
  • 网络offshore business;Off-Shore Banking Business
  1. 安永(ernst&young)亚洲金融服务主管包凯(keithpogson)指出,在发展在岸及离岸业务时,中国银行只不过是在为将来做打算。

    Keith Pogson , head of financial services in Asia at Ernst & young , says that BoC in its onshore and offshore business is simply looking to the future .

  2. 我国商业银行离岸业务经营策略研究

    Research on the Offshore Business Strategy of Chinese Commercial Banks

  3. 不过,还有其它一些跟外包和离岸业务相关的危险。

    But there are other hazards associated with outsourcing and offshoring .

  4. 虽然离岸业务目前还在萌芽时期,但是发展迅速。

    The offshore business is still in its infancy , but is growing fast .

  5. 允许空壳公司存在,允许进行离岸业务的操作。

    Allow shell companies ( having no business ) to be exist and offshore business to be operated .

  6. 他们开始缓慢和非常谨慎,当他们变得了解时,离岸业务会很活跃。

    They will move slowly and super-cautiously at first and become more active offshore as they become more comfortable .

  7. 他们表示,外资银行扩展在华业务的好处在于,它们可以通过在岸合资企业建立的业务联系为争取离岸业务铺路。

    The benefit , they say , is in the offshore business derived from relationships won through onshore ventures .

  8. 虽然有预言称,离岸业务正在消亡,但事实上,离岸业务仍将成长发展,因为它仍然具有重要作用。

    There have been predictions that offshore is dying , but offshore will grow because it still has an important role .

  9. 中国曾出现外资企业设立研究部门的热潮,这曾在西方国家激起对离岸业务的担忧。

    China has seen a surge in foreign companies setting up research operations , prompting fears in western countries about offshoring .

  10. 如果国家如何规范公司可以花大量的周转资金,它将无法离岸业务。

    If the state heavily regulates how a corporation can spend its working capital , it will not be able to offshore its operations .

  11. 伦敦将加入包括新加坡和台北在内的其它金融中心的行列,竞逐不断增长的人民币离岸业务。

    London will join other centres , including Singapore and Taipei , which are vying for a share of the growing offshore RMB business .

  12. 日前公布的一份欧洲劳动力市场研究报告显示,贸易、外包及离岸业务的增长非但不会造成失业,反而会增加发达经济体的就业岗位。

    Increased trade , outsourcing and offshoring do not create unemployment but boost the number of jobs in advanced economies , a study of European labour markets says today .

  13. 而为了避免离岸业务的负面影响,对资本项目和货币自由兑换是在发展过程中的特定阶段必不可少的政策。

    In order to avoid the negative affects form offshore industry Services , freely convertible of capital and currency is an essential policy in the development of a specific section .

  14. 制定固定汇率的最终市场协会委员会的主席劳伦斯·拉姆说,新的参考汇率将是一个“香港人民币离岸业务进一步发展的必需元素”。

    The new reference rate will be an " essential element for the further expansion of Hong Kong 's renminbi offshore businesses ", said Lawrence Lam , chairman of the TMA committee that developed the fixing .

  15. 尽管西方银行家或许会对一个问题感到不解,即这种模式为何会对中资银行奏效,但充分的案例已具有足够的说服力,去促使它们中的大多数在亚洲地区开设离岸业务。

    While Western bankers may struggle with the question of why it would work for Chinese banks , the broad business case is compelling enough for most of them to have an offshore presence in the region .

  16. 他说:配合它们现有的离岸业务,发展海底业务可能产生巨大的协同效应,但鉴于海底业务要求的技术非常复杂,像它们这样的市场后入者实际上很难赶超业内领先的公司。

    There could be great synergies with their existing offshore businesses but it would be realistically difficult for latecomers like them to catch up with the leading players , given the complex technologies the subsea business requires , he says .

  17. 中国银行本周终止了在欧洲建立私人银行分支的努力,并已决定将重心放在香港和澳门的离岸业务上。去年在两地建立分支机构以来,该行一直在大量招兵买马。

    The bank , which this week ended its bid to establish a private banking operation in Europe , has chosen to focus on offshore business in Hong Kong and Macau and has been on a hiring spree since it established operations there last year .

  18. 监管方面针对当前这场金融危机的强烈反应其中包括20国集团(g20)、经合组织(oecd)以及个别国家的政府采取的一系列打击离岸银行业务的举措可能仍处在初期阶段。

    The regulatory backlash against the current financial crisis including a flurry of initiatives from the G20 , the organisation for Economic Co-operation and development and individual governments attacking offshore banking may still be in its early stages .

  19. 离岸银行业务管理办法实施细则

    Detaled Rule for the Implementation of Regulation of Offshore Banking Business

  20. 离岸户口业务可一夜学会。

    The few quirks of offshore banking can be learned overnight .

  21. 滨海新区离岸金融业务刍议

    Talks on Offshore Financial Business in the New Developed Area of Binhai

  22. 离岸银行业务的国际监管法律问题研究

    Study of the International Supervision of Off-shore Banking

  23. 安排一家清算行是发展离岸人民币业务的关键一步。

    Opening a clearing bank is a critical step in developing an offshore yuan-based business .

  24. 他正购买有关离岸银行业务的书籍和一本哥斯达黎加旅游指南。

    He was buying books about offshore banking and a travel guide to Costa Rica .

  25. 因此,研究我国的离岸金融业务的开展具有重要的战略意义。

    Therefore , has an important strategic significance for developing offshore financial business research in China .

  26. 其次对离岸银行业务风险管理进行了理论概述,并对风险管理模式进行了探讨。

    Secondly , theories on the risk management of offshore banking are reviewed and risk management models are discussed .

  27. 利率市场化,离岸人民币业务都达到了一个新的阶段,中国的金融开放为人民币国际化创造了前所未有的有利条件。

    The interest rate decided by market and the offshore business of RMB has already come to a new stage .

  28. 离岸金融业务的发展,对世界金融一体化和经济全球化发挥了重要的推动作用。

    The developing of Offshore Financial Business has played an important role in advancing international financial integration and economy globalization .

  29. 目前,香港是提供最完善离岸人民币业务的地方,也是人民币境外存量最多的城市。

    HK is the city that provides perfect offshore RMB business currently and also the home of the largest IRMB stock overseas .

  30. 我们的客户期望我随时告知离岸银行业务最新情况,离岸知识变化太快。

    My clients expect me to keep abreast of the newest developments in offshore banking , and offshore events do change quite rapidly .