
  • 网络Personal Saving Rate
  1. 此外,随着房屋净值贷款(homeequityloans)的枯竭以及人们逐渐意识到他们的房产财富没有预期的那么大,房地产价格的下降开始推升个人储蓄率。

    Moreover , the decline in housing prices is starting to increase the personal saving rate , as home equity loans are drying up and people are recognising that their housing wealth is not as large as they had expected .

  2. 2013年12月份美国个人储蓄率仅为3.9%,低于2010年底时的5.8%。储蓄率是储蓄占可支配收入的比重。

    The personal saving rate savings as a share of disposable income was only 3.9 % in December 2013 , down from 5.8 % at the end of 2010 .

  3. 本文在第一章,阐述了养老保险制度的理论基础并对三种筹资模式进行了再分配,对个人储蓄率的影响以及公平和效率的经济学分析。

    In part one , the dissertation explains the theory basis of the old-age insurance and three kinds of collecting fund mode .

  4. 在美国个人储蓄率降到0的2005年之后,去年的经济危机即刻让人们关上了钱包。

    After the personal-savings rate dipped to zero in2005 , the shock of the economic crisis last year prompted people to snap shut their wallets .

  5. 鉴于个人储蓄率仍接近于零,而债务负担维持在历史高点,美国消费正趋向日本式的多年调整。

    With personal saving rates still close to zero and debt loads remaining at all-time highs , US consumption is heading for a Japanese-style multi-year adjustment .

  6. 2004-07年的经历就是一个很好的例子:泡沫驱动的个人消费飙升至实际国内生产总值(gdp)71.6%的创纪录水平,而个人储蓄率骤降至1.2%的战后新低。

    The experience of 2004-07 is a case in point : bubble-driven personal consumption surged to a record 71.6 per cent of real gross domestic product and the personal saving rate plunged to a postwar record low of 1.2 per cent .