
ɡuó mín shēnɡ chǎn zǒnɡ zhí
  • gross national product
  1. 到1973年,政府财政赤字相当于国民生产总值的30%。

    By 1973 the government deficit equalled thirty per cent of GNP .

  2. 从1977到1985年,美国的国民生产总值增长了21%。

    From 1977 to 1985 the United States gross national product grew 21 percent

  3. 国民生产总值的增长率将取决于总需求的增长率。

    The rate of growth of GNP will depend upon the rate of growth of aggregate demand

  4. 把国民生产总值看成是别克牌汽车,小鸡,衬衫和织补服务等的大杂烩。

    The gross national product were seen as a hodgepodge of buicks , chickens , shirts , and diaper services .

  5. 网民数量不断向上攀升,(X轴是)人均国民生产总值。

    The number of Internet users are going up like this . This is the GDP per capita .

  6. 一些省份可能会夸大他们的国民生产总值:他们报上去的GDP总和超出了整个国家总额的10%。

    Some provinces may exaggerate their output : the sum of their reported GDPs is10 % higher than the national total .

  7. 我国农村的FIR与农村国民生产总值(ruralGDP)呈现显著的正相关性。

    Going to the countryside In addition , there is a notable positive correlation between FIR and the rural GDP .

  8. 女性对全球国民生产总值(GDP)增长的贡献比新技术和新巨头(如中国和印度)的贡献多得多。

    Those women have contributed more to global GDP growth than have either new technology or the new giants , China and India .

  9. 今天日益衰退的国民生产总值(GDP)正是繁荣过后的宿醉,这让发达国家更不舒服。

    Today 's faltering GDP growth is a hangover from that boom and adds to the sense of malaise in the rich world .

  10. 一方面,在WTO的推动下,南通市经济将快速发展,国民生产总值增长率、外贸出口增长率、居民收入水平将有较大幅度增长;

    Facilitated by WTO , it will rapidly develop to greatly boost the growth rate of GNP , export volume in foreign trade and people 's incomes .

  11. 二者均高于国民生产总值(GNP)、工资、物价和药价的增长幅度。

    Both were higher than those of GNP , price and wages .

  12. 衡量经济发展的主要标准是国民生产总值GNP。

    The main measure of economic progress is the gross national product - GNP .

  13. GNP代表国民生产总值。

    GNP stands for gross national product .

  14. 每次我们试图评估美国经济的健康状况时,通常都会看国民生产总值(GrossDomesticProduct,GDP)等宏观性数据。

    Whenever we try to assess the health of the economy , we usually go by data sets that look at large groups , such as gross domestic product , or GDP .

  15. 中国还将重新强调其承诺目标,即在2006至2010年,将每单位国民生产总值(GDP)能源使用量削减20%。

    China will also re-emphasise its commitment to meet a target to cut the energy use per unit of GDP by 20 per cent between 2006 and 2010 .

  16. 七月三十一日,政府报告指出,虽然第二季度的实际国民生产总值(gdp)仍有萎缩,但其萎缩速度已减少至年均1%。

    On July 31st the government reported that real gross domestic product ( GDP ) contracted in the second quarter , but at only a 1 % annual rate .

  17. 进一步削减预算会进一步抑制经济活动,从而减少税收,导致债务与国民生产总值(gnp)的比率更为恶化。

    Further budget cuts would further depress economic activity , reducing tax revenues and worsening the debt-to-GNP ratio .

  18. 国民生产总值(NP)国家经济所提供的制成品和劳务总量的市场价值。

    Gross national product ( GNP ) is the market value of the output of final goods and services produced by the nation 's economy .

  19. 阿马蒂亚·森认为,传统发展观把发展等同于国民生产总值(GNP)增长、个人收入提高。

    Sen believes that the traditional development outlook equate development with growth of GNP and the increase of personal income .

  20. 国民生产总值(GNP)标志着一年内生产出来的商品和服务的总和。

    The gross national product ( GNP ) measures the total output of goods and services in a given year .

  21. 然而,尽管印度经济增长迅速,它仍只不过是一个次中量级选手,其国民生产总值仅为中国的三分之一,出口和双边外国直接投资(FDI)的流量尚不及奥地利。

    Though growing fast , it is still no more than a welterweight , with output only a third of China 's and exports and two-way foreign direct investment flows lower than Austria 's.

  22. 国际货币基金组织(mf)测,苏丹今年的国民生产总值(dp)成长13%阿尔叙努特的投资者似乎对于持续繁荣信心满满。

    The IMF expects its GDP to grow by13 % this year , and the investors in Alsunut seem confident the boom will go on .

  23. 在我国,50%以上的GDP(国民生产总值)、70%以上的工业生产总值、90%以上的高等教育和科技力量都集中在城市。

    In China , it is more than 50 % of the GDP , 70 % of industrial product and 90 % of the higher education and scientific capability that are concentrated in the cities .

  24. 其次,经济效益指标应是年人均国民生产总值(GNP)和人均收入的增加;

    Secondly the economic criteria should reflect the increase of gross national product ( GNP ) and average income per capita every year .

  25. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)估计,2010年经常账户盈余总额仅略高于全球国民生产总值(GNP)的2%,比一般想象的水平要低。

    The International Monetary Fund estimates total current account surpluses in 2010 at just over 2 per cent of world gross national product , less than often supposed .

  26. 将其置于历史背景下,英国1905至1914年的净外国直接投资占国民生产总值(GNP)的8%。

    To put this in historical context , UK net foreign investment was 8 per cent of gross national product between 1905 and 1914 .

  27. 国民生产总值(GNP)是测量产量的很好的尺度,但要测量福利,我们还需要其他尺度,而建立这样的尺度要难得多。

    GNP measures output fairly well , but to evaluate welfare we would need additional measures which would be far more difficult to construct .

  28. 国民生产总值(gdp)因此增长近17%这一巨大增幅得益于从中央计划经济向重要性日益提高(虽然仍严重割裂)的私营部门的转变。

    The result was a near 17 per cent increase in gross domestic product a dramatic increase that captures the shift from a centrally planned economy towards the increasingly important ( if still fragmented ) private sector .

  29. 高危人群20~29、30~39和40~49岁年龄组CER均小于人均国民生产总值。

    CER of 20 ~ 29,30 ~ 39 and 40 ~ 49 age groups with high risk were under GDP .

  30. 美、英、德等发达国家每年因摩擦、磨损造成的损失大约占其国民生产总值(GNP)的2%~7%。

    In these developed nations such as America , UK and Germany , the loss caused by friction and wear accounts for 2 % ~ 7 % of GNP every year .