
  1. 实训教学股票投资基金运作模式研究

    A Study on a Mode of Practical Teaching of Equity Investment Fund

  2. 风险管理是股票投资基金投资业务管理的核心之一,尤其是现代金融风险具有更强的复杂性、不确定性、扩散性、隐蔽性和突发性。

    Risk management is one of the core of investment operation of stock fund , especially risk of modern financial is more complex , uncertain , diffused , covert and paroxysmal .

  3. 证券市场是指股票债券、投资基金券等有价证券发行和交易的场所。

    The security market is the place where stock , bond , investment fund certificate , etc are exchanged .

  4. 股票,证券投资基金,货币市场投资三项资产风险系数较大。

    The empirical evidences indicate that coefficients of fixed income investment are less than stock , fund and monetary market investment .

  5. 金融中介机构将为客户把慈善变得像购买股票或投资共同基金一样简单。

    The financial intermediary would make philanthropy as easy for clients as buying a share of stock or investing in a mutual fund .

  6. 因此本文认为,机构投资者对权益类资产(包括股票和证券投资基金)波段操作,事实上构成了对证券投资基金的行为套利。

    Therefore , this thesis argues that institutional investors ' band operation of Equity Capital ( including stocks and securities investment funds ) has actually formed a certain behavioral arbitrage to securities investment funds .

  7. 股票基金是证券投资基金的主要类型之一,本文对其特点加以了分析,同时对风险管理进行了介绍。

    Characteristics of stock fund as a main type of investment fund is analysed in this thesis , and risk management was introduced .

  8. 基金主要投资对象是股票,关于证券投资基金是否能减少市场波动起到稳定市场作用的问题一直是学术界争议的一个焦点。

    The main investment object of fund is stock , and the problem about whether the securities investment funds can reduce market fluctuations and have an effect on stabilizing market has been a focus of the academic debate .

  9. 在股票市场和基金市场的有效边界实证分析中,我们比较了上海、深圳股票市场以及证券投资基金市场的有效边界。

    The potential of the risk diversification of a stock portfolio is greatly enhanced . Furthermore , we examine the efficient frontier in the Shanghai , Shenzhen and the Closed-end fund market .

  10. 前期股票价格波动性对基金重仓持股比重具有显著影响,基金偏好持有前期价格波动性小的股票;证券投资基金能够稳定股票市场是不成立的。

    The hypothesis that funds can stabilize the stock price volatility does not hold water .