
fā zhǎn quán
  • rights to development
  1. 发展权全球性法治初探

    A Global Legal Approach for the Protection of Rights to Development

  2. 三峡库区农村移民发展权的现状与对策思考&以城乡统筹为视野

    The Status quo and the Countermeasures of Rural Migrants ' Rights to Development in Three Gorges Reservoir Area & from the Perspective of the urban and rural harmonious development

  3. WTO农业补贴协议下中国农民发展权的实现

    Accomplishment of the Farmers ' Development Rights Under the Subsidy Provisions of WTO

  4. TDR设计要素、分区规划规则、潜在住房和土地市场共同决定了发展权的供给和需求。

    All of the design elements work together , and in the conjunction with zoning rules and potential housing and land market conditions , to determine TDR supply and demand .

  5. 知识产权国际保护与发展权研究&以药品为研究样本

    Study on International Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Development Rights

  6. 试论发展权与少数民族流动人口的权益保护

    On Development Right and the Floating Minority Population 's Right Protection

  7. 农地发展权定价则是农地发展权发挥作用的基础。

    The pricing is the basis of full use development right .

  8. 剩余法较能体现农民的土地发展权权益。

    Residual Method can show farmers ' rights and interests most .

  9. 发展权含义的法哲学分析

    The Definition of the Right to Development in Philosophy of Law

  10. 发展权主体的法哲学探析

    The Jurisprudential Analysis of the Subject of the Right to Development

  11. 土地发展权论

    A Brief Discussion on the Right of Land Exploitation Land Development Right

  12. 非公共利益性质的征地行为与土地发展权补偿

    Land expropriation for a non-public purpose and compensation for its development right

  13. 发展权视野下发展问题探讨

    Discussion about Development under the Perspectives of Right to Develop

  14. 中国土地发展权论纲

    An Outline on the Right of Land Development in China

  15. 论区域发展权的本质属性及法律实践

    On the Essential Nature of Regional Development Right and its Legal Practice

  16. 这些问题都是因为农民文化发展权的保障不可避免地受到许多现实因素的制约或者阻碍而产生的。

    These problems are inevitable produced by many practical factors or obstacles .

  17. 土地资源可持续利用中的利益均衡:土地发展权配置

    In Land Resource Sustainable Use Benefit Balanced : Land Development Right Disposition

  18. 增强维护广大教职工发展权的实效性和针对性

    More Effectively and Concretely to Safeguard the Developing Rights of Faculty and Administrators

  19. 辩证地看待微创外科农地发展权探微

    The Thoughs in the Minimally Invasive Surgery Development Right to the Agricultural Land

  20. 第一,体育发展权的现实基础。

    The reality basis of development right for sports .

  21. 西部开发有利于实现西部人民的发展权;

    Western development is favourable for realizing the right .

  22. 第二,体育发展权的学理基础。

    The doctrinal basis of development right for sports .

  23. 个体的发展权则明确了学习的最终目的。

    Individuality Development establishes the ultimate objective of learning .

  24. 因此发展权应优先受到重视。

    Therefore , attention should first be given to the right to development .

  25. 双边投资条约对发展权的负面影响及对策

    The Negative Impact of BIT on the Right of Development and Its Resolution

  26. 土地发展权及其在我国的配置

    Land Development Right and Its Configuring in China

  27. 论非公有制经济发展权的公法保障

    The Public Law Protection of Non-state-owned Economy Development

  28. 本文中心任务是探讨非公有制经济发展权的公法保障问题。

    This thesis is about the public law protection of the non-state-owned economy development .

  29. 农地发展权价格研究

    Study on the Price of Farmland Development Rights

  30. 发展权问题初探

    A Preliminary Discussion of the Right of Development