
  1. 2000年后华中发电能源形势分析

    Power Energy Resource Analysis of Central China Power Network after 2000

  2. 改善发电能源结构大力发展水电

    Improve the Electric Energy Structure and Accelerate the Hydropower Development

  3. 比较评估不同发电能源的数据库和方法

    Database and Methodologies for Comparative Assessment of Different Energy Sources of Electricity Generation

  4. 引进天然气优化发电能源结构

    Import Natural Gas Optimize Energy Structure for Power Generation

  5. 华东电网中长期发电能源平衡分析研究

    Study of balance of medium and long term energy for power generation in East China Power Grid

  6. 天然气作为本世纪最有前途的发电能源,具有良好的长远经济效益和发展前景。

    As a promising generation energy , natural gas has good long_term economic benefits and developing prospect .

  7. 日本是一个能源紧缺的国家,而发电能源结构经过了一个变化过程。

    Japan is a country short of energy , while the energy mix for power generation experienced a changing process .

  8. 风能资源是无污染的绿色能源,并且在各种发电能源中对环境影响最小。

    Wind energy resource is green energy of non-polluting and makes a least impact on the environment among kinds of energy .

  9. 必须把发电能源结构转变的研究摆到重要议事日程上来(续二)

    Research on Structure Conversion of Power Energy Sources must be Put on the Important Order of the Day ( continued )

  10. 但是想要使用几乎所有密松大坝水力发电能源的中国,并没有被事先告知此事。

    Yet the Chinese , who had expected to receive almost all the hydroelectric power generated by the Myitsone dam , were not told in advance .

  11. 我国发电能源分布与用电负荷分布极不平衡,使得我国西电东送、全国联网势在必行,以实现能源的大范围转移。

    There is a reverse distribution between the energy resources and the power demands , Our Country has to implement west-to-east power transmission and power exchange nationwide interconnection .

  12. 目前一系列以新能源及可再生能源作为发电能源的分布式电源,包括光伏、风电、微型燃气轮机等陆续接入电网。

    Now more and more distributed generations including photovoltaic panels , wind generators , micro-turbines which can generate the power by consuming the new and renewable energy are connected to the system .

  13. 文摘:从我国电力工业发展的角度,浅析了国内外发电能源结构及其变化趋势。

    Abstract : from the viewpoint of power industry development in our country , the author analyzed roughly the energy structure as well as the developing tendency for internal and external generates electricity .

  14. 对传统的发电能源原料构成及其存在的缺陷进行了分析,揭示了可再生生物质能源的优势和林业能源在现代能源工业中的重要地位。

    The composition of the raw material of conventional power-generating resources and its existent disadvantages was analyzed , and the advantages of renewable bioenergy and the consequence of forest energy in modern energy industry were revealed .

  15. 应用系统动力学方法建立了可持续电力发展的系统动力学模型,该模型包括电力与经济社会、电力与发电能源结构、电力与环境3个子模型。

    The model of electric power sustainable development is established by using the theory of system dynamics . The model contains three sub-models that are electric power and economic society model , electric power and energy model , electric power and environment model .

  16. 文中介绍了日本电力现状及发电能源结构,分析了日本一次能源利用的特点,对目前我国一次能源利用提出了看法。

    In this paper the status quo of electric power and energy mix for power generation in Japan are introduced , the utilization features of primary energy in Japan are analyzed , and the views on the current primary energy utilization in China are raised .

  17. 水力发电在能源结构中的作用

    The role of hydropower in china 's energy structure

  18. 发电厂能源管理中心监控系统的设计与研究

    Study on Integrated Control in Power Plant

  19. 发展风能发电改善能源结构

    Developing wind power to optimize energy structure

  20. 研究火力发电厂能源审计的技术与方法有重要的现实意义。

    Study of thermal power plant energy audit technology and method has an important practical significance .

  21. 开发风力发电促进能源结构多元化&世界风力发电情况扫描

    To Hamess Wind Power for Diversification of Energy Structure & An Analysis of world wind Power Development

  22. 西门子在世博园内三大引人注目的展示内容就是它在发电、能源高效以及医疗领域的解决之道。

    The three touch points on-site at the World Expo are energy generation , energy efficiency and healthcare solutions .

  23. 太阳能光伏发电的能源来源于取之不尽,用之不竭的太阳能。

    The energy of the solar photovoltaic generation originates from the inexhaustible solar energy , is the resources richest renewable energy .

  24. 火力发电企业能源消耗量极大,但作为保障国家经济建设的基础,又无法限制其产出。

    Thermal power enterprise energy consumption greatly , but as a basis for the protection of national economic construction , they can not limit their output .

  25. 燃气轮机广泛用于航空推进、地面工业发电等能源动力领域,在国民经济与国防建设中的作用日显重要。

    Gas turbine is widely used in the fields of aircraft propulsion and power generation , and plays a significant role in the civil economy and national defense .

  26. 最近,这个国家能源来源可能紧缺,这将会影响到国家水力发电的能源供应情况。鉴于此,政府不得不对这一可能性做出了否认。

    In recent days , the government was forced to make a statement denying the possibility of energy shortages caused by droughts and affecting the country 's hydroelectric power stations .

  27. 研究还表明,我国以煤作为生产与发电主要能源的成本相对较低,使得我国的能源密集型产品具有一定的国际竞争优势。

    Thirdly , coal being a main energy for production and generating electric power in China results in the production costs are low , so its products of energy intensive have competitiveness .

  28. 通过对生物质能发电厂能源,尤其是农作物秸杆、薪柴在中国的资源分布、产量及可用潜力的调查分析,对生物质能发电厂的投资提出建议。

    Investigation and analysis on the energy resource for biomass power plants , especially the distribution , output , and availability potential of crop straw and firewood in China were carried out , and suggestions on investment for biomass power plants are put forward .

  29. 化石燃料发电其能源不可再生,核能发电虽然可以提供大量电能,但它还存在着废料处理等诸多问题,在此背景下,风力发电开始出现并得到了发展。

    As the energy of fossil fuels in power generation is non-renewable and nuclear power generation can provide a lot of power , but also exist waste disposal and many other issues , under this background , the wind power began to appear and have been developed .

  30. 并且就目前电力电子领域的发展形势来看,隔离升压DC-DC功率变换将成为新能源发电以及新能源汽车等领域的关键技术之一。

    And according to the developing tendency of power electronics , the isolated step-up DC-DC converter will become one of the key technology in fields like new energy generation and new energy vehicle .