
  • 网络personalized marketing;personalization marketing;personalizing marketing;individual marketing
  1. 市场经济下的个性化营销

    Personalized Marketing in Market Economy

  2. 然而,企业并不满足于单纯的销量增长,而是希望通过个性化营销提升品牌形象。

    However , companies are not satisfied with a simple sales growth , but hope that through personalized marketing to enhance brand image .

  3. 基于CRM提升客户价值的个性化营销策略

    Individuation Marketing Strategy of Promoting Customer 's Value Based-on CRM

  4. 在介绍了CRM和数据挖掘的基础上,从客户获取、交叉销售、个性化营销和客户保持等方面分析了数据挖掘技术在CRM领域中的应用问题。

    On the basis of the introduction of Customer Relationship Management and Data Mining , the applications of DM in CRM are put forward from such aspects as customer acquisition , cross-selling , personalization , customer retaining .

  5. 以ICIS策划的总体思路为依据,从网络员工管理、网站推广、个性化营销、网络营销方法比较和网络公共关系五方面策划了企业行为识别系统;

    Based on the general idea of ICIS plan and design , the behavior identity system is built including the internet employee management , websites popularize , individual marketing , the comparison of e-business methods and internet public relationship .

  6. 过去的研究常常认为,个性化营销既有说服力又容易被接受。

    Research used to show personalised marketing was persuasive and well received .

  7. 完善客户经理制,实施个性化营销;

    The system of client-manager must be improved , and individual marketing promoted .

  8. 甚至那些最先试水的商家也意识到个性化营销的局限性。

    Even pioneers recognise personalisation has its limits .

  9. 个性化营销:营销新纪元

    New Epoch of Marketing : Personalized Marketing

  10. 而服务营销在当今个性化营销与高科技的社会大营销环境下已经成为企业的核心竞争力之一。

    Service Marketing has become one of core competitive power under the background of Individual Marketing and Society Marketing .

  11. 个性化营销是企业面向消费者,直接服务于顾客并按需营销的新的营销方式。

    Personalization marketing is a new marketing method that faces to consumers directly and provides the right things to every consumer .

  12. 同时也提出了一些基于挖掘结果的信用卡营销战略和个性化营销的新方式。

    This thesis brought forward some new credit card marketing strategies and personalizing marketing methods which were based on data mining technology .

  13. 当前电子商务营销中,推行提升客户价值的个性化营销策略。

    Top 50 CIO in China : Value of IT In electronic commerce marketing , pushing individuation marketing strategy to promote customer , s value is important .

  14. 最后分析了太原网通公司大客户营销的现状及存在的问题,最终制定出以有效满足大客户通信需求和提高运营商收益为目的的个性化营销方案。

    By this analysis , the model works out a beneficial individual marketing project which can both satisfy the communication demands and promote the profits of the operator .

  15. 本文首先论述了电信市场的发展概况,具体分析了电信市场的结构,预测了电信市场的未来发展趋势,并论述了电信企业进行大客户个性化营销的必然性。

    Firstly , it states the developing situation of the telecom market , analyzes the structure of the telecom market , predicts the tendency of the market in the near future , and the inevitability of conducting individual marketing is also mentioned in this part .

  16. 同时,本文对于消费者指导自身消费行为,对于营销者了解市场行情和产品动态,实现个性化营销对策选择、个性化产品推荐具有重要现实意义。

    At the same time , this article has great advantage for consumers to instruct their own consumption behavior , and has important practical significance for marketers to understand trends of market and product and to choose personalized marketing countermeasures and realize personalized products recommendation .

  17. CRM客户关系管理系统的核心是个性化的营销,通过个性化的营销来满足客户的个性化需求,最终实现客户价值的最大化和企业的持久赢利。

    The core of CRM system is individuation marketing . The individuation marketing would content clients ' individuation need . This would bring long-term profit to the company .

  18. 基于IIPP的个性化互动营销决策支持系统设计方案

    IIPP-Based Personalization Interactive Marketing Decision-support System Design Plan

  19. 但是,这种个性化的营销也存在着个人数据资料被滥用的潜在危险。

    But this kind of individuality marketing sale also has the potential danger of personal data information been abused .

  20. 外贸网络营销与传统的营销手段相比,具有许多明显的优势:它是一种强调个性化的营销方式,具有极强的互动性;

    Net marketing of foreign trade has more obvious advantage than traditional marketing way : It is a method of emphasizing individuation , has strong interaction ;

  21. 企业为适应这种情况,必须具备个性化的营销能力和一种根据营销信息将互联网、信息和企业资源整合的能力。

    To adapt themselves to this condition , the enterprises must have two kinds of capabilities , one for individually marketing and one for integration of internet and information and resource in corporations .

  22. 实验分析说明k-centers算法能够准确把握不同类型客户的特征,为个性化的市场营销提供有力支持。

    Experiments on a real-life dataset show that the k-centers algorithm can hold the characteristics of different kinds of customers , which provides great support for customized marketing .

  23. 信息时代要求企业既具有快速柔性的生产模式,又具有个性化服务的营销模式。

    It is essential for enterprises to have both an agile and soft producing mode and a personalized saling mode in information age .

  24. 强调树立满足消费者欲望和增强客户体验的营销理念,应该以满足消费者心理及个性化需求为营销重点,以及在促销战略上创意强化客户体验的品牌形象。

    It is the priority of experience economy to set up the idea of customer orientation and customer experience , so as to satisfy the individual and personalized demand .

  25. 这是由个人需求决定的购物体验,是像脸书和谷歌这样的公司收集的数据定制的个性化的市场营销日益增长的自然延伸。

    It 's a shopping experience defined by the needs of the individual , a natural extension of increasingly personalized marketing campaigns tailored by online data collected by companies like Facebook and Google .

  26. 本文针对新形势下,市场营销的最新发展趋势定制营销进行较全面的探讨,提出了根据个性化需求定制营销的策略。

    This article comprehensively probes into under the new situations the latest development trend of marketing to order , and puts forward a proposal that the strategies of marketing should be made according to individualized needs .

  27. 作者详细阐释了10个基本理念:一切利用、一切用户、开放服务、免费服务、人性化服务、个性化服务、营销服务、竞合服务、创新服务。

    The author explains the ten basic ideas in detail as following : all for use , all for user , open service , free service , facilities for user , humanistic service , individualized service , marketing service , service competition and cooperation , service innovation .

  28. 论个性化需求与定制营销

    Discussion about Individualized Needs and Marketing to Order

  29. 随着顾客需求逐步趋向个性化、多样化,营销渠道也随着顾客需求的变化而多样化发展。

    As the customers ' demand inclines to personification and diversification , marketing channels is changing correspondingly with customers requirements .

  30. 商业银行必须掌握更加全面的客户信息,潜心研究客户需求,通过个性化、差别化营销,在帮助客户实现价值最大化的同时,实现银行自身的价值最大化。

    Commercial banks are required to master a more comprehensive customer information , painstaking research needs of customers , through personalized , differentiated marketing , helping clients maximize value while maximizing the value of the banks themselves realize .