
  • 网络individualized learning;Individual learning;individualised learning
  1. 现代远程开放教育是基于以学习者为中心的开放学习和个别化学习。

    Modern distant open education is based on learner centered and individualized learning .

  2. 基于个别化学习的网络课程开发模式与策略研究

    Model and Strategies of Developing Web-based Courses Based on Individualized Learning

  3. 本文从理论和技术的角度探讨了个别化学习模式下的Web课本页面设计与应用。

    From the angle of theory and technology , this thesis is used to discuss the page layout and utilization of web-textbooks under the separate learning pattern .

  4. 第三部分论述了基于Windows2000的Real流媒体技术的远程教学系统设计的理论基础,即建构主义学习理论、个别化学习理论和发现学习理论。

    Thirdly , this article discuss the theory basis of distance instruction system of Real streaming technology based on Windows 2000 , such as constructivism studying theory , individual studying theory and discovery studying theory .

  5. 在教育领域,人们将目光也由个别化学习转向群体合作学习,因此,计算机支持的协同学习(ComputerSupportedCollaborativeLearning,简称CSCL)的研究变得非常活跃。

    An emerging trend in education worldwide is a movement of the focus from individual learning to cooperative learning . The study of computer supported collaborative learning ( abbr. CSCL ) becomes very active .

  6. 针对学生的个别化学习方式,对学习档案进行了详细设计。

    The detailed design of learning archive for students self-adaptive learning .

  7. 个别化学习理念有着悠远的发展历史。

    Concepts of individualized study has a long history of development .

  8. 论开放教育自主性个别化学习模式建立

    On Establishment of Individual and Active Study Mode in Open Education

  9. 浅谈网络教育中的个别化学习和协作学习

    On the Individual Learning and Cooperative Learning in Network Education

  10. 基于神经网络个别化学习系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Individualized Study System Based on Artificial Neural Network

  11. 探索个别化学习录像教材的制作模式&兼议高等数学录像教材的内容选取与教学设计

    Research on the Production Mode of the Video Teaching Material for Individualized Study

  12. 强调个别化学习,缺乏对协同学习的有效支持,没能充分体现网络环境下的人与人之间协同学习的优越性。

    3 , Lack of efficient support for cooperation because of emphasizing personalized learning .

  13. 另外,课件提供了交互式的课后练习,以兼顾学生个别化学习。

    In addition , the courseware provides interactive exercise to satisfy the individual needs .

  14. 基于网络的个别化学习探讨

    Research on the Web - based Individualized Learning

  15. 个别化学习理念及其理论依据

    Concepts of individualized study and its theoretical basis

  16. 可以构建个别化学习环境,营造协作学习氛围;

    An individual learning surroundings can be built , and an atmosphere of co-operation constructed .

  17. 个别化学习及其模式的建立

    Individual Learning and the Mode to Build

  18. 因此,研究在网络信息时代的个别化学习显得犹为重要。

    It is essential to do some research in the individuation study during the network and information time .

  19. 在教育领域使多媒体组合得以实现,个别化学习方式得以确立,远距离教育效率得以增强,继续教育更有实效。

    It also helps realize multi media composition , individual learning , and effect far distance education and continue education .

  20. 网络环境下的案例教学更适合学生的个别化学习,有利于教师掌握学生的学习情况。

    Case-based teaching in web environment adapts to individual learning better and helps teachers to know things about students ' learning .

  21. 摘要远程教育不仅要求学生自主学习,而且要求学生分散化、个别化学习,实行学习模式的彻底转换。

    Distance education not only demands students to self-study , but also needs separation , individuation and achieving complete transmission in study mode .

  22. 第五部分研究了个别化学习的系统模式,给出了个别化学习模式图,认为个别化学习的关键环节是学习诊断、学习内容的动态组织和学习策略。

    The author thinks that the crucial link of individualized learning is : learning diagnosis ; development organization of learning content ; learning strategy .

  23. 小组教学要突出开放教育网络条件下教师导学、导修,学生自主学习、个别化学习的特点。

    Group teaching should focus on the guidance of the teacher , the learning impulse of the students , and the characteristics of each individuals .

  24. 移动学习代表着未来的学习趋势,也是远程学习时代的一种全新个别化学习形式。

    The motion study will be representing future study tendency , also will be the long-distance study time one kind of brand-new individualizing study form .

  25. 不仅教会学生学会学习,而且为学生的个别化学习、交互式合作学习、促进学生的可持续发展提供有效的帮助。

    The purpose of this dissertation is not simply helpful to teach students how to study but urge them to sustainable development by learning individually and interactively .

  26. 在个别化学习方面,电子学挡的设立为每个学生提供了学习过程的记录以及反思学习的空间。

    On the other hand , for the individual learning , it provides e-portfolio as an evidence of personal learning process , which helps students with self-reflection .

  27. 分析远程教育中个别化学习的相关背景条件及其特征,探讨个别化学习的实现途径。

    This paper analyzes the corresponding background conditions and their features of individual learning in distance education so as to explore the realistic ways to individual learning .

  28. 它们在现代教育中的应用有利于学生知识的获取与保持;有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,实现个别化学习;

    Its application to education will be helpful for students to gain and maintain knowledge , to stimulate their learning interests , thereby to realize the individualized study .

  29. 分析了个别化学习的含义,阐述了基于网络的个别化学习,在此基础上提出了新型的网络个别化学习方式&移动学习。

    This paper analyzes the connotation of individualized learning and expounds on network-based individualized learning . Then it proposes mobile learning , a new kind of network-based individualized learning .

  30. 那么,在教育、教学中如何正确处理现代教育媒体和传统教育媒体、人与机器、班级授课与个别化学习、认知发展与情感发展等矛盾关系?

    How do we treat with those relationships between modern and conventional educational media , human and machine , classroom instruction and individualized learning , cognitive and emo-tional development properly ?