
  • 网络individual index;individual index number;individual number;simple index
  1. 探讨了财务指标预警临界值的确定方法和财务预警个体指数的测度方法;

    It discussed method of determination of the financial early-warning marginal value and measure of the financial early-warning individual index .

  2. 从数量指标与质量指标的区分入手,介绍了编制统计指数要点,阐述了个体指数体系及其因素分析的基本理论与方法。

    The paper startes from the distinguish between quantitative target and quality index , introduces the main points for making statistical index number , clarifies individual index system and overall index system , and also , it explains the basic principles and method for factor analysis .

  3. 目的对比1992年和2002年北京大学社区队列人群体质指数、超重率、肥胖率10年间的变化,进一步探讨个体体质指数的变化特点。

    Objectives To compare changes in body mass index ( BMI ), prevalence of over weight and obesity of the population in a community cohort of Peking University during 1992 to 2002 , and to study their characteristics of individual BMI .

  4. 特别地,当个体理赔符合指数分布时,由于指数分布具有无记忆性质,可以得到Φ(u,b)以及Ee-δT&0的精确解。

    In particular , when the claim size distribution is exponential , the exact solutions of Φ( u , b ) and E ( e ~ ( - δ T - _0 )) are obtained , since the exponential distribution has a good property of memoryless .

  5. 其编制的关键要素有两个:其一是代表性产品的个体物量指数;

    The key factor of his establishment has two : One is single quantity index of representativeness product ;

  6. Nei氏公式计算品种内个体间遗传相似指数平均为0.9156。结果表明:贵州白山羊个体间遗传变异较小,具有较高的遗传稳定性。

    The genetic similarity indexes among individuals were calculated by Nei , it was 0.1956.The result displayed that Guizhou White goats ' genetic variation were lower and the genetic stability among individuals was higher .

  7. 结果表明针叶林受到干扰最强,土壤理化性质与线虫总数、个体密度和生态指数均显著相关。

    Our results indicated that coniferous forest was most disturbed among all sites . Soil properties showed significant correlation with total number of nematode , individual density , genera and ecological index .

  8. 本文研究了一类风险模型,其个体索赔额服从指数-幂尾型分布,索赔次数过程为一更新过程,其更新时间间隔服从指数族分布;

    The risk model has been studied in which the individual claim size obeys exponential-power tail distribution and the numbers of claim is a renewal process with an interval time distributed in ED ~ class .

  9. 在简单遗传算法(SGA)的基础上,提出了自适应遗传算法,该算法采取了与个体分布散度成正比,并随最优个体保留代数成指数上升的自适应变异率;

    A self-adaptive genetic algorithm is put forward on the basis of simple genetic algorithm ( SGA ) . It applies self-adaptive variation rate , which is proportional to individual distribution scatter degree and rises exponentially with the times of optimum individual reserve generation .

  10. 影响利他行为发生程度的因素与行为个体的能力(收入预算约束)b、两个体之间敌友指数r正相关,与利他行为的价格Pa、利己的行为量Xe反相关。

    The factors of altruistic behavioral degree are positive interrelated to budget b and friendship index r , negative interrelated to the prices of altruistic behavior and behavioral quantity .

  11. 采用随最优个体相对保留代数双曲线增加的基因交叉率和随最优个体相对保留代数指数函数增加的基因突变率。

    Adopting the hyperbolic curve reorganization probability and exponent mutation probability increasing with the relative maintenance generation of the best individual .