
  • 网络international energy agency;iea
  1. 国际能源机构昨日下调了2009年石油需求展望。

    The IEA yesterday revised downward its demand outlook for 2009 .

  2. 一年前,国际能源机构与欧佩克之间预测差别并不大。

    A year ago , the contrast between the Paris-based IEA and OPEC was far less marked .

  3. 在国际能源机构《中期原油市场报告》(MediumTermOilMarketReport)发表之际,石油价格正接近去年的创纪录高位。

    The IEA Medium Term Oil Market Report came as oil is approaching last year 's record high .

  4. 同时,据国际能源机构(InternationalEnergyAgency)估计,2010年的全球煤炭消费量达到72.38亿吨(这是可获取的最新数据)。

    At the same time the International Energy Agency estimates , global coal consumption reached 7,238 million tons in 2010 , the latest data available .

  5. 国际能源机构(internationalenergyagency)估计,与当前的政策承诺相比,实施新的环境政策将导致油价到2035年时每桶低大约20美元。

    The International Energy Agency forecasts that implementation of new environmental policies would result in oil prices roughly $ 20 a barrel lower by 2035 than under current policy commitments .

  6. 不过,如果说细节的详尽程度是衡量可信度的标准的话,那么,几乎没有什么资料来源能够与国际能源机构(IEA)昨日发布的《世界能源展望》(WorldEnergyOutlook)相提并论。

    If exhaustive detail is a measure of credibility , though , few sources equal the International Energy Agency 's World Energy Outlook , published yesterday .

  7. 国际能源机构(internationalenergyagency)称,在未来25年内,中美两国共需要1.5万亿瓦特新的净发电量,是美国现有产能的1.5倍。

    According to the International Energy Agency , China and the us together will need 1500 gigawatts of new net electricity generation in the next 25 years 1.5 times current US capacity .

  8. 但富裕国家的能源监管机构国际能源机构(IEA)表示,这种局面行将改变。

    But that is all about to change , says the International Energy Agency .

  9. 然而国际能源机构(iea)仍然预计,到2030年,实际油价将达115美元。

    Yet the international energy agency still expects real oil prices to hit $ 115 by 2030 .

  10. 国际能源机构(IEA)表示,高油价已经开始抑制消费增长。

    The International Energy Agency had reported that high oil prices had begun to dent consumption growth .

  11. 处理这些问题的恰当机构不再是国际能源机构(iea),而是北约(nato)。

    The appropriate institution to deal with these concerns is no longer the International Energy Agency ( IEA ) but NATO .

  12. 过去10年来,国际能源机构(iea)一再下调其对沙特石油产量的预测。

    The International Energy Agency has over the last decade steadily cut its projection for Saudi oil production .

  13. 据国际能源机构(IEA)表示,一些最大的发展中经济体每年在这类补贴上花费3100亿美元。

    The biggest developing economies spend $ 310bn a year in such subsidies , according to the International Energy Agency .

  14. 石油需求方主要有国际能源机构IEA,欧洲国家联盟EU,还有东南亚国家联盟ASEAN。

    On the demand side , there are IEA ( International Energy Agency ), EU ( European Union ) and ASEAN ( Association of South-east Asian Nations ) .

  15. 据国际能源机构(IEA)预测,到2035年,中国人均能源消费可能会超过全球平均水平。

    According to the International Energy Agency , per capita energy consumption in China could be above the global average by 2035 .

  16. 国际能源机构(iea)昨天将2030年国际石油价格预测提高到每桶至少65美元。

    The International Energy Agency yesterday raised its forecast for international oil prices to at least $ 65 a barrel in 2030 .

  17. 国际能源机构(iea)警告称,碳排放信用(carboncredit)的价格将必须在欧洲目前的交易水平上提高一倍以上,才能使应对气候变化的高科技解决方案具有经济上的吸引力。

    The International Energy Agency has warned that the price of carbon credits will have to more than double from the levels they now trade at in Europe to make high-tech solutions to climate change economically attractive .

  18. 国际能源机构(IEA)估计,2030年的全球能源需求将比现在高50%。

    The International Energy Agency says the world 's energy needs could be 50 per cent higher in 2030 than they are today .

  19. 发达国家石油监督机构国际能源机构(iea)一直向北京施加压力,要求其放开对国内价格的限制以遏制消费。

    The International Energy Agency , the developed countries oil watchdog , has pressed Beijing to liberalise its domestic prices to rein in consumption .

  20. 原油价格昨日下跌。此前,国际能源机构(IEA)称,全球石油需求将出现1981年以来最大年度降幅。

    Crude oil prices fell yesterday after the International Energy Agency said global demand for oil would record its sharpest annual drop since 1981 .

  21. 国际能源机构(IEA)手中也握有大量应急石油储备,可开闸注入市场以填补供应短缺。

    The International Energy Agency also controls large emergency stocks of oil , which could be released into the market to meet any shortage .

  22. 国际能源机构(iea)7月9日警告称,全球石油市场未来5年将“极为吃紧”。

    Just yesterday the International Energy Agency warned that the world oil market would be " extremely tight " over the next five years .

  23. 然而,国际能源机构(IEA)的数据显示,尽管世界各国政府每年对无碳发电领域的补贴高达370亿美元,这一领域对能源供应的贡献其实并不大。

    Yet the contribution of carbon-free electricity is modest , even after annual government subsidies of $ 37bn , according to the International Energy Agency .

  24. 销售量在上升国际能源机构(iea)预计,中国今年的石油产品需求将增长近6%。

    Sales are rising Chinese demand for oil products is forecast by the International Energy Agency to increase by almost 6 per cent this year .

  25. 该组织计划在成立后与国际能源机构(IEA)和国际标准化组织(ISO)合作,共同制定具体的行动计划。

    The organization plans to set up after the International Energy Agency ( IEA ) and the International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ) in collaboration with specific action plans .

  26. 国际能源机构(IEA)昨日表示,高油价令发达国家的石油需求萎缩,这是20年来的首次。

    High prices are for the first time in two decades prompting oil demand in developed countries to contract , the International Energy Agency said yesterday .

  27. 国际能源机构(IEA)预测,随着越来越多中国消费者购买汽车,到2030年,中国石油消耗量的80%需要依靠进口。

    With ever-more Chinese consumers buying cars , the International Energy Agency predicts that China will need to import 80 per cent of its oil by 2030 .

  28. 负责能源监督的国际能源机构(IEA)预计,在第三季度与第四季度之间,石油消费量将跃升200万桶/日。

    The International Energy Agency , the energy watchdog , forecast oil consumption will jump by 2m b / d between the third and the fourth quarter .

  29. 1994年初,国际能源机构(IEA)发布了一项统计数字。这个数字当时没有引起多少注意,但几年后改变了石油市场和全球经济。

    In early 1994 , the International Energy Agency released a statistic that attracted little attention but years later would transform oil markets and the global economy .

  30. 当前形势还没走到这一步,而国际能源机构(IEA)负责人向市场保证,必要时可以动用储备。

    The current situation does not merit it , the head of the International Energy Agency ( IEA ) reassured markets they could be used , if needed .