
  • 网络Distribution Strategy;Place
  1. 在分销策略方面提出:企业需要整合各方面资源,增强渠道的紧密性;

    Suggesting that in the respect of Place tactics : integrate different resource , strengthen the channel compactness ;

  2. 产品、价格、促销和分销策略是影响金融创新产品营销的主要因素。

    The strategies of product , price , promotion and place are the chief factors of the marketing of financial innovation .

  3. 从盈利模式、价格策略、分销策略、市场策略和竞争策略等多方面阐述了PLC网络的运营模式。

    The management mode of PLC network is expatiated in detail from many aspects such as payoff pattern , price policy , distribution strategy , market resource and competition tactic .

  4. 其分销策略坚定不移地推行直销战略,同时,选择性地利用指定性中间商作为直接销售的补充。以及提出扁平化与事业部制相结合的SD公司的组织架构。

    It implements the vertical sale strategy as well as utilizing the selective middleman as the supplement . Also , propose a flat and alignment of departments SD Company organization structure .

  5. 营销案例教学模式探索分别从产品策略、价格策略、促销策略和分销策略四方面进行分析,总结HC公司营销工作存在的不足,为有针对性地提出营销策略打下基础。

    On Case-based Teaching Technique in Sale Course The analysis is made from the following four aspects : product tactics , pricing tactics , sale promotion tactics and distribution tactics .

  6. 工业企业开拓农村市场的分销策略研究

    On Distribution Strategy of Industries and Businesses ' Rural Marketing

  7. 从中体现出企业的目标市场、产品价格、分销策略等营销信息。

    Object market , product price and sale strategy should be shown by the packaging .

  8. 在分销策略中,研究了渠道的模式、影响渠道各环节的因素和分销渠道策略;

    On distribution , we study the model of channel , the factory influencing others and the strategy of distribution .

  9. 第五部分介绍了高职院校所能采取的营销策略:促销策略、分销策略、产品策略和定价策略。

    The fifth part introduces the marketing strategies can be taken , including promotion strategy , distribution strategy , product strategy and pricing strategy .

  10. 去年,几家合资基金管理公司遭遇了大规模的资产外流,原因是一些中资合作伙伴采用了模糊的筹资和分销策略。

    Last year , several joint-venture funds suffered massive asset outflows , because of the murky fund-raising and distribution tactics of some Chinese partners .

  11. 在此基础上,本文提出了写字楼市场营销组合策略,即写字楼产品策略、定价策略、促销与分销策略。

    On this basis , this paper proposes marketing strategies of office building , which including office building products and price , promotion and distribution strategies .

  12. 体验营销与传统营销相比,在产品、价格、促销和分销策略上都有很大不同,因此,企业应确立增加顾客体验的营销理念,努力开发新产品新活动;

    There are a lot of differences in product , in price , in promotion and in distribution strategy between the experience marketing and traditional marketing .

  13. 然后本文从国航的分销策略、促销策略、服务策略、营销渠道的现状出发,分析了现存国航大客户营销中所存在的主要问题。

    Then the thesis analyzed main problems existing in VIP marketing of International Airlines , oriented on its strategy of distribution , promotion , service and sales channel .

  14. 本文对当前我国商业银行市场营销中的一些热点问题作了重点研究,在营销策略分析中,结合实例,重点探讨了产品策略、分销策略及促销策略,尤其是服务营销策略。

    This article researches the focal point of commercial banks marketing such as the tactics of the product and the place and the promotion and the service marketing .

  15. 对于分销策略来说,由于目前外国零售商都集中在大城市,所以中国的本土零售商可以抓住机遇,占领中小城市以及农村等的市场。

    For distribution system , because currently foreign retailers focus on big cities , domestic retailers can seize market opportunities in small and medium cities as well as some villages .

  16. 分析了组成环保导向型营销策略的四个策略,即:环保导向型的产品策略、分销策略、促销策略和定价策略。

    Four strategies were analyzed , which composed the marketing strategies oriented by environment protection and they were product strategy , distribution strategy , promotion strategy and pricing strategy separately .

  17. 同时通过借用传统管理工具分析,本文策划出具有创造性的产品,并初步制订了价格、渠道、分销策略和相应的营销保障从而吸引消费者,实现顺利销售。

    Meanwhile , according to traditional management analysis , the author creates a creative product and has already set up the price , selling strategies , and relevant guarantees to attract consumers .

  18. 它包括市场定位、赛事的运营管理、产品策略、有形展示、形象代言、价格策略、促销策略和分销策略的统筹考虑和运营分析。

    It is the whole consideration and analysis of market setting , competition market managing , product strategy , physical evidence , image on behalf and price strategy , promote strategy and retail strategy .

  19. 在分销策略上,改变传统固定呆板的单一渠道方式,建立电子商务营销渠道,并辅助其它分销渠道,解决高校餐饮时间和空间高度集中的问题。

    The food In distribution strategy , and change traditional fixed mechanical a single channel and set up e-business marketing channels , and the subsidiary distribution channels , and other institutions of higher food time and space is highly concentrated .

  20. 最后,在对货物运输进行了市场细分的基础上,确定哈局货物运输的目标市场,提出了哈局货物运输营销策略,包括产品策略、价格策略、促销策略和分销策略。

    In the end , this paper makes sure the target market of railway goods transportation of Harbin Railway Bureau on the base of analyses and proposes distribution strategies , including products strategy , pricing strategy , promoting strategy and distribution strategy .

  21. 为WH烟草公司制定了市场营销策略,包括品牌策略、分销渠道策略、促销策略、网络营销、体验营销等营销组合策略。

    Then the marketing strategy were drawed up for China Tobacco at WH , including brand strategy , distribution channel strategy , promotion strategy , network marketing , experiential marketing and so on .

  22. 最后,文章从4p角度,就企业针对我国消费者实施的绿色产品策略、绿色价格策略、绿色分销渠道策略和绿色促销策略进行了系统深入的研究。

    In the end , from the traditional 4P points , the essay makes a systemic and deeply study on the green marketing strategy : green production strategy , green price strategy , green distribution channel strategy and green sales promotion strategy .

  23. 本文主要研究的是几种产销量较大的全钢载重子午线轮胎在替换胎市场中的零售市场的分销渠道策略。

    This paper mainly research the retail market of replacement-tire .

  24. 中小企业分销渠道策略浅议

    Discussion on Marketing Channel Tactics of Medium-size and Small-size Enterprises

  25. 在分销渠道策略方面,采用保守扩张策略。

    Distribution channel strategy , conservative expansion strategy .

  26. 湖南湘江涂料集团有限公司分销渠道策略研究

    The Study on Distribution Channel Strategy of Hunan Xiangjiang Paint Group Co. , Ltd

  27. 分销渠道策略实践教学方案设计

    Practical Teaching Scheme Design of Distribution Channel Strategy

  28. 企业的分销渠道策略,直接影响到企业的营销速度和效率。

    Business strategy of distribution channels has direct impact on the speed and efficiency of marketing .

  29. 二是以特色地震游旅游产品为内容的间接多级多层分销渠道策略。

    Secondly , it adopts indirect multi-level and multi-distribution channel strategy with the content of characteristic tourism products .

  30. 在第五章提出中远集运太平洋航线营销策略组合,包括产品策略,价格策略,分销渠道策略和促销策略。

    At last the thesis brings forward the marketing mix strategies in Trans-Pacific line including product , price , place and promotion strategies .