
  • 网络Stock concentration
  1. 在分析证券投资基金投资行为对市场的影响时,我们发现在羊群行为、资产配置比例变动和股票集中度变化三个因素中,基金的羊群行为对市场的影响非常显著。

    , At research of the influence of the behavior upon the market , we discover the flock of sheep behavior is the most factor upon the market in flock of sheep behavior , property proportion and stock concentration degrees .

  2. 本文首先介绍了反映基金持股集中度的三个主要的指标,即:前十名股票的集中度、前五大行业的集中度和持股家数。

    At first , the thesis introduces three main indexes which reflect funds ' stock-possessed concentration ratio , i.e. : concentration ratio of first ten stocks , the concentration ratio of first five sectors and the number of stock holders .

  3. 本文以基金股票组合的行业投资比例为基础计算股票组合行业集中度。

    This paper computes the industry concentration of stock assets based on the industry allocation ratio of the stock assets of fund portfolio .