
  • 网络offshore trust;Off shore trust;off-shore trust
  1. 熟悉此笔交易的人表示,李泽楷成立的一家离岸信托公司只要支付约3000万美元,就可收购该报50%的股份。

    According to people familiar with the transaction , an offshore trust established by Mr Li will pay only about $ 30m for a 50 per cent interest in the newspaper .

  2. 第一章介绍了离岸信托的相关概念,着重评述了《海牙信托公约》对离岸信托法律适用的国际协调功能,并对离岸信托避税的方式、危害以及界定作了解释。

    The first chapter described the concepts of the offshore trust , focused his remarks on international coordination function of " the Hague Trust Convention " in offshore trust laws section , as well as explained offshore trust tax avoidance methods , hazards and the definition .

  3. 本文第一章为离岸信托避税概述。

    Chapter one gives a short overview on offshore – trust tax avoidance .

  4. 利用离岸信托贷款结构防范海外项目的投资风险

    Use the Offshore Trustee Borrowing Structure to Minimise the Investment Risk of the Overseas Projects On Trust

  5. 直到不久前,常被用于避税的离岸信托和服务公司还被视为现代市场经济惯有的一部分。

    Until quite recently , the offshore trusts and service companies routinely used as tax shelters were judged to be part of the furniture of the modern market economy .

  6. 这个伦敦社交团体可能提出的议题包括,如何应对针对非定居居民即将出台的税收变动、离岸信托及公司、对冲基金策略和一般及专项投资。

    Likely topics to be addressed by the London Group are how to handle the pending tax changes for non-domiciled residents , offshore trusts and companies , hedge fund strategies and general and niche investments .

  7. 随着经济全球化的推进,离岸信托又成为信托发展的新阶段,利用离岸信托规避本国税收已成为国际避税的新手段。

    With the advance of economic globalization , offshore trusts also become a trustee of the new stage of development , the use of offshore trusts to avoid their tax avoidance has become a new means .

  8. 信托天生就具有规避法律的血统,而融合了近代金融自由化与经济全球化成就的离岸信托则更充分地体现了其规避法律的特性。

    Trust is inherently used to circumvent the law , in particular , while the fusion of modern achievement of financial liberalization and economic globalization , offshore trusts are more fully embodies the characteristics of its circumvention of the law .

  9. 如今随着跨国公司蓬勃发展,利用离岸信托进行国际避税已越来越受到跨国集团公司的青睐,许多跨国纳税人都把在避税地设立离岸信托作为国际避税的主要手段。

    Today , with the vigorous development of multinational group of companies to use offshore trusts in international tax avoidance , it has become increasingly popular . Many multinational taxpayers regard the establishment of offshore trusts in tax havens as the primary means of international tax avoidance .

  10. 正是这种独特功用使得目的信托在二十世纪七、八十年代在各离岸金融中心掀起信托改革热潮。

    It is these unique functions make purpose trust popular in offshore financial centers .