
  • 网络Financial service market
  1. 金融服务市场的开放与金融危机:WTO与金融改革

    The Openness of Financial Service Market and Financial Crisis : WTO and Financial Reform

  2. 我国金融服务市场开放与WTO的要求之间还存在一些差距,我国应采取措施,保证金融服务市场开放有序健康地进行。

    Therefore measures should be taken to ensure an orderly , healthy opening of the financial service market .

  3. 为加入WTO,我国亦承诺有计划、有步骤积极稳妥地开放金融服务市场。

    In order to enter WTO , Our country has also promised to open finance Service market .

  4. 本文对WTO规则下的金融服务市场准入的法律体系以及法律原则进行了研究,同时参照了国际上关于金融服务准入监管方面的先进经验。

    I Study the legal system and legal principles of the financial services market access under WTO rules , with reference to the international advanced experience on access to financial services regulation in this paper .

  5. 美国财政部长杰克•卢(JackLew)要求北京方面暂停新的网络安全规则,美国信息技术企业担心,这些规则可能把它们挡在一个价值近5000亿美元的金融服务市场门外。

    Jack Lew , US Treasury secretary , called on Beijing to suspend new cyber security rules that US information technology companies fear could lock them out of a financial services market worth almost half a trillion dollars .

  6. 私人客户投资管理及股票经纪商协会(APCIMS)表示,一旦欧盟委员会创建统一金融服务市场的计划推出后,这样的新协议有可能继续出现。

    The Association of Private Client Investment Managers and Stockbrokers ( APCIMS ), says that such new agreements are likely to continue when the European Commission 's plans to create a single market in financial services ( known as Mifid ) are introduced .

  7. 中国的金融服务市场准入承诺透视

    A Perspective on China 's Commitment to Financial Service Market Accession

  8. 银行不仅是在金融服务市场中展开竞争。

    Banks are not just in competition in financial services markets .

  9. 欧洲的单一金融服务市场还相当不完善。

    We have a rather incomplete single market for financial services .

  10. 欧盟金融服务市场准入法律制度研究

    A Study on Laws & Regulations of Market Access to EU Financial Service

  11. 我国金融服务市场开放中的市场准入问题研究

    Study on the Market Access Rules of the Financial Service Market of China

  12. 中国金融服务市场开放状况分析

    A Survey of the Condition of the Opening of China 's Financial Service Market

  13. 为此,需要我们在发展汽车金融服务市场方面作深入地研究。

    So a deep research should be made to develop the financial service market of our automobile .

  14. 欧盟金融服务市场准入的发展,是金融服务逐步自由化的代表。

    The purpose of EU financial services market access is in accordance with its financial services liberalization .

  15. 若要维持目前的经济增长,势必进行更为大胆的改革,尤其是对金融服务市场的改革。

    Further bold reforms are essential , notably in financial services markets , if growth is to be sustained .

  16. 在金融服务市场开放的过程中,首当其冲的是银行业的开放。

    The opening of Banking is standing in the breach in the process of the opening financial service market .

  17. 在很多国家,金融服务市场都是高度竞争的,并逐渐趋于高度饱和。

    In many countries , the financial services market is highly competitive and are becoming more and more highly saturated .

  18. 没有多少交易达成,利润丰厚的金融服务市场开始枯竭,而商业地产市场已近乎停滞。

    There are few deals being done , the lucrative financial services markets have dried up and the commercial property market has all but stalled .

  19. 近期的事件,让我们体会到本港各类金融服务市场必须有更好的协调、监管和规管机制。

    Recent experience has shown us how important it is to co-ordinate more effectively surveillance and regulation across all sectors of the financial services market .

  20. 全球私人股本基金目前资金充裕,因此很想把钱投入中国,尤其是中国蓬勃发展的金融服务市场。

    The global private equity funds are awash with funds and desperate to put money to work in China , and in particular its booming financial services market .

  21. 而我国商业银行传统的市场营销理念和营销方式,已不能满足具有现代买方市场特征的金融服务市场的发展需要。

    But our country commercial banks ' traditional marketing ideas and procedures can 't meet the needs of the financial market with the feature of modern buying party marketplace .

  22. 金融服务市场的开放是主流,但在一定的时期内,对特定的金融服务部门或金融服务方式加以适度的限制则是必然的。

    While the opening of financial service market is gathering momentum , proper restriction over specific financial service departments or service means is inevitable within a certain period of time .

  23. 这一新的业务来源还有利于咨询公司降低对其最大市场金融服务市场的依赖,从而在某种程度上有助于它们实现业务结构的再平衡。

    This new source of work also has the benefit of reducing the consultancies ' dependence on their biggest market , financial services , partially helping them to rebalance their businesses .

  24. 对话目标包括说服中国开放金融服务市场,并推行改革,以解决美中之间空前的2330亿美元年度双边贸易逆差。

    The goal of that dialogue includes persuading China to open its financial services market and embrace reforms that would help address the record $ 233bn annual bilateral trade deficit with the US .

  25. 随着银行业在全球跨国活动和对外直接投资中所占据份额的快速增长,金融服务市场已变得越来越趋向全球化。

    With the rapid growth of the share which the banking industry occupies in the cross-border activities and foreign direct investment ( FDI ), the financial service market is becoming more and more globalized .

  26. 随着我国经济的持续发展,随着消费者金融服务市场的急剧扩大,许多商业银行开始重新审视并大举进军零售银行业,引起零售业务市场的激烈争夺。

    With the continued development of our economy , as consumers in the rapidly expanding financial services market , many commercial banks began to re-examine and push into the retail banking sector , causing intense competition for retail business market .

  27. 然而,纵观农村金融服务市场,除农业发展银行和农村信用社发挥较强的支农作用外,其他大多数金融机构都是以逐利为目的的商业性金融机构。

    However , when we look at the market for financial services in rural areas , in addition to agricultural development bank and rural credit cooperatives play a stronger role in supporting agriculture , most other financial institutions are profit-driven .

  28. 当前,个人金融服务市场的需求层次正在发生深刻变化,国内以个人理财业务为核心的个人中间业务已逐渐发展成为个人业务的核心。

    At present , the demand level of personal financial services market is undergoing profound changes . In domestic , the individual financing business with the core of the individual Intermediate business has gradually become among the core of personal business .

  29. 这种以母国控制为手段、以最低协调标准为基础的相互认可制度,为过渡时期的欧盟金融服务市场创造了一个颇具特色的法律框架。

    Based on the minimum harmonization and the principle of Home country control , combining the means of centralized regulatory control with the decentralized regulatory control , mutual recognition regime creates a distinctively transitional legal framework for the EU in the field of financial services .

  30. 我国金融服务贸易市场准入的立法重构

    Reconstruction of Legislation of Admission into the Financial Service Market in China