
  • 网络infrastructure trust
  1. 城市环境基础设施信托投资模式分析

    Analysis on Trust & Investment Model for Municipal Environment Infrastructure

  2. 国有投资公司还可开展基础设施信托业务为城市基础设施建设提供有力的融资支持。

    Trust service can be provided to back up the construction of urban infrastructure .

  3. 基础设施项目利用信托融资的模式研究

    Research on the Mode of Trust Financing Used by Infrastructure Construction Project

  4. 6月底,基础设施领域的信托投资从第一季度的21.9%增长到了22.6%。

    Trust financing for infrastructure rose to 22.6 % at the end of June from 21.9 % in the first quarter .

  5. 本文分析了利用产业信托投资城市环境基础设施的可行性和现实性,并做出一个环境基础设施信托投资方案的结构设计。

    The paper makes an analysis on feasibility and reality of urban environmental infrastructure in using industry trust investment and makes a structure design on trust investment program of environmental infrastructure .