
jīn rónɡ ɡōnɡ sī
  • finance company
  1. 她是一家金融公司的领导层成员。

    She has an executive position in a finance company .

  2. 大连万达集团于1月同意了以约35亿美元的价格收购传奇影业(LegendaryEntertainment),一家电影制作与金融公司。

    Dalian Wanda agreed in January to buy Legendary Entertainment , a film production and finance company , for about $ 3.5 billion .

  3. 第一资本金融公司(CapitalOne)的代言人是演艺明星亚历克斯•鲍德温,露华浓(Revlon)的“品牌大使”则是哈莉•贝瑞。

    Celebrity endorsements are commonplace , from capital one pitchman Alec Baldwin to Revlon " brand ambassador " Halle Berry .

  4. 汽车金融公司VS商业银行

    Car Financing Companies vs Commercial Banks

  5. BASH:是金融公司吗?

    BASH : Any financial firms at all ?

  6. 结果是:iGATEPatni公司的销售额达9亿美元,并实现了盈利,公司客户包括加拿大皇家银行(RoyalBankofCanada)和通用金融公司(GEFinance)。

    The result : igate patni brings in $ 900 million in sales , he says , profitably serving clients like Royal Bank of Canada and Ge finance .

  7. 公众已经被蒙蔽得太久了,看够了对美联银行(Wachovia)、汇丰银行(HSBC)、巴克莱银行(BarclaysBank)、瑞银(UBS)、高盛(GoldmanSachs)等大型金融公司的罚款。

    The public has been suffocated enough by fines against the likes of Wachovia , HSBC , Barclays Bank , UBS , Goldman Sachs and seemingly every other major financial institution .

  8. 2000年,国际金融公司(IFC)和多边投资担保机构(MIGA)成立了合规顾问/投诉办公室(CAO)。

    The International Finance Corporation ( IFC ) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Association ( MIGA ) established the Compliance Advisor / Ombudsman Office ( CAO ) in2000 .

  9. 第四家金融公司、大都会人寿(Metlife)可能也需要获得帮助。

    A fourth financial firm , insurer MetLife ( MET ) , would likely be in need of assistance as well .

  10. 美国证券交易委员会(sec)周二采取紧急行动,打击滥用卖空交易的行为,从而增加了交易员参与对领先金融公司进行所谓的“无交割保障”卖空交易的难度。

    The securities and Exchange Commission on Tuesday took emergency action to clamp down on abusive short selling , making it more difficult for traders to engage in so-called " naked " short sales of leading financial firms .

  11. 过去两年,中国投资公司(CIC)的投资重点,从对包括百仕通(Blackstone)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)在内的金融公司的美元投资,转向投资于大宗商品企业以及包括房地产在内的硬资产。

    In the past two years , CIC has shifted its emphasis from dollar investments in financial firms , including Blackstone and Morgan Stanley , to investments in commodities groups and hard assets including real estate .

  12. 在纽约一家金融公司工作的高管罗斯·基纳尔(RossZnavor)参加商务会议时,系紫色而不是红色的领带,因为他觉得紫色能显示自信,帮他留下持久的第一印象。

    Ross Znavor , an executive in financial services in New York , wears purple ties rather than red to business meetings because the colour shows a bit of self-confidence and helps him create lasting first impressions .

  13. 国际金融公司(IFC)在讨论各种可能采取的模式:与IFC一起进行项目投资、投资多国基金或者开展合资项目。

    The International Finance Corporation ( IFC ) is discussing a number of possible approaches : investing alongside IFC in projects , investing in multi-country funds , or in joint ventures .

  14. CPDF的措施很准确地体现了国际金融公司的战略要点的核心,即:以欠发达地区为主;支持当地中小企业和金融机构,并帮助获得可持续发展。

    This approach lies at the heart of IFC 's strategic priorities of focusing on underdeveloped markets , supporting local SME and financial sectors , and assisting with sustainable development .

  15. 汽车金融公司缘何美梦难成真

    Why the Dream of Auto Finance Companies Hard to Come True

  16. 银行及其它金融公司喜欢打海外牌。

    Banks and other financial firms love to play the offshore card .

  17. 毕业后,她在一家当地的金融公司找到了工作。

    After graduation , she found employment with a local finance company .

  18. 汽车金融公司章程。

    ( c ) articles of Association of the auto financing company .

  19. 证券金融公司:一个新的融资通道

    Financial Company of the Securities : A New Financing Passage

  20. 赤道原则-国际金融公司政策的延伸

    Equator principle & international finance company policy 's extension

  21. 要求更换或禁止更换汽车金融公司高级管理人员。

    Demanding or prohibiting the change of the company 's senior managerial personnel ;

  22. 二是汽车金融公司的风险监管问题。

    The second question is about the controlling of business and financial risks .

  23. 国际金融公司还在11个农村金融项目中投资了约1.2亿美元。

    IFC has also invested about $ 120 million in11 rural finance operations .

  24. 非金融公司表现良好,公司活动仍在进行。

    Non-financial corporations are in good shape and corporate activity is still taking place .

  25. 国际金融公司(金融公司)-华盛顿,美国〔世界银行集团〕

    International Finance Corporation ( IFC ) - Washington , USA [ World Bank Group ]

  26. 在信用繁荣之时,大多数美国非金融公司并没有失去头脑,胡乱作为。

    Most of America 's non-financial firms did not go mad in the credit boom .

  27. 国际金融公司正在设立两个1亿美元的新基金,针对基础设施和微型股本。

    IFC is setting up two new $ 100 million funds for infrastructure and microequity .

  28. 在危机期间,国际金融公司将其战略重点集中在最贫困的国家和地区。

    During the crisis , IFC maintained its strategic focus on the poorest countries and regions .

  29. 第三条中国银行业监督管理委员会负责对汽车金融公司的监督管理。

    Article 3 Auto financing companies are supervised and regulated by the China Banking Regulatory Commission .

  30. 我国汽车集团财务公司向汽车金融公司转化的可行性及模式研究

    Research in Feasibility and Pattern of Translation from Automobile Inter-group Finance Company to Automobile Finance Services