
  • 网络IPO P/E ratio
  1. 最后,完善现行的市盈率估值法,可以在现行市盈率估值法中引入动态市盈率即PEG指标(Price/EarningstoGrowthratio),从而检验新股发行市盈率是否合理。

    Also , improve the existing price-earnings ratio valuation method and can introduce Price / Earnings to Growth ratio in order to test whether the new share issue price-earnings ratio is reasonable .

  2. 结论表明我国的IPO定价主要决定于发行市盈率,且市场波动性,整体经济运行对IPO定价影响有一定时滞性。

    The conclusion shows that the IPO pricing in China mainly lies on issuing market payoff rate , and market fluctuation and overall economic operation make IPO pricing lagged .

  3. 取消股票发行市盈率限制的实证研究

    Empirical research on the measure of abolishing the IPO P / E ratio limit of 15

  4. 发行市盈率放开后的A股市场初始回报研究

    An Empirical Study of A-share Stock Market 's Initial Returns with No Limitation of IPO / s P / E Ratio

  5. 过去5年里,仅在上海股市就有近100家企业以至多60倍的发行市盈率上市。

    In Shanghai alone there were almost 100 initial public offerings over the past five years listing on multiples of up to 60 times earnings .

  6. 万洲国际昨日发行价的市盈率为11.5倍,低于4月15至21倍的初始目标。

    WH Group sold shares at a price-to-earnings ratio of 11.5 times , down from its original target in April of 15-21 times .

  7. 我国创业板市场自2009年10月开启以来就因三高问题备受关注,高企的发行价和市盈率常用创业板上市公司的高成长性来解释。

    China Growth Enterprises Market ( GEM ) has been heavily concerned for the " three high " problem since the opening . The high growth of GEM listed companies are used to explain the high issue price and price-earnings ratio .

  8. 当前我国创业板上市公司投资方面总体特征是高估值、高发行价、高市盈率和不够高的成长性。

    Current investment in companies listed on GEM generally characterized by high valuations , high issue price , high price-earnings ratio and growth is not high enough .

  9. 如何依据我国股票市场的实际情况,科学合理地确定股票的发行价格即股票的发行市盈率,一直是困扰着券商和上市公司的一大难题。

    It has been a difficult problem nagging securities dealers and listed companies how to scientifically and rationally set the issuance price of stock , that is , the issuance price - earnings ratio , in line with the actual conditions of China .

  10. 其中与股票相关的因素,包括已发行股份,股份总额,募集资金,发行市盈率P/E,上市地区,行业,对IPO的预期收益对回报有重大影响。

    Among the stock related factors , issued shares , total shares , raised fund , issuance P / E , listing place , industry , expected return have significant influence on IPO return .

  11. 提供盈利预测的发行人还应当补充披露基于盈利预测的发行市盈率。

    If the issuer provides an earnings forecast , it shall additionally make a supplementary disclosure of the price-earnings ratio based on the earnings forecast .