
  • 网络Offshore Financial Market;off-shore financial market;offshore finance market
  1. 其中最为著名的是美国的利率上限规定(RegulationQ)。该规定禁止对活期存款支付利息,这个规定还推动了战后第一个离岸金融市场的发展:伦敦的欧洲美元市场。

    The most famous of these , " Regulation Q " in the US , which forbade the payment of interest on demand deposits , promoted the development of the first significant postwar offshore financial market : the eurodollar market in London .

  2. 创建及发展上海离岸金融市场问题研究

    The Research of Establishment and Development of Shanghai Offshore Financial Market

  3. 本文论述了中国加入WTO后重新开放离岸金融市场的必要性,客观地分析了中国开展离岸金融业务存在的主要问题,提出了大力拓展中国离岸金融市场的措施建议。

    This paper have discussed the again open necessariness off shore financial market after China joins WTO , have analysed the development of our country objectively off shore financial business existent major problem , have put forward extend the measure suggestion of our country off shore financial market vigorously .

  4. 本文建议我国建立离岸金融市场应采取类似纽约的IBF型,而地点则应该选择上海作为我国将来的离岸金融中心所在地,在方式选择上应走政府推进型之路。

    About the mode , location and process , the author suggests we should take the New York type and the location should be shanghai and the process should be pushed by the government .

  5. 我国离岸金融市场的发展对策

    The countermeasures for development of the off-shore financial market in China

  6. 香港人民币离岸金融市场发展与人民币国际化

    Hong Kong 's RMB Offshore Financial Market Development and Internationalization of RMB

  7. 浅议我国离岸金融市场的建立与发展

    Analysis on the establishment and development of Offshore financial markets

  8. 我国离岸金融市场的区位构建与模式选择

    Regional Establishment and Mode Option of China Offshore Financial Market

  9. 第三章为离岸金融市场监管。

    Chapter two is a study of the supervision of such a market .

  10. 天津滨海新区建立离岸金融市场研究

    Research on the Construction of New Area Offshore Financial Market in Tianjin Binhai

  11. 本章共分三节,第一节分析了建立和发展上海离岸金融市场的国际、国内机遇和挑战。

    Section 1 analyses the condition of the establishment of OF in Shanghai .

  12. 离岸金融市场法律问题研究

    Study on Legal Problems of the Offshore Financial Market

  13. 上海离岸金融市场发展研究

    A Study on the Development of Off-shore Financial Market

  14. 我国发展离岸金融市场的路径及模式选择研究

    The Study of Development of Offshore Financial Markets and Mode Selection in China

  15. 建立和完善人民币离岸金融市场监管的思考

    Thoughts on Monitoring and Regulating the Establishment and Perfection of RMB Off-Shore Financial Market

  16. 从这个意义上说,离岸金融市场才是真正的国际金融市场。

    In this sense , Offshore financial markets is the real international financial markets .

  17. 国际离岸金融市场理论研究及对我国的启示

    Study of the Theories of International Offshore Financial Market and Its Applications to China

  18. 离岸金融市场风险管理研究

    The Risk Management of Offshore Financial Market

  19. 论创建我国的离岸金融市场

    Establishing the Offshore Financial Market in China

  20. 可见,随着金融国际化浪潮的推进,发展离岸金融市场已经成为各国金融竞争的焦点。

    Now the offshore financial market has developed to be anew characteristic of the counties ' competition .

  21. 离岸金融市场是现代国际金融市场的一个必要组成部分。

    As we all know , Off-shore Finance Market is an essential part of international finance market .

  22. 因此,离岸金融市场的建立和发展有赖于相关法律制度的健全和保障。

    So the establish and development of offshore financial market depends on establishment of related legal system .

  23. 我国金融市场国际化新视点:建立离岸金融市场

    Establishment of the Off-Shore Financial Market : A Perspective of the Internationalization of Our Country 's Financial Market

  24. 本文主要分析了在我国建立和发展离岸金融市场的可行性及发展离岸金融业务需要注意的若干问题。

    This paper analysises the feasibility of establishing Offshore financial markets and some issues that should be attentioned .

  25. 在这种情况下,离岸金融市场的起步可能是近期我国金融市场走向国际化的重要选择之一。

    Therefore , the start of offshore finance is an alternative that the financial market makes for internationalization .

  26. 离岸金融市场的快速发展,对我国税收相关法律法规提出了新的要求。

    The increasingly development of Offshore Financial Markets calls for the innovations on the corresponding tax policies and laws .

  27. 其中,只有离岸金融市场上的税收监管涉及利益在国家与离岸金融交易主体之间的非市场性关系的平衡。

    And only offshore financial tax collection involved in the national interests with non-market tax balance offshore financial transaction .

  28. 那么,离岸金融市场与对外贸易之间到底是如何的相互影响的呢?其相互作用的机理及影响因素就是本文研究的主题。

    So , in this case , how actually does foreign trade and offshore financial market influence each other ?

  29. 亚洲金融危机爆发的内部原因,在一定程度上源于离岸金融市场管理不善。

    The internal reason of Asian Financial Crisis is the improper management of offshore financial market at a certain extent .

  30. 中国也不例外,离岸金融市场的发展不仅非常必要而且也相当可行。

    China is no exception . The development of offshore financial market is not only quite necessary but also rather feasible .