
  1. 我们设置限额的原因是,一旦国家借款数额超过允许的数额,这意味着美国将陷入不履行债务的困境。

    The reason we have this limit in the first place is because if the country ever borrows more than it 's allowed to , it means the U.S. would be in what 's called .

  2. 尽管各方担忧第二轮希腊纾困方案和欧元区外围国家借款成本上升,但欧洲和亚洲的投资基金和央行(甚至可能有几只美国基金)预期将参与竞购上述债券。

    Despite worries over the second bail-out of Greece and the rising cost of borrowing for peripheral bonds , investment funds and central banks in Europe , Asia and even possibly a handful of US funds are set to put in offers for the bonds .

  3. 尽管迄今没有一个债务国提出申请它们宁愿躲避将被迫遵守的财政条件,但欧元区外围国家借款成本仍然大幅下滑,同时恢复了人们的信心:欧元能够也将会幸存下来。

    Even though none of the debtor countries has so far applied preferring to avoid the fiscal conditions they would be obliged to follow the results have been a dramatic fall in borrowing costs for peripheral countries and a renewed confidence that the euro can and will survive .

  4. 国家的借款是不能转让的,只有债券有可出售和不可出售之分。

    National borrow or lend money cannot be transferred , only bond has the branch that can sell and cannot sell .

  5. 但在这种情况下,意大利和希腊等高负债国家的借款利率会就从记录高点下降,而德国和荷兰等财政稳健国家的融资成本则会上升。

    This would see the borrowing rates of deeply indebted nations , like Italy and Greece , drop from their record highs , while countries with strong balance sheets , like Germany and the Netherlands , would see their rates rise .

  6. 我们建议所有欧元区国家承诺,借款利率不高于欧元区政府债券收益率最低值200个基点。

    We propose that all eurozone countries commit not to borrow at an interest rate of more than 200 basis points above the lowest government bond yield within the euro area .

  7. 这些国家目前有一些借款的余地。

    Countries now have some headroom to borrow .

  8. 所谓内债,是国家在本国的借款和发行的债券。

    So-called internal debt , it is the loan of national home and emission bond .

  9. 1999年前,欧元区南部国家使用原有货币借款的成本,远远高于北部国家。

    Before 1999 , borrowing in the legacy currencies of the south was far more expensive than in the north .

  10. 美国成为了一个纯借款国家,用向其他国家的借款来支付差额。

    Had become a net borrower from the rest of the world to pay for the difference .

  11. 按照不同标准可以把国债分为不同的种类:以国家举债的形式为标准,国债可分为国家借款和发行债券。

    Can be national debt cent according to different level different sort : the form that raises debt with the country is a standard , national debt can be divided mix for national borrow or lend money issue bond .

  12. 公报草案没有提及欧元区国家要采取什么具体措施,只是表明目标是降低西班牙和意大利等国家的借款成本。

    The draft communiqu é does not mention specific action to be taken by eurozone countries , but aims to cut borrowing costs for countries such as Spain and Italy .

  13. 全球金融危机给中等收入国家议程新增了一项内容,迫使世界银行重新思考同其中等收入国家借款客户的关系并回应这些国家的具体需求。

    The global financial crisis has added a new dimension to the MIC agenda , compelling the Bank to rethink its relationship with its MIC clients , and respond to their particular needs .

  14. 所以,这些国家或许会发现自己面临一个棘手选择:维持尽可能强大的公共部门资产负债表、以便把国家的借款成本保持在低水平?

    So countries may find themselves with a difficult choice : is it better to maintain as strong a public balance sheet as possible in order to keep your country 's borrowing costs low ?