
fēnɡ xiǎn tóu zī
  • risk investment;venture investment
  1. 基于Fuzzy理论的风险投资研究

    Base on Fuzzy Theory Risk Investment Research

  2. 论美国先进技术计划(ATP)的风险投资机制及启示

    Analysis on the Risk Investment Mechanism of US ATP

  3. 成功的风险投资有时要比它表面看起来困难得多。

    Successful venture capital investment is a lot harder than it sometimes looks .

  4. 电力股仍然是低风险投资。

    Electricity shares are still a safe investment

  5. 官僚体制会使风险投资搁置好几个月。

    Bureaucracy can entangle ventures for months

  6. 2007年,对清洁科技产业的风险投资出现大幅上升,反映出政治人士和消费者对环保经济的支持。

    Venture capital investment in clean technology businesses rose sharply in 2007 , reflecting political and consumer support for a greener economy .

  7. 布拉德福德甚至还在硅谷著名的风险投资公司红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)做了9个月的投资者。

    Bradford even spent nine months at Sequoia Capital , the high-flying Silicon Valley venture capital firm , as an investor .

  8. 美国国家风险投资协会(NationalVentureCapitalAssociation)数据显示,2012年以来,美国风险资本公司已在硅谷投资了约700亿美元,在全美为1600亿美元。

    Since 2012 , American venture capital companies have invested around $ 70bn in Silicon Valley and $ 160bn overall , according to the National Venture Capital Association . Last year , several billion of this went to New York .

  9. LendInvest的首席执行官克里斯蒂安•费斯(ChristianFaes)表示,他花了大量时间接洽风险投资基金,试图找到合适的合作伙伴。

    Christian Faes , chief executive , said he had spent a lot of time talking to venture capital funds trying to find the right partner .

  10. TTI公司获得风险投资的过程,说明业界的信誉、资金实力、运作程序、管理团队都至关重要。

    TTI Company obtain course of risk investment , prove prestige , fund strength , operation procedure , group essential management of industry .

  11. 探讨了净现值(NPV)法在风险投资项目评价中应用的机理,并具体分析了NPV法运用的方法、步骤,最后给出该方法应用的实际案例。

    Application mechanism of Net Present Value ( NPV ) method in venture capital project appraisal is discussed , application procedure for NPV is analyzed , and concrete application case is also illustrated .

  12. 第二章分析了资本市场在风险投资中的重要作用,介绍了现代OTC证券市场的基本情况,进而阐明了现代OTC市场与风险投资业的内在联系;

    The second chapter analyses the role of capital market in venture capital sector , the basic knowledge of modem OTC market and the inner relationship between the modem OTC market and the venture capital .

  13. 结合IC设计业的发展现状及特点,对如何通过引进风险投资来促进我国IC设计业的发展进行了研究,并提出了相关建议。

    Based on the developing status and the features of IC design industry , how to use the venture investing of low investment risk and high return to promote the growth of IC designing industry of China on venture capital is studied , and some suggestions were put forward .

  14. 该研究机构的OsamuNaito表示:这类企业过去可能获得过西方和日本基金的风险投资,但在雷曼(Lehman)事件后,中国机构接替了西方和日本基金的位置。

    These are companies that might have received risk capital from western and Japanese funds in the past , but after the Lehman shock the Chinese have come in to take their place , says Osamu Naito at the research company .

  15. 建立我国风险投资业的保证体系

    The Construction of the Guarantee System of Venture Investment in China

  16. 我国民营企业风险投资的法律问题探析

    On the Legal Problems of the Risk Investment for Nongovernmental Enterprises

  17. 风险投资支撑环境作用机理研究

    Research on the Mechanism about Supporting Environment of Venture Capital Investment

  18. 风险投资发展区域分布不平衡的形成机理研究

    Study on Formation Mechanism of Regional Imbalance in Venture Capital Development

  19. 第三章:企业治理结构的效率决定。风险投资企业治理模式比较及效率研究

    Comparison and Efficiency Analysis of Governance Mechanisms in Venture Capital Companies

  20. 内部收益率在企业风险投资中的应用

    Application of internal rate of return to corporation risk investment decision

  21. 新世纪高等学校风险投资运作

    The Operation of Risk Investment in University at the New Century

  22. 风险投资中资本与技术的博弈

    The Game of Capital and Technique in the Venture Capital Investments

  23. 论风险投资与重庆市高新技术产业发展

    On Risk Investment and the Development of Hi-tech Industry of Chongqing

  24. 风险投资机制的国际比较及中国实现途径研究

    The International Comparison of Risk Investment System and China 's Solutions

  25. 典型的低风险投资是政府债券和银行存款。

    Classic low-risk investments are government stocks and bank deposits .

  26. 风险投资评估指标体系的研究

    A Research on the Assessment Index System of Venture Capital

  27. 以股权、证券为纽带完善风险投资机制;

    To improve the mechanism of risk investment by stock and bond ;

  28. 风险投资机会测评与资源配置战略

    Measuring the Opportunity of Venture Capital and Allocating the Resources

  29. 第二部分为风险投资机构的组织形式。

    Part ⅱ, the organizing forms of venture capital organization .

  30. 风险投资管理中代理风险的防范研究

    The Guarding Research of the risk from agent for the Venture Capital