
jīn zhuān sì ɡuó
  • BRICs
  1. “金砖四国”的GDP为13.5万亿美元,而上述四国的GDP约占其30%,为3.9万亿美元。

    BRIC GDP was $ 13.5 trillion , while MIKT GDP at almost 30 percent of that : $ 3.9 trillion .

  2. MINT这个缩略语由首创“金砖四国”(BRIC)提法的英国经济学家吉姆·奥尼尔提出并广泛传播。

    The acronym MINT was popularized by Jim O ' Neill , a British economist5 best known for coining its predecessor6 , the term BRIC .

  3. 这篇有关“新钻十一国”的论文是2003年“金砖四国”(巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国)论文的后续篇。

    The N-11 paper is a follow-up to the bank 's 2003 paper on the four emerging " BRIC " economies , Brazil , Russia , India , and China .

  4. 金砖四国FDI对贸易竞争力优势影响比较分析

    Comparative Study of FDI Effect on International Trade Competitiveness in BRIC Countries

  5. 高盛资产管理公司(GoldmanSachsAssetManagement)也以一种积极态度管理着自己旗下的两只金砖四国基金。

    Goldman Sachs Asset Management also takes an active approach with its two Bric funds .

  6. 天达资产管理公司(investecassetmanagement)全球策略师迈克尔鲍尔(michaelpower)将投资者对金砖四国的兴趣归因于4个因素。

    Michael power , global strategist at Investec Asset Management , attributes interest in the BRICs to four factors .

  7. 事实上,金砖四国的GDP增长率在本十年内都大幅放缓了。

    It is a fact that all four BRIC countries have seen their GDP growth rates slow sharply in this decade .

  8. 到了与“金砖四国”(Brics)标签说再见的时候了。

    It 's time to bid farewell to the Brics .

  9. 金砖四国在摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(msciemergingmarketsindex)中占据大约半壁江山,而投资者往往参考该指数设定投资组合中的权重。

    BRIC countries make up about half of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index , often used by investors to set weightings for their portfolios .

  10. 再加上其它金砖四国(bric),其影响力在扩大。

    Add on the other BRICs , and the impact grows .

  11. 在普通中国人看来,“金砖四国”(bric)几乎不可相提并论。

    The BRICs nations have little in common from a Chinese perspective .

  12. 一些领先的非洲国家甚至争着加入快速发展的金砖四国(Bric)。

    Its leading nations are even competing to join the fast-developing Bric countries .

  13. 理特咨询(arthurdlittle)的分析师认为,跨国企业至少必须在本国市场战胜新竞争者,以回应来自金砖四国的威胁。

    Analysts at Arthur D little believe that multinationals must respond to the BRIC threat at least by beating these new competitors in to their home markets .

  14. 由于全球化,巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国变成了崭露头角的金砖四国(Brics)。

    Brazil , Russia , India and China became the up-and-coming Brics by virtue of globalisation .

  15. 信诚基金将在11月份推出一只金砖四国股市投资qdii基金。

    Citic-Prudential will launch a BRIC equities QDII in November .

  16. 自1981年以来,金砖四国(BRIC)的本土论文数量至少增长了两倍。

    Since 1981 , domestic research has at least trebled among the Bric nations .

  17. 而且,这些数字低估了美国和金砖四国(Brics)生活条件之间的差距。

    Furthermore , these numbers understate the gap in living conditions between the US and Brics countries .

  18. 金砖四国的IPO筹资额占2007年全部筹资额的39%,较2006年的32%有所上升。

    IPOs from the Bric countries accounted for 39 per cent of total volume in 2007 , up from 32 per cent in 2006 .

  19. 欧洲投资者还可以考虑规模为4.28亿美元的汇丰GIF金砖四国市场股票基金(HSBCGIFBricMarketsEquityFund),该基金采用一种积极的定量投资策略。

    European investors can also consider the $ 428m HSBC GIF Bric Markets Equity Fund , which follows an active quantitative investment process .

  20. 德勤咨询公司(DeloitteConsulting)的新兴市场专家戴维•马丁表示:“实际上,并没有所谓的金砖四国”。

    " There is no such thing as BRIC , " says David Martin , an emerging markets specialist with Deloitte Consulting .

  21. 金砖四国要求在欧洲目前占据过多席位的机构(如联合国和国际货币基金组织(imf))中享有更大话语权,这是对的。

    The BRICs are right to demand a greater say in bodies where Europe is over-represented , such as the United Nations and International Monetary Fund .

  22. 金砖四国其它国家只能作为特别嘉宾出席g8峰会,它们对该组织没有那么大的热情,这可以理解。

    The other BRICs , who only get to the G8 as special guests , are understandably less enthusiastic .

  23. 巴西成为被大肆吹嘘的“金砖四国”(bric)之一,仅排在中国之后。

    Brazil became one of the much-vaunted " BRIC " nations , ranking only behind China among them .

  24. 系统化的研究了金砖四国跨国公司的外部环境、跨国特点和跨国动因,特别是各国政府对于FDI导向和扶持政策的发展方面,进行了梳理和归纳。

    It systematic analyzes the BRICs TNCs , about their external environment , transnational features , drivers and motivations , especially summarizes the FDI policy of these four governments . 3 .

  25. 新兴市场长达十年之久的价值重估或许已经结束,而荒谬的金砖四国(Bric)狂热似乎也已偃旗息鼓。

    Emerging markets may have ended a decade-long secular re-evaluation and the ridiculous Bric trade appears to be dead .

  26. 已在咨询策略中使用金砖四国概念衍生版本的麦肯锡(mckinsey),也将参与。

    McKinsey , which has used a version of the BRICs concept in its consulting strategy , will also be involved .

  27. 迄今为止,松下把目标对准了“金砖四国”(brics,即巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)以及越南。

    So far , Panasonic has targeted the " BRICs " of Brazil , Russia , India and China , plus Vietnam .

  28. 但与中国一样,其他金砖四国(bric)经济体巴西、俄罗斯和印度的声望也有所提升。

    But the other BRIC nations Brazil , Russia and India , as well as China have also enhanced their reputation .

  29. 金砖四国最早源于英语中的“BRIC”,是由巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国四个国家的首字母缩写组成。

    BRIC which derives from the English word " bric " is composed by Brazil , Russian , India and China .

  30. IMF的数据显示印度的政府财政收入只有1.5万亿GDP的18%,是金砖四国的最低值。

    General government tax revenue is an estimated 18 percent of Indias $ 1.5 trillion in gross domestic product , the lowest among the four BRIC nations , International Monetary Fund data show .