
  • 网络spread risk;diversification;Diversify risk;Risk diversification;Risk spreading
  1. G20还说,证券化和衍生品市场等创新的伟大之处在于,它们得以更大程度地分散风险。

    The great thing about innovations such as securitisation and derivative markets , the G-20 continued , is that they allow a greater diversification of risk .

  2. 知情人士指出了果进行上述转移的战略原因:去年富士康制造工艺存在缺陷导致iPhone5的金属外壳出现划痕,苹果因此希望分散风险;来自三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)和其它厂家的竞争日益激烈,苹果决定扩大其产品线。

    People familiar with the matter point to strategic reasons for the shift : risk diversification after Foxconn 's manufacturing glitches last year with the iPhone 5 that resulted in scratches on the metal casings , and Apple 's decision to expand its product lines amid growing competition from Samsung Electronics Co. and others .

  3. 理论和实践证明,对发展中国家而言,发展企业债券融资渠道,降低银行系统金融资产占GDP的百分比,在宏观上可以起到分散风险的作用,增加整个金融系统抵御风险的能力;

    It has been demonstrated that by developing corporation bonds market and descending the percentage of financial assets of banks to GDP it could enhance the capability of the entire society to resist the financial risks .

  4. SPV接受创始人提前划定的资产,实现特定资产与创始人其他财产的分离,同时可以帮助创始人实现财务优化,分散风险的目的。

    SPV is designated to accept the assets of the founder in advance , to realize the separation between the specific assets and other property .

  5. VaR方法最大的缺陷在于其所测量的风险值有时难以准确地反应投资者真实心理感受,而且缺乏投资组合分散风险特性所要求的次可加性。

    The biggest blemish in method of in method of VaR sometimes lies in Risk value that VaR measured sometimes has difficulty being corresponding with investor 's real feeling precisely and VaR lacks of sub-additive in some cases .

  6. 比利时鲁汶大学的经济学家PaulDeGrauwe认为通过分散风险,欧洲债券可以成为一种持久应对不稳定的流动性危机的方法。

    By pooling risk , Eurobonds could be a more durable counter to such destabilising liquidity crises , argues Paul De Grauwe , an economist at the Catholic University of Leuven , in Belgium .

  7. 比起构成欧洲商业活动主体的中小企业,大众(Volkswagen)这样的工业巨擘更易于分散风险,着力强化企业要塞,以备灾害来袭。

    For industrial giants such as Volkswagen , it is easier to spread risk in an effort to strengthen the corporate fortress against a calamity than it is for the small and medium-sized companies that make up the bulk of European business activity .

  8. 海洋石油分散风险成本和效益的经济分析

    Economic analysis of transforming risk cost and benefit of oceanic petroleum

  9. 关于我国住房贷款分散风险的思考

    Thinking on the Scattering Risks of the Housing Loan in China

  10. 信用担保机构控制风险、分散风险的机制不完善;

    The organism of controlling risk and dispersing risk is imperfct ;

  11. 建立了旨在分散风险的再担保机制。

    The double hypothecation mechanism is bulied for separate risk .

  12. 投资组合分散风险的理论及实证分析

    The Dispersion Risk Theory and Positive Analysis of Combination Investment

  13. 分散风险提高收益实现企业价值最大化

    Dispersing Risk for Heightening Benefit to Realize the Biggest Value of Enterprise

  14. 商业银行集团授信客户行业分散风险研究

    Multi-industry Decentralization Risk Faced by Group Customers of Commercial Banks

  15. 如果政客坚持进行风险投资,就该学会分散风险。

    If they insist on playing VC , they should share the risk .

  16. 对于采矿业应如何分散风险,目前有两种理论。

    There are two theories as to how miners should spread their risks .

  17. 它是一种不同的资产类别,分散风险的好处已几乎不存在了。

    It is a different asset class and the diversification benefits have almost evaporated .

  18. 尽管从技术上讲这是正确的,但它们分散风险的方式却不恰当。

    While that was technically correct , they distributed it in a perverse way .

  19. 医疗责任保险是转移损害、分散风险的有效方法之一。

    Medical malpractice insurance is an effective way of shifting loss and spreading risk .

  20. 平衡基金和股票,票据混合投资可以分散风险,本金,甚至更多。

    Balanced funds mix stocks and bonds to spread risk and capital even more .

  21. 通过指数投资可以更好的分散风险。

    Investing across indices provides more diversification anyway .

  22. 增强分散风险的能力。

    Strengthen the ability of the dispersion risk .

  23. 第二,组合投资能够有效分散风险,能够提高风险资产收益率。

    Second , Portfolio can spread the risk , and improve the risk assets yield .

  24. 政策性生猪保险的提出是为了转移分散风险和分摊经济损失。

    The policy-type insurance for pigs can shift and spread risks to share economic losses .

  25. 保险的主要功能体现在分散风险、补偿损失和融通资金三个方面。

    Major functions of insurance are scattering some of risk , compensating loss and providing financing channels .

  26. 它可以分散风险,使企业避免因污染损害事故而遭受重大损失;

    It can scatter risk and thus make enterprises avoid huge losses because of pollution damage accidents .

  27. 环境责任保险强大的分散风险功能,已成为世界各国解决环境损害赔偿的重要途径。

    The environment liability insurance system can disperse risk , and becomes relief approach in many countries .

  28. 持股关系束缚了资本的流动,却没有有效分散风险。

    The stakes lock up a company 's capital and it is hard to claim they spread risk .

  29. 另外,他表示,基金提供的组合投资有助于分散风险。

    In addition , he says , the portfolio investment that a fund offers helps spread the risk .

  30. 后者分散风险的能力更强,我国若采用医疗损害无过失责任,宜采后一种型态。

    The latter pays more attention to diversification of risk , which is more appropriate for china to adopt .