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  • gold collar worker;highly-skilled worker
  1. 而NHS的梅德韦、肯特分处,已经在向抚恤金领取者提供性方面的建议。

    And the NHS in Medway , Kent , have even started producing sex advice to pensioners .

  2. 所谓的金领贵族实质上不过是高收入的脑力劳动者而已。

    The so-called golden-collar gentry are essentially nothing but brain-workers with high income .

  3. 体育经纪人:跛足的金领

    A sports broker , who is a golden collar with his lame foot

  4. 从此,我从一个准金领阶级成为了创业者。

    It was then , I became an entrepreneur .

  5. 金领:对金钱失去判断力

    Golden collar : losing judge on money

  6. 这费用对中国社会的多数人而言,确实太高了。所言‘绿领’需要‘金领’的收入就不足为奇了。

    No wonder it 's been said that to be a'green-collar'requires the income of a'gold-collar .

  7. 雪佛兰的设计特色的标志性全球面对-两层格栅和突出的金领结标志。

    The design features Chevy 's signature global face-the two-tier grille and prominent gold Bowtie insignia .

  8. 一个金领朋友如是说。

    A gold-collar friend remarks .

  9. 全新的管理理念,贵族式的精品服务,都市金领的标志。

    Fire-new concept of running the family , aristocratic refine , and the symbol of the golden-collars .

  10. 不久之前,硕士学位或多或少还是拿到金领职位的通行证。

    Not long ago , a master 's degree was more or less a passport to a high-flying job .

  11. 2009年以来,失业保险金领取期的限制被放宽;部分劳动者可领取长达99周的失业保险金。

    Starting in 2009 , the limit has been extended ; some workers have collected for as long as 99 weeks .

  12. 克雷维斯随后也到了,穿着白衬衫、打着格子领带,金领带夹引人注目。

    A few minutes later Kravis appears , wearing a white shirt and checked tie , with a striking gold tiepin .

  13. 或许的第三,你的生活标准平均偏上;不能够跟所谓的金领比较。

    Third , your living standard maybe above average ; but it is not high enough compare to the so-called gold collar .

  14. 一个三十六岁的女金领,为了缅怀一段从未说出口的感情,用三年时间写下一本书。

    A female gold collar , 36 years for a memorial to the sentiment , never say with three years to write a book .

  15. 这种说法乍一听有点道理,但实际上意味着其他政府支出就没有保障了,包括向社保金领取者的付款。

    That may sound fine at first , but it effectively suggests other expenses , such as payments to social security recipients , could take a back seat .

  16. 人们习惯将职业女性分为白领、蓝领、粉领和金领四种类型。

    People used to tell working women from four types : " white collar " and " blue-collar " and " pink collar " and " golden collar " .

  17. 绿色生活原则要求时尚追求者要养成绿色的生活方式与工作方式,不管是蓝领、白领、金领,都要成为绿色公民。

    The green living principle requires pursuers nurturance green fashion lifestyle and ways of working , whoever blue-collar , white-collar or golden-collar , all must to be " green citizens " .

  18. 1928年,通用印度公司成立,挂着金领结标志的雪佛兰轿车、卡车和巴士驶下孟买郊外新建的装配线。

    General Motors India was established in1928 , and assembly of Chevroletcars , trucks , and buses soon commenced at a new assembly plant on the outskirts of Bombay ( now Mumbai ) .

  19. 软件金领是工程型高端人才,具有创新能力的两个核心品质:创造性思维和创新人格,具备娴熟的外语听说读能力和交往能力、精通国外文化与习俗。

    Golden-Collars are the top talents with creative thoughts and innovative characters , armed with high abilities of speaking and reading in foreign languages , as well as rich knowledge of communication skills and foreign cultures .

  20. 报告说,一半的千万富豪都是企业老板,其余是股市、楼市投资者或金领,也就是高层经理人。

    The report says that half of the millionaires are business owners , and the rest are investors in stocks or real estate or are what are known in China as ' golden collars , ' or high-level executives .