
  • 网络International Financial Forum;iff
  1. 前不久,在北京召开的北京国际金融论坛(BIFF),引人关注。

    Several weeks ago , the attractive Beijing International Financial Forum ( BIFF ) was held in Beijing .

  2. 北京国际金融论坛:十大关注点

    BIFF : Beijing International Financial Forum : ten significant focuses

  3. 本人明白并同意国际金融学生论坛评审委员会保留最终解释权。

    I understand and accept that the Assessment and Compliance Subcommittee of the Finance International Student Symposium reserves the right of final interpretation .

  4. 中非在经济上互利互惠、务实合作不断深化,双方携手应对国际金融危机冲击,论坛北京峰会和第四届部长级会议推出的两组务实合作“八项举措”得到有效落实,中非全方位立体式合作体系稳步构筑。

    China and Africa have deepened practical economic cooperation featuring mutual benefit . We have joined hands to fight the international financial crisis , effectively implemented the eight measures for practical cooperation announced at the Beijing Summit and eight additional measures announced at the Fourth Ministerial Conference , and made steady progress in building a framework of all-round cooperation .