of state-owned equity .

  29. 金融类企业国有产权转让和上市公司的国有股权转让,依照国家有关规定执行。

    Any transfer of the state-owned stock right of a financial enterprise or listed company shall be implemented according to the relevant provisions of the state .

  30. 本文首先从法律角度对国有股、对我国上市公司国有股权转让的规定以及近年来国有股权转让的特点进行了阐述。

    This thesis explaining the state-owned stock , the regulation of state-run stock right transfer of listed company of our country and characteristic of state-run stock right transfer in recent years in terms of law at first .