
  1. 略论我国公司法对发起人责任的规定

    Brief Research on Rules in Corporation Law of China about Liability of Sponsor

  2. 对股份有限公司发起人责任的思考

    The Reflection on Sponsors ' responsibility for Limited-Liability company

  3. 公司设立失败后发起人责任包括发起人外部责任与内部责任。

    Under failure of company establishment , initiators responsibility includes of external and internal responsibility .

  4. 理论是行动的先导,欲使未来公司立法趋于完善,欲对公司设立实践进行更加理性的指导与规制,对发起人责任,尤其是民事责任作理论上的详尽解析与深入探讨极为必要。

    Theory is the precursor of action , to perfect the Company Law , to provide more effective instruction and regulation for practice ;

  5. 对于设立中的公司的起始时间、发起人责任的承担等问题,理论界存在较大的争议。

    Regarding the company in establishment , it exists some bigger dispute about the outset time , the Initiators duty and so on .

  6. 显然,我国公司法对于发起人责任的寥寥数笔,与司法实践中的一刀切模式并不符合公司设立阶段责任的复杂特性。

    Obviously , a few provisions concerning incorporators ' liability , together with the sole model in legal practice do not comply with the complexity of incorporation process .

  7. 而以英、美为代表的判例法系国家则并不一般地关注设立中公司的人格问题,而是直接从先公司合同入手探讨相关的发起人责任。

    While in Britain , the United States as the representative of the case law countries do not generally concerned about the establishment of the personality issue , but the company contracts directly from the first start of the promoters of related responsibilities .

  8. 我国公司发起人法律责任研究&从个人本位到社会本位的转换

    On Legal Responsibilities of Company Promoters : Transformation from Individual Standard to Social Standard

  9. 在民事责任相关法律制度的构建中,应当确立过错责任原则、为违约提供法律救济、完善发起人的责任。

    In the civil responsibility construction of the related law system , we should establish the fault responsibility principle and provide the responsibility of the law redress , perfect sponsor for the default .

  10. 公司法的理论研究虽然很多,但多集中于探讨公司资本制度、公司治理、公司社会责任、股东权益保护等公司法领域,对公司设立制度,尤其是发起人法律责任制度研究十分薄弱。

    The theories study of Company Law focus on discussing the capital system , the management , the social liability and interests of stockholders , the study of the system of creating company , especially the system of liability of company sponsors , is very weak .

  11. 论公司发起人的民事责任

    On Company Sponsors ' Civil Liabilities

  12. 先对设立中公司清算,后由发起人承担连带责任。

    After liquidating the establishment of the company , sponsors assume a jointly and severally liability .

  13. 在公司设立失败时,发起人的民事责任主要体现为发起人对认股人和第三人的债权性责任、侵权赔偿责任。

    When the company establishment is failed , the sponsor civil liability mainly includes credit liability and tort liability .

  14. 发起人承担民事责任的法定事由是公司不能成立、发起人的过失使公司利益受损害。

    Sponsors should undertake civil liabilities , which is failures in company establishment , promoters ' negligence which compromises company interest .

  15. 股份公司发起人的民事责任是发起人因在设立公司过程中违反民事法律规范而应承担的侵权责任。

    The sponsors ' civil liability is the liability of tort when the sponsors violate civil legislations in the process of establishing the company .

  16. 本章从责任性质、归责原则、责任具体内容以及诉讼时效等方面对公司发起人的民事责任进行阐述。

    The text describes the civil liabilities systems from many aspects , such as the quality and contents of the civil liabilities and limitation of actions .

  17. 公司或者无过错的发起人承担赔偿责任后,可以向有过错的发起人追偿。

    After the company or any no-fault promoter has assumed the liability for compensation , the company or the promoter may recover the compensation from the promoters at fault .

  18. 第二章对发起人承担民事责任的两个前提进行了探讨,即发起人的法律地位和义务问题。

    In Chapter Two , the writer discusses the two preconditions of the civil liabilities of the corporation promoter , that is , the legal status and obligations of the corporation promoter .

  19. 本文即以公司设立失败为切入点,分别论证了在公司设立不能和设立无效的情形下,发起人承担民事责任的具体方式。

    The thesis details the specific mode for the sponsors to undertake civil liability respectively with the starting point of the failure of company 's incorporation under the circumstance that the company can 't be incorporated or the incorporation is invalid .

  20. 为规范股份有限公司的设立行为,必须加强发起人的民事责任,即公司不能成立或发起人的过失使公司受损害时发起人对第三人或公司的民事责任。

    In order to standardize the establishment of limited company , the civil liability of sponsors should be strengthened . The sponsors should bear civil liability to the third person or company when failure in company establishment or sponsors ' negligence may compromise the company .

  21. 重点论证了发起人的资本充实责任、对公司以及第三人的损害赔偿责任。

    In this chapter , the liability of compensation for damage owned to the corporation and the third party will be stressed on especially .

  22. 但成立的公司可以通过与第三人签订一个新的合同来取得和承担该公司成立前合同的债权债务,从而使发起人解除原合同责任。

    But the formed corporation can acquire and commit the liability incurred by pre-corporation contract through signing a new contract with the third party , so that the promoter can release the liability of the former contract .

  23. 公司未成立,受害人请求全体发起人承担连带赔偿责任的,人民法院应予支持。

    In the event that the company is not set up , the people 's court shall uphold the claim made by the infringed party requesting all the promoters to bear joint and several liability for compensation .

  24. 本文比较并归纳两大法系各国立法,认为完备的发起人民事责任体系包括发起人的身份责任和合同-行为责任。

    Comparison of Two Schools summarized in this paper and national legislation that promoters ' comprehensive civil liability system , including identity liability , behavior-contractual liability .

  25. 第一部分分析了股份公司发起人民事责任的概念、性质以及发起人承担民事责任的理论基础。

    The concept and nature of the sponsors ' civil liability and its theoretical basis are analyzed in the first part .