
  • 网络State owned equity;state ownership
  1. 源自国有股权并受经营风险影响的上市公司的预算软约束预期损害了所有公司的业绩。

    Manager 's soft budget constraint expectation hurts performance of all listed companies , which is affected by operational risk and based on the presence of state ownership .

  2. 虽然国有股权对公司业绩影响的净效果在所有上市公司中都为负,但在业绩最差的上市公司里负面作用最为突出。

    Although the net effect of state ownership through above two channels is always negative in all listed companies , this negative impact is the strongest in those companies with the weakest performance .

  3. 随着中国加入WTO以后,外资大量进入中国市场,国有股权转让的速度更是加快了步伐。

    With the China 's entry into WTO , the foreign capital floods into China and accelerates this transaction .

  4. 对MBO制度供给偏差的修正需要建立合理的博弈参与机制以及消除国有股权市场化交易的基本制约。

    The correction needed relies on both the mechanism that ensures efficient participation in interaction of related parties in the process of institutional supply and the elimination of the fundamental restraint in market trades of state-owned shares .

  5. 国有股权转让法律问题研究

    Study on the Juristical Problems of State-owned Stock Rights ' Transference

  6. 公司上市时,政府在决定国有股权比重过程中确实存在着逆向选择问题;

    Downward self-selection bias of government during IPO process does exist .

  7. 国有股权流通的理性思考

    Thinking in All Reason about Transferring Equity Capital Owned By Government

  8. 国有股权转让引发国际化并购重组热潮

    The Transfer of State-owned Shares Appeals to International M & A

  9. 公允价值在国有股权转让定价中的应用

    Application of Fair Value in the Transfer of State-owned Enterprise Equity

  10. 国有股权转让既具有一般股权转让的特征,同时又具有由于国有股性质所引起的系列特征。

    State-owned stock transferring owns the same characteristics as general stock transferring ;

  11. 划拨上市公司国有股权充实社保基金问题研究

    Study on the Transferring State-owned Assets to the National Social Security Fund

  12. 商业银行国有股权边界的海外实践与借鉴

    Practices and References Abroad of Confines of State-owned Shares in Commercial Banks

  13. 国有股权转让会计处理及信息披露问题研究

    Research on Accounting and Disclosure Problems in State-owned Stock Transferring

  14. 国有股权过分集中的弊端及分散化研究

    Research on the Disadvantages and Rational Decentralization of Over - accumulated State-owned Stock

  15. 商业银行国有股权绩效探析

    Research on Performance of State-owned Equity of Commercial Banks

  16. 优化我国高新技术企业资本结构的产权制度:改革和完善我国高新技术企业国有股权管理体制;促进国有股减持和推动股票上市流通;

    Fourth , optimize our country 's high-technique enterprise 's capital structure system ;

  17. 国有股权制度能否与公有制的经济制度相容?

    Whether it can be compatible with the economy system of public ownership ?

  18. 国有股权转让协议效力的法律分析

    The Law analysis of National Share Rights Transferring Agreement

  19. 国有股权转让的理性分析

    A Rational Analysis on the State Stock Right Transfer

  20. 国有股权信托若干问题

    Several Issues on the Trust of State-owned Stock Right

  21. 国有股权保护机制的重构与诉讼救济

    Reestablishing the Protecting Mechanism of State-owned Stockholder 's Right and Relieving It with Suit

  22. 国有股权流通问题研究

    Study on the Circulating Problem of State-owned Stock

  23. 国有股权、内部人掠夺与外部人约束&一个理论模型

    State-owned Shareholding , Insiders ' Grabbing and Outsiders ' Restriction : A Theoretical Model

  24. 国有股权型社会保障研究

    Study on State-owned Share Financed Social Security

  25. 国有股权的信托行使

    The trust exertion of state-owned stock right

  26. 本文针对国有股权转让的会计处理及披露问题进行探讨。

    I discussed the accounting and disclosure problems in state-owned stock transferring in this paper .

  27. 国有股权出售的国际比较

    Sale of state-owned equity : international comparison

  28. 论国有股权转让

    Discussion about State-owned Shares Right 's Transfer

  29. 采用国有股权转让给:1.外资;

    Adopt the ways that the stateowned stock is transferred to : 1 . foreign capital ;

  30. 国有股权结构变革&资本权力错配与重置研究

    Evolution of State-owned Equity Structure & a Study on the Mismatch and Reconfiguration of Capital Rights