
ɡuó jì jīn rónɡ shì chǎnɡ
  • international financial market
  1. 全球经济一体化的迅速发展,尤其是我国加入WTO后,我国已于2006年全面开放金融市场。我国的银行业将融入国际金融市场竞争的大环境。

    With the rapid development of global economic integration , especially after the country entrances the WTO , Chinese financial markets have been fully opening since 2006 , so Chinese banking industry will be integrated into the international financial market competition environment .

  2. VaR技术产生于20世纪90年代,现已广泛应用于各种金融工具的风险度量,成为国际金融市场主流的度量标准。

    VaR technology was born in 20th century 90 ' s. Now it has had application in risk measurement of kinds of financial instruments , and become mainstream measurement standard in the international financial market .

  3. 这一事件在国际金融市场上引起了连锁反应。

    It set off a chain reaction in the international money markets .

  4. 加入WTO后,我国必将受到国际金融市场趋同性的影响,而我广西大学硕士学位论文论衍生金融工具会计国在衍生金融工具会计方面的理论研究还有待加强。

    Entering WTO , we are to face a global financial market , while the theories on derivative financial instruments accounting in our country are still weak .

  5. 当然,随着中国加入WTO时关于金融开放承诺的逐步兑现,中国市场正在逐步接近并融入国际金融市场。

    Certainly , joins when WTO along with China about the financial opening pledge gradual cash , the Chinese market is approaching and integrates the international money market gradually .

  6. 混业经营已逐渐成为世界金融业的发展趋势,我国加入WTO后,国内的金融机构也在不断的进行金融产品创新,参与国际金融市场,应对国外各类金融机构的竞争压力。

    After the entry to WTO , domestic finance institutions have to implement finance innovation and adopt mix operation in order to participate in international finance market and compete with foreign institutions .

  7. 资产支持证券(Asset-backedSecurities,ABS)和住房贷款抵押支持证券(Mortgage-backedSecurities,MBS)是最近十几年国际金融市场发展很快的一种结构性金融产品,是一种新型的衍生金融产品。

    Asset-Backed Securities ( ABS ) Mortgage-Backed Securities ( MBS ) are the fastest growing structure financial instrument of the global financial market . There are numerous products of ABS ;

  8. 如果国际金融市场的动荡能尽快得到遏制且对实际经济的影响能有效控制,那么全球产出仍有望取得2.6%的增长(GDP以市场汇率计算)。

    If turbulence in international financial markets could be contained soon , and its impact on the real economy limited , world output could still grow at2.6 % ( GDP measured at market exchange rates ) .

  9. 随着我国加入WTO后过渡期的日益临近,占有我国金融绝对比重的国有商业银行必然要面对与国际金融市场融合的新形势,实施国际化经营。

    As China is drawing near Post-transition Period of accession to WTO , state-owned commercial banks , which account for an absolute proportion in our financial industry , are bound to be confronted with the new situation of integration with international financial market and execute business internationally .

  10. 德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)也试图让德国选民与国际金融市场都相信,她的政府将不惜一切代价捍卫欧元的稳定,但她同时坚称,希腊需接受严格的条件,才能获得巨额欧元贷款。

    Angela Merkel , the German Chancellor , also sought to reassure both German voters and the international financial markets that her government will defend the stability of the euro at all costs , while insisting on tough conditions for a multi - billion euro loan to Greece .

  11. 澳大利亚央行行长格伦史蒂文斯(glennstevens)表示,“9月国际金融市场的状况变得非常糟”,减息幅度有利于“让借款者的成本大大下降”。

    Glenn Stevens , RBA governor , said : " conditions in international financial markets took a significant turn for the worse in September " and the size of the cut was appropriate to " bring about a significant reduction in costs to borrowers " .

  12. 国际金融市场金融控股公司法律问题研究

    Legal Research on Financial Holding Companies in the International Financial Market

  13. 金融危机下国际金融市场间波动溢出效应研究

    Research of International Financial Market Volatility Spillover Effect under Financial Crisis

  14. 对冲基金曾经在国际金融市场兴风作浪。

    Hedge funds in international financial markets to stir up trouble .

  15. 特别是在当前国际金融市场动荡时期。

    Especially in the current period of turmoil in international financial markets .

  16. 严格的外汇管制措施,使中国没有受到国际金融市场动荡的影响。

    Tight exchange controls insulate China from international financial turbulence .

  17. 它们是随着国际金融市场变化而波动的。

    Notes They often fluctuate with the international money market .

  18. 中国证券市场中不同类型的股票与国际金融市场之间存在着不同程度的联系。

    There are linkages between Chinese stock market and foreign stock markets .

  19. 1994年以后,国际金融市场的动荡加剧,危机频繁,对整个世界经济的发展产生了强烈的负面影响。

    But the financial crisis after 1994 had negative effect to world economy .

  20. 信用违约互换是最近几年国际金融市场出现的重要的信用风险管理创新工具,由于信用风险非系统性、收益可偏性以及数据获取困难,使得信用违约互换定价的十分困难。

    Credit default swap is a new financial instrument for controlling credit risk .

  21. 国际金融市场的新动向

    Development of Global Financial Market from January to August

  22. 投资基金已成为当代国际金融市场的一个高级金融工具。

    The mutual fund is an advanced financial tool of international financial market .

  23. 今天,期权市场已成为国际金融市场的一个重要组成部分。

    Now option market has become an important part of international finance market .

  24. 第三,国际金融市场环境。

    Third , the international financial market environment .

  25. 进入90年代以来,世界经济和国际金融市场发生了极大变化,在快速发展的背后,金融风险也大大增加了,也使金融监管的必要性更加突出。

    Since 1990s , the world economy and international finance market have great changes .

  26. 从这个意义上说,离岸金融市场才是真正的国际金融市场。

    In this sense , Offshore financial markets is the real international financial markets .

  27. 论近期国际金融市场的金融创新

    On Recent Financial Innovations in International Financial Market

  28. 您对国际金融市场的发展兴趣浓厚,并密切关注。

    You follow the latest developments on the international financial markets with great interest .

  29. 融合化的金融体制将提高日本金融机构的竞争力,增强东京国际金融市场的地位。

    The integrated financial system will improve the competitive power of Japanese financial market .

  30. 目前,混业经营已成为国际金融市场的主流。

    At present , integrative management has become the mainstream in the world financial market .