
  • 网络financial account;Capital & financial account;reserve assets
  1. 论人民币资本与金融账户自由兑换

    On the free convertibility of Renminbi capital into financial account

  2. 为你的金融账户设置一个新密码。

    Create a new password for a secure financial account .

  3. 本文考虑到我国资本和金融账户下主要以FDI资金流动为主的现实,修正了BP曲线,并建立了一个确定性的静态模型。

    This paper modifies the BP curve and constructs a static model without uncertainty based on the reality of FDI flow under Capital and Finance Accounts in China .

  4. 韩国金融账户自由化的经济效应研究

    Studies on Economic Effects of Financial Account Liberalization in Korea

  5. 人民币实际汇率变动与中国资本和金融账户的相互影响

    The Interrelation of RMB Real Exchange Rate Change and China 's Capital and Financial Account

  6. 与此形成对比的是,在某些最富裕的国家,几乎人人都有金融账户。

    By contrast , nearly everyone has a financial account in some of the richest countries .

  7. 国际资本流动是指资本的跨国流动,账面反映在资本与金融账户上。

    International capital flow refers to the cross-border flow of capital , reflected in the capital and financial account .

  8. 资本与金融账户的大幅波动与我国当前的汇率制度安排有关。

    P in china has been caused by both current account and capital & financial account , especially the latter .

  9. 网络钓鱼攻击是指利用社会工程学和技术手段窃取消费者的个人资料以及金融账户身份认证证书。

    Network Phishing attacks use both social engineering and technical subterfuge to steal consumers ' personal identity data and financial account credentials .

  10. 世行报告称,2014年世界62%的成年人拥有某种金融账户。

    The World Bank reports that in 2014 62 per cent of the world 's adults had some kind of financial account .

  11. 910亿美元的资本和金融账户逆差,是1998年中国开始编制季度数据以来最糟糕的。

    The deficit of $ 91bn on the capital and financial accounts was the worst since quarterly data were first compiled in 1998 .

  12. 中国的国际收支平衡表数据显示,2季度和3季度金融账户赤字总计近250亿美元。

    China posted a combined $ 25bn deficit on the financial account in the second and third quarters , balance of payments data show .

  13. 这意味着,一个网站的登录细节可能会在更有价值的网站上使用:例如金融账户或人们的工作。

    This means the login details from one site canbe tried out on more valuable sites - financial accounts , for example , orpeople 's work .

  14. 国民经济账户包括生产账户、收入分配及支出账户、资本账户、金融账户、资产负债账户;

    National accounts consist of production account , distribution of income and expenditure account , capital account , financial account , and assets and liabilities accounts .

  15. 虽然大多数人的金融账户和个人信息并非国家安全局、联邦调查局,或外国政府的调查目标,但却时刻可能成为黑客的窃取对象。

    While most people aren 't targets of the NSA , FBI or a foreign government , hackers are looking to steal the financial and personal information of ordinary people .

  16. 而在这种表面的双顺差的背后隐藏的机理表明我国是经常账户顺差、资本与金融账户逆差的资本输出国。

    However , behind this " double surplus ", China actually is a capital export country with favorable balance in current account and adverse balance in capital and financial account .

  17. 我国国际收支平衡表的资本和金融账户尚未完全开放,使得我国资本市场与世界主要发达国家资本市场存在分割。

    The capital and finance account of Balance of Payment in China is not completely open , and there is a gap between the domestic capital market and advanced ones in the world .

  18. 第二节在该模型的基础上从经常账户和资本与金融账户两个角度实证分析了我国双顺差短期可维持。

    Second section analyzed our country in this model foundation from the checking account and the capital and the financial account diagnoses the double favorable balance to be possible to maintain in the short-term .

  19. 在布鲁金斯学会研究员考察的21个国家中,肯尼亚位列榜首,如今75%的成年人拥有某种金融账户,较2011年增长了33个百分点。

    Kenya topped the rankings of the 21 countries Brookings researchers examined , with 75 per cent of adults now holding financial accounts of some sort , a 33 percentage point increase from 2011 .

  20. 净国外贷款总额(总储蓄减去国内投资)与政府及私人部门的金融账户余额(后者为企业和家庭账户余额总和)之和一定为零。

    The sum of net foreign lending ( gross savings , less domestic investment ) and the government and private sector financial balances ( the latter the sum of corporate and household balances ) must be zero .

  21. 虽然没有任何迹象显示,这些国家有兴趣改用不同的模式,但对于更多地分享海外金融账户的信息,世界各国的政府表现出了广泛兴趣。

    Although none of the countries have shown signs yet of switching to a different model , there has been a broad increase in interest by governments around the world in sharing more information on overseas financial accounts .

  22. 当人民币国际化发展到一定程度,需要大力推进人民币国际化时,一个可维持的国际收支结构应该是:贸易账户赤字、经常账户赢余和资本金融账户赤字相结合。

    As the degree of RMB internationalization is very high , a sustainable structure of balance of payments is as follows : combining deficits in the trade account and surplus in the current account with deficits in the capital and financial account .

  23. 周一,本案的破产受托人宣布,明富环球金融集团账户上去向不明的资金可能远远不止6亿美元&实际数额也许高达12亿美元。

    On Monday , the bankruptcy trustee for the case announced that there may be much more than $ 600 million missing from MF global accounts & perhaps as much as $ 1.2 billion .

  24. PeteD'Arruda说,好的方案意味着使用资产分配,把钱存入不同风险水平的金融证券和账户中。

    Pete D'Arruda says good planning means placing money into financial securities and accounts that have different risk levels , using asset allocation .

  25. 存款把资金存入客户在银行或金融机构的账户。

    Deposit Transfer of funds into a customer 's account held at a bank or financial institution .

  26. 中国金融发展与经常账户失衡的关系研究

    Research on the Relationships between Financial Development and the Imbalance of Current Account in China

  27. 这个问题所涉及的范围,比金融援助和经常账户余额的具体问题更为广泛。

    The problem is wider than the specifics of financial rescues and current account balances .

  28. 鉴于汇丰金融的抵押贷款账户如今在不断缩小,投资者似乎必定会忽略资产的进一步恶化。

    With the HSBC Finance Mortgage book now in run-off , investors seem set to shrug off further deterioration in the assets .

  29. 其中一个简单的方法就是在某个不征收利息税的离岸金融中心开设银行账户。

    One simple way to do this is to open a bank account in an OFC that does not tax interest payments .

  30. 该计划引发了北京方面各机构之间的内讧。在管理中国金融体系和资本账户方面,各方存在利益冲突。

    The proposal had provoked infighting between agencies in Beijing with conflicting interests in management of the country 's financial system and capital account .