
  • 网络issuing storehouse
  1. 各级人民币发行库主任由同级中国人民银行行长担任。

    Chiefs of warehouses at various levels shall be assumed by branch bank managers of the corresponding level .

  2. 未将合格的人民币产品全部解缴中国人民银行人民币发行库的;

    Failure to deliver all qualified RMB products to the issuance warehouses of the people 's Bank of china ;

  3. 第二十一条中国人民银行设立人民币发行库,在其分支机构设立分支库。

    Article 21 The People 's Bank of China shall establish a Renminbi issue treasury and shall establish subsidiary issue treasuries at its branches .

  4. 发行库作为发行基金存储的重要载体,其安全性直接关系到发行基金合理供应和货币发行工作的正常开展。

    As an important carrier of the issued funds storage , the safety of the issuance vaults directly concerns normal conduction of rational supply of issued funds as well as currency issuing .

  5. 做好发行库风险管理对保证国家财产安全、确保发行基金供应、维护金融稳定、保持中央银行良好社会形象都具有重要的意义。

    Risk management of the issuance vaults is of most importance to ensure the national property safety & the issued funds supply , to safeguard financial stability and to maintain a good social image of the Central Bank .

  6. pkg-config命令是跨发行版检查库版本的方法。

    The cross-distribution way of checking library versions is the pkg-config command .

  7. 许多Linux发行版的存储库中也包含它。

    Many Linux distributions also include it within their repositories .

  8. 基本的Python发行版提供许多库,其中包含马上可以使用的例程和函数。

    The base Python distribution has a huge library of available routines and functions just waiting to be used .

  9. 如果您使用UNIX或Linux,请检查发行版附带的库,寻找合适的二进制文件或从头构建SquirrelShell。

    If you use a flavor of UNIX or Linux , check your distribution 's repository for suitable binaries , or build Squirrel Shell from scratch .

  10. 可以下载它的源代码并从头构建这个应用程序,也可以从您的UNIX发行版的存储库获得二进制代码(如果有的话)。

    You can download its source code and build the application from scratch or , if available , pull an existing binary from your UNIX distribution 's repository .

  11. 对于每个必须以这种方式安装的库(和GIMP本身),您必须注意不要覆盖安装在您的发行版中的库。

    For each library you have to install in this way ( and for GIMP itself ), you will have to take care not to overwrite the library that came installed in your distribution .

  12. 不过,每个发行版对核心库的定义都有些不同,因此在声称您的应用程序受特定发行版支持之前,通常需要执行回归测试。

    However , each distribution 's definition of core could vary slightly , which means that regression testing is always necessary when claiming your application is supported on a given distribution .

  13. 人民币发行基金是中国人民银行人民币发行库保存的未进入流通的人民币。

    Issuance funds of RMB are the RMB stored in the issuance warehouses of people 's Bank of China before entering into circulation .