
  • 网络Financial futures market
  1. 我国金融期货市场法律制度研究

    The Research of the Law System of Financial Futures Market in China

  2. 构建中国金融期货市场的法律监管体系

    Building the Supervision System of Financial Futures Market in China

  3. 2l世纪伊始,单一股票期货交易的崛起,已经成为国际金融期货市场的最新发展特点,有最终衍生品之称。

    At the beginning of 21 century , the growing up of Single Stock Futures ( SSF ) has been the newest development characteristic of international financial futures markets , and it 's labeled as " the ultimate derivatives " .

  4. 论我国金融期货市场环境及法律

    On Environment and law of Financial Future Marker in China

  5. 我国建立金融期货市场是中国经济与国际接轨的需要。

    So China should accelerate futures market development to meet the developing demand of China 's international finance .

  6. 从我国金融期货市场的发展来看,其现实切入点也应是股指期货。

    According to the development of our country 's financial futures market , what we must do is developing stock index futures .

  7. 大陆的商品期货市场已初具规模,台湾的金融期货市场也逐渐成熟。

    The commodity futures market in the mainland has already assumed an initial scale , and the financial futures market in Taiwan has gradually matured .

  8. 随即在正确识别的基础上详细论述了金融期货市场风险管理的具体方法和措施;

    Based on accurate risk reorganization , this thesis makes further detailed arguments over the concrete approach and methods of risk management of financial futures market .

  9. 企业大量的资本要寻找既能增值又能避免风险的途径和场所,金融期货市场是最理想的场所。

    Substantial enterprise capital needs to find ways and places both can add value and can avoid the risk . Financial futures market is the ideal place .

  10. 特别是三二七国债事件向我们昭示了金融期货市场面临着多么巨大的风险,而必要的法律监管又是多么重要。

    Especially the ' 3.27 ' treasury bonds futures event shows us how great the risk in the finance futures market is and how important the supervisory institution is .

  11. 具体的研究内容包括:利用理论生态学的有限增长模型和物种竞争模型,研究非线性动力学系统框架下金融期货市场的稳定和演化问题。

    The main content includes : According to limited-increase model and species-competing model in theory ecology , the paper study financial future market stability and evolution from the view of nonlinearity dynamic system .

  12. 虽然学者们也一直在探索如何防范金融期货市场风险,但多数学者是从经济学的角度对金融期货市场风险进行研究,从金融期货市场风险法律监管角度展开研究的则极为鲜见。

    However , most of the scholars concentrate on the supervision and managing law system of financial futures market risk in the areas of finance , but the legal science research about that is quite few .

  13. 随着我国期货市场的发展,有越来越多的企业参与期货交易,国家也相应加强了对金融期货市场的监管,会计监督在期货市场的规范方面应该发挥越来越重要的作用。

    With the development of futures market in china , more and more enterprises participate in forward exchange , correspondingly , our government strengthened regulatory system on futures market , and accounting supervisal plays more and more important role on the regulation of futures market .

  14. 自1982年首个股指期货合约在美国诞生以来,尽管只有短短的二十多年发展历史,但它一出现就显示出强大的生命力,并把金融期货市场的发展推向了新的高峰。

    To meet the demand of risk management in the spot market , stock index futures appeared in 1982.Although only a short period of 20 years , the stock index futures showed strong vitality and pushed the development of financial futures markets to new heights .

  15. 股指期货自1982年产生以来已经逐渐成为世界金融期货市场的主要衍生工具,多个发达国家和一些新兴工业国纷纷开展股指期货交易以防范股市的系统风险。

    Stock index futures has already been the most important derive instrument on the world financial market , since it was born in 1982.Many developed countries and some newly industrializing countries carry out stock index futures trading one after another to be on guard against systematic risk of stock market .

  16. 目前,CFTC监管金融合约期货市场,而SEC监管证券市场。

    The C.F.T.C.currently supervises the market for financial contracts known as futures while the S.E.C.regulates securities markets .

  17. 按照HenryHub合约计算,美国国内的天然气价格在过去一年中大幅上涨,但在这段时间,金融投资者在期货市场上可是扎扎实实的净卖出者。

    US domestic gas prices , as measured by the Henry Hub contract , have risen steeply in the past year . But financial investors have been substantial net sellers in the futures market over that period .

  18. 金融期货与期权市场监管制度初探

    On the Supervisory System of the Financial Futures and Options Market

  19. 金融期货和期权市场的监管制度是该市场存在和发展的基础。

    The supervisory system of the financial futures and options market is the basis of the development of this market .

  20. 他们指出,在2007-08年的崩盘前,在卖空、保证金融资及期货市场已经相当成熟的美国和欧洲,股价照样出现了惊人的上涨。

    They point to the phenomenal boom in stock prices in the US and Europe where short selling , margin financing and futures markets are well-established that preceded the 2007-08 crash .

  21. 全球金融危机下中国期货市场的创新之路

    The Road of Innovation for China 's Futures Market under Global Financial Crisis

  22. 基于理性人假设和有效市场假说的传统金融理论不能对期货市场的这种现象进行合理的解释,而成为金融市场的又一异象。

    For the traditional finance which based on the Rationality person and Efficient market hypothesis can 't interpret it rationally , it becomes another " anomaly " of the financial market .

  23. 通过介绍金融危机前后韩国期货市场监管体系的发展演变过程,重点分析了当前韩国期货市场监管体系的结构和功能及其对韩国期货业发展的重要作用。

    By introducing the evolvement of supervision system of Korean futures ' markets and its forming process , we analyses the importance of current supervision system to the development of futures markets of Korea and give a survey to the structure and function of current supervision system of Korea .

  24. 论述了金融期货的内涵、金融期货市场中的套期保值理论、基本操作方法和期货交易中存在的基差风险以及基差的变动对套期保值效果的影响。

    S : This paper explains the nature of financial futures , hedging theory and the basic operation methods of hedging in financial futures market , and the basic risk in trading of futures and also analyses the change of basic risk to the effects of hedging .

  25. 文章进一步研究了国外的金融期货法制化监管的主要内容,通过对美国、英国、日本三国金融期货市场的探讨,对其金融期货市场监管进行了比较分析。

    Through the research on financial futures in America , Britain and Japan , the thesis probes into the legal administration of financial futures abroad further and makes comparison among the various administrations .

  26. 在中国金融期货经纪业务将由期货公司专营的政策安排下,创新类券商在金融期货市场发展初期,将通过收购期货公司,以期货介绍经纪商(IB)身份参与金融期货经纪业务。

    Under the policy that futures broker business will be monopolized by futures companies in China , in the initial stage of the development of futures market , innovative security companies will participate in the financial futures business as introduce brokers ( IB ) through takeover futures companies .

  27. 股指期货是金融期货中产生最晚但发展最快的品种,出现伊始就显示了强大的生命力,把金融期货市场的发展带向了新的高峰。

    Stock index futures is one of the financial futures which came out the most lately but developed the fastest . From the very beginning , it had showed great vitality and led financial market to a new peak .