
  • 网络gdp growth
  1. 不过,两国经济正苦于旅游业收入损失所带来的外部冲击,而且还可能遭遇需求下滑:据预测,埃及gdp增长率将从2010年的5%以上,下降到今年的4%以下。

    But their economies are suffering from an external shock from lost tourist revenues and are vulnerable to a downturn in demand : GDP growth in Egypt is forecast to fall from over 5 % in 2010 to below 4 % this year .

  2. 由于消费支出约占国内生产总值(gdp)的70%,也就相当于消费拉动当季折合成年率的gdp增长率增加了不到0.6个百分点。

    Since consumption constitutes about 70 per cent of gross domestic product , that equates to slightly less than a 0.6 per cent boost to annualised GDP growth in the quarter .

  3. 对gdp增长率的首次估算必须得到谨慎看待,因为关键数据比如3月份的海关文件尚未准备好。

    The first estimate of GDP must be treated with caution because crucial information such as customs documents for March is not ready .

  4. 日本适工年龄人群的人均gdp增长率其实比德国高逾一倍,增长速度比英国更快,接近于美国。

    GDP per person of working age rose at more than double the rate of Germany , faster than Britain and close to that of the US .

  5. 在跟踪监测了不同的经济体后,我们发现在定义世界经济衰退时,使用gdp增长率显著低于其可能的增长率比使用gdp下降的绝对值作为标准更为合理。

    When tracking such diverse economies , it does make much more sense to define a global recession not as an absolute fall in GDP , but as when growth falls significantly below its potential rate .

  6. 在对全球179个国家自2000年起至今的人均gdp增长率进行排名后发现,意大利仅列于第169名;位于其后的仅仅是海地、厄立特里亚和津巴布韦这样极度贫困的国家。

    In the global league table of growth in GDP per head , it comes 169th out of 179 countries over the period since 2000 , beating only a handful ofbasket-casessuch as Haiti , Eritrea and Zimbabwe .

  7. 研究还显示,在过去10年中,如果女性的受教育程度更高,新兴市场的国内生产总值(gdp)增长率会增加0.2个百分点。

    It also indicated that higher levels of female education could have raised gross domestic product growth rates in emerging markets by 0.2 per cent over the past 10 years .

  8. 他指出,近年来,15%上下的贷款总量增长率,支撑了10%以上的国内生产总值(gdp)增长率。

    He points out that , in recent years , total loan growth of about 15 per cent has supported gross domestic product growth of more than 10 per cent .

  9. 尽管美国经济放缓,但人们普遍预测中国今年的国内生产总值(gdp)增长率将达到约10%,因此,预计中国对金属实物的需求将依然强劲。

    Chinese demand for physical metal is expected to remain strong based on consensus forecasts of about 10 per cent gross domestic product growth even with a slowing in the US economy .

  10. 年化国内生产总值(gdp)增长率低于市场预测的2.7%,且与去年第四季度3%形成对比。

    The annualised growth rate for gross domestic product came in below market expectations of 2.7 per cent and compares with 3 per cent growth in the fourth quarter of last year .

  11. 昨日市场明显开局不利,因为有报道称,中国第一季度国内生产总值(gdp)增长率已经放缓至1992年开始统计以来的最低水平。

    The day got off to an apparently gloomy start with news that Chinese gross domestic product growth in the first quarter had slowed to its lowest level since records began in 1992 .

  12. 其他非洲国家也可能会在未来几年中向上修正gdp水平和增长率数字。

    Other countries are likely to revise their GDP levels and growth rates upward over the coming years .

  13. 荷兰银行荷兰国际集团(ing)预计该国今年国内生产总值(gdp)的增长率为0.1%,明年将会增长5.3%。

    Ing , the Dutch bank , thinks gross domestic product will rise 5.3 per cent next year , up from its forecast of 0.1 per cent this year .

  14. 他援引学术研究成果证明,gdp增长和股市回报率之间不存在正相关关系。

    He cited academic work showing the lack of positive correlation between GDP growth and stock market returns .

  15. 麦肯锡称,上世纪最后20年,非洲经济陷入停滞;2000年至2008年,非洲国内生产总值(gdp)的年增长率为4.9%。

    Economic stagnation in the last two decades of the 20th century in Africa was followed by annual gross domestic product growth of 4.9 per cent a year in 2000-08 , says McKinsey .

  16. 为了便于讨论,我们给出下述预测:到2013年底,美国国内生产总值(gdp)平均实际增长率与通胀率均为2.5%,失业率降至6%。

    For the sake of argument , plug in average real GDP growth and inflation of 2.5 per cent and an unemployment rate that falls back to 6 per cent by the end of 2013 .