
  • 网络financial trust;finance trust
  1. 金融信托与委托理财是资产管理的两种不同形式,表述不同的法律关系。

    There are two different forms of asset management : finance trust and commission financing , which indicate different legal relationships .

  2. 基金本质上属于金融信托,具有集中小额资金、组合投资、分散风险、专家理财、品种多、流动性强等特点。

    Securities investment fund is a kind of finance trust in itself and has such characteristics as pooling capital , constructing portfolio , risk-shared , run-by-experts and high liquidity .

  3. 通过对QDII制度分析,本文认为QDII制度应属于金融信托法律关系。

    This article considers that QDII system should belong to the legal relationship of financial trust .

  4. 第七章从四个方面提出了我国政府对发展REITs应采取的对策。7.1借鉴国外经验,发展金融信托业;

    Chapter 7 presents 4 strategies in developing REITs by government : 7.1 . develop financial trusts by learning from the foreign experience ;

  5. 第二节从我国金融信托业的发展、REITs的投资主体、我国房地产基金市场、外资不断涌入等方面对我国发展REITs的可行性进行论证。

    Section 2 demonstrates the feasibility of China 's based on the development of China 's financial and trust section , investment principal part of our country 's REITs , Real Estate Funds market of China , and increasing of foreign capitals .

  6. 金融信托与委托理财的规范运作与风险防范

    Standard Operation and Risk Precaution in Financial Trust and Entrusted Financing

  7. 根据我国金融信托业存在的问题,从宏观、微观及法律环境三个方面对此进行了论述;

    There exist some problems of financial trust industry in China now .

  8. 在信托引进国,信托业法是关于金融信托业务的基本法,与《信托法》并列为信托法制的基石。

    Trust Business Law is the basic law on financial trust operation .

  9. 信托的制度性功能;金融信托分业制的理论分析;再论医药分业

    The institutional function of trust ; Discussing the separation between medical and medicine

  10. 法律视野中金融信托业的困境与出路

    The Plight And Outlet Of The Financial & Trust Industry in the View of Law

  11. 金融信托业法比较研究

    Comparative Study on Financial Trust Business Law

  12. 中国金融信托业发展研究

    A Study on Chinese Financial Trust Industry

  13. 主要阐述了我国金融信托业的发展现状、我国房地产业的发展现状、我国金融业对房地产业的支持现状;

    It mainly discusses the state quo of financial trusts , real estate and how the finance supports real estate .

  14. 自1979年恢复金融信托业务以来,我国金融信托业经历了六次大的治理整顿。

    Since China resumed the financial trust business in 1979 , the trust industry has experienced six major improvements and rectification .

  15. 金融信托业固有的行业属性与经营特点,决定了其系统性风险与非系统性风险必然交织杂揉,不仅空间并存,而且时间上继起。

    It is the intrinsic special characteristic and operational feature of the financial trust industry that determines the intertexture of its systematic and unsystematic risk .

  16. 经过数百年的发展,既具有理财功能又具有中长期融资功能的金融信托,成为现代信托业的主流。

    With the development of several centuries , financial trust has become the trend of trust because it has the functions of property management and financing .

  17. 金融信托兼业制的理论分析;金融信托业务的多样化与趋势等等。

    The theoretical analysis on whether the trust industry and the banking industry should be operated separately and the trend of the modern trust industry business .

  18. 衡平信托投资有限责任公司(以下简称衡平信托)主要从事以金融信托为主要业务内容的综合性金融服务。

    Heng Ping Trust Investment Co. Ltd ( referred to as Heng Ping Trust below ) is a comprehensive financial service company mainly dealing with financial trust products .

  19. 美国从英国引入了民事信托,并逐步从一般信托、民事信托、商事信托发展成为现代金融信托。

    The United States introduced civil trust from Great Britain , and developed step by step from general trust , civil trust , and commercial trust to modern financial trust .

  20. 房地产信托是金融信托业与房地产业相互融合的产物,具备连接货币市场、资本市场和产业市场的综合融资平台优势。

    Real estate trust is mutual financial trust industry and the fusion of the real estate industry , with connecting the money market , capital market and industrial market advantages of an integrated finance platform .

  21. 从金融信托投资机构的资产、负债、表外业务和管理水平等几个方面,阐述了识别风险分析的方法,提出了防范和化解风险的10点建议。

    From the asset , debt , the business and management standard of finance entrust investment organization , this paper expounds the ways of how to distinguish and analyze the risks and therefore provides us with ten suggestions of how to dissolve these risks .

  22. 大型金融集团中国信托金融(chinatrustfinancial)早些时候宣布,计划通过私募或公开发行方式发行新股。

    Chinatrust Financial , a big financial group , earlier announced plans to issue new shares through private placement or public issuance .

  23. 正是这种独特功用使得目的信托在二十世纪七、八十年代在各离岸金融中心掀起信托改革热潮。

    It is these unique functions make purpose trust popular in offshore financial centers .

  24. 作为一类特殊的金融企业,信托公司在功能作用、市场定位、业务范围等方面完全不同于其他金融企业。

    Be a special financial business enterprise , the trust company totally differs from others in function , market orientation and business scope .

  25. 过去几年里,已有一些外资金融机构对中国信托公司进行了投资。

    In the past few years , a few foreign financial institutions have invested in Chinese trust companies .

  26. 为此,我国金融监管部门对信托业前后进行了五次整顿,终于拨开云雾见青天,信托业迎来了自己发展史上的黄金时期。

    The financial supervision institutions made five consolidations and the trust business has entered into a golden period in its development .

  27. 构建以客户为中心的战略是所有企业良性发展的必要条件,这对于处在金融服务行业的信托公司来说尤为重要。

    Building customer-centered strategy is a necessary development for the company , which is quite important to the trust company of financial services .

  28. 与银行、证券等金融工具相比,信托在此次经济复苏过程中具备许多优势。

    When compared with Banks , securities , and other financial tools , trust has many advantages in the process of economic recovery .

  29. 因此,针对新的金融环境下的信托监管问题研究具有极强的理论意义和实际意义。

    Therefore , the research aim at the trust and regulatory issues under the new financial environment has a strong theoretical and practical significance .

  30. 政府与监管机关与其把股东分成更多阶层,或许更能够思考要如何在金融领域内定义信托责任。

    Instead of creating multiple classes of shareholders , governments and regulators may want to think about how they define fiduciary duties in the financial realm .