
  • 网络risk-weighted assets;RWA;RWAS
  1. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的分析师们相信,该政策让三家银行得以大幅降低风险加权资产占总资产的比例,即便总体放贷加快了增长。

    Analysts at Morgan Stanley believe it has allowed those three banks to lower dramatically risk-weighted assets as a proportion of total assets even as overall lending has accelerated .

  2. 一级资本至少应是风险加权资产的7%。

    Tier 1 capital should be at least 7 per cent of risk-weighted assets .

  3. 根据《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)的新全球资本框架,所有银行都应将质量最优的“核心一级”资本保持在其风险加权资产的7%。

    Under the New Basel III global capital framework , all banks will be required to hold top-quality " core tier one " capital equal to 7 per cent of their risk-adjusted assets .

  4. 假设资金雄厚的银行最初希望偿还一半的Tarp资金,而较脆弱银行将有形普通股权益与风险加权资产的比率提高到4%至5%,高盛(GoldmanSachs)估计还需要再筹集1300亿美元的资金。

    Assuming strong banks initially want to pay back half their Tarp capital , while weaker banks raise their tangible common equity to risk-weighted asset ratios to between 4 and 5 per cent , Goldman Sachs reckons about $ 130bn of additional capital is needed .

  5. 而降低风险加权资产的一个重要途径是减少信贷供给甚至提早收回贷款。

    And an important way to reduce risk-weighted assets is reducing the credit supply or recovering loans ahead of time .

  6. 各家银行都使用专有模型来衡量风险加权资产,并以此计算资本金比率。

    Banks use proprietary models to measure risk weighted assets , which in turn are used to calculate capital ratios .

  7. 有些银行高管公开表示,他们努力通过调整自己的模型来“优化”风险加权资产。

    Some bank executives have talked openly of their efforts to " optimise " their rwas by adjusting their models .

  8. 一旦银行开始动用一笔额外的、占风险加权资产2.5%的“缓冲”资金,监管者将限制其奖金发放和派息。

    Regulators will be expected to restrict bonuses and dividends when banks dip into an additional buffer of 2.5 per cent .

  9. 改善负债管理、调整风险加权资产模型和保留盈利的做法,在弥合资本缺口方面只能起到一定作用。

    Liability management exercises , adjusting risk-weighted asset models and retaining earnings will go only so far in closing capital deficits .

  10. 第二季度,瑞信的风险加权资产减少10%,至1390亿美元。日在险价值(DVaR)也有所下降。

    Risk-weighted assets declined 10 per cent to $ 139bn in the second quarter , while daily value at risk also fell .

  11. 德国商业银行希望通过削减风险加权资产及其它资金管理措施,努力达到欧洲银行管理局的资本金要求。

    Commerzbank wants to try to meet EBA demands by cutting risk-weighted assets as well as through other measures to manage capital .

  12. 它还会产生提高苏格兰皇家银行资本比率的效果。资本比率衡量的是资本占风险加权资产总额的比例。

    This also has the effect of boosting RBS 's capital ratios , which measure capital as a proportion of total risk-weighted assets .

  13. 除了收购价之外,宝盛还需要3亿瑞士法郎的监管资本,以支持其新的风险加权资产。

    In addition to the purchase price , Julius Baer will need an extra SFr300m in regulatory capital to support its new risk-weighted assets .

  14. 该协议将银行的普通股(其界定已有所收窄)对风险加权资产之比提高了一倍以上,至4.5%。

    The ratio of common equity ( whose definition has been tightened ) to risk-weighted assets has more than doubled to 4.5 per cent .

  15. 瑞银表示:投行部将得到简化,风险加权资产将会减少,为股东创造可持续回报所需的资金也将大为减少。

    The investment bank will be less complex , carry fewer risk-weighted assets and require substantially less capital to produce sustainable returns for shareholders , the bank said .

  16. 然而,穆迪的警告突显出,随着银行纷纷削减风险加权资产以满足新资本规定,加之他们难以为那些资产筹集资金,欧洲可能面临一场信贷紧缩。

    But the warning highlights the risk of a European credit crunch as banks shrink risk-weighted assets to meet new capital rules and as they struggle to fund those assets .

  17. 汇丰说将会减少25%的所谓风险加权资产&一种对持有资产的风险衡量,即2900亿美元左右。

    HSBC said it would reduce so-called risk-weighted assets , a measure of the risk of the capital it holds , by 25 percent , or about $ 290 billion .

  18. 为正确评估风险加权资产,本文系统性地概括了商业银行面临的信用风险、市场风险和操作风险的度量方法。

    In order to correctly evaluate the risk weighted assets , this paper systematically introduces the dimension of credit risk , market risk and operational risk faced by commercial banks .

  19. 过去两三年里,他们有一句很简短的口头禅:资本比例具体地说就是股本对风险加权资产的比例越高越好。

    Their maxim for the past couple of years has been simple : the higher the capital ratio – specifically equity as a proportion of risk-weighted assets – the better .

  20. 这家瑞士银行业集团计划进一步精简投行人手,在今后5年内,将投行部门的风险加权资产削减近一半。

    The Swiss banking group plans to cut more of its investment bank staff and slash the risk-weighted assets in its investment bank almost by half in the next five years .

  21. 任何私人内部纾困都无法与其相比&即便一家银行持有相当于其风险加权资产20%的资本,其能够用于纾困的资源也是有限的。

    No private bail-in can match that – even if a bank holds capital equivalent to 20 per cent of its risk-weighted assets , the resources available for its rescue are limited .

  22. 钱乃骥表示,华侨银行将通过减少风险加权资产(资本充足率计算公式中的分母)、出售非核心资产来逐步提高资本充足率。

    Mr Tsien said the bank would move over time to improve the ratio by reducing its risk-weighted assets – the denominator against which capital is measured – and selling non-core assets .

  23. 有两种特别引起争议的策略:改变银行计算风险加权资产的方式,以及承诺不太可能吸引买家的资产出售。

    There are two particularly contentious tactics being employed shifting the way in which a bank calculates the risk-weighting of its assets ; and promising asset sales that are unlikely to attract buyers .

  24. 巴克莱资本表示,如果监管机构决定,银行一级资本与风险加权资产的比率只需达到6%,而非8%,那么美国35家银行仅需筹资80亿美元。

    Should regulators decide that banks need to meet a 6 per cent ratio rather than 8 per cent , the 35 US banks would need to raise just $ 8bn , BarCap said .

  25. 新规定将要求银行持有相当于风险加权资产至少7%的股本,抵押贷款支持证券等风险较高的资产则需要较多资本。

    The new regime will require banks to hold at least 7 per cent of equity as a ratio of risk-weighted assets , with riskier assets such as mortgage-backed securities requiring more ­ capital .

  26. 它们将有另外6个月时间来申请资金,财政部还会将它们所能获得的资金量,从占风险加权资产的3%提高到5%。

    They will have six more months to apply for funds and the Treasury will also increase the amount of money they can access from 3 per cent of risk-weighted assets to 5 per cent .

  27. 正如多数围绕银行业的辩论一样,有关银行在何种程度上蒙蔽体制以减少风险加权资产(从而降低资本要求)的讨论,还是少一些装腔作势为好。

    Like most debates around banking , the discussion about the extent to which banks can game the system to lower their risk-weighted assets ( and hence their capital requirements ) , would benefit from less grandstanding .

  28. 周日,该委员会责令各银行,在2019年之前,将核心一级资本与风险加权资产的最低比率从2%提升至7%,否则将对其派息和奖金发放施加限制。

    On Sunday , the committee ordered banks to raise their minimum core tier one capital from 2 per cent to 7 per cent of their risk weighted assets by 2019 or face restrictions on pay and bonuses .

  29. 交通银行在公告中表示,增资目的是为了补充核心资本金,但他们曾经表示打算把风险加权资产增加15%,所以此次所筹资金中很大一部分将用来资助增长相当积极的增长。

    The statement says that it is for core capital but they have said they want to grow risk-weighted assets by 15 per cent , so a lot of this will be used to fund growth , quite aggressive growth .

  30. 周一,各通讯社报道,中国银监会要求,大型银行明年须将资本占风险加权资产的比率,从目前的10%-11%提高到13%。

    On Monday , wire services reported that China 's Banking Regulatory Commission , where he is chairman , was urging big banks to boost capital ratios to 13 per cent of risk-weighted assets next year , from 10-11 per cent now .