
  • 网络common equity capital
  1. 当公司停业时,股本资本亦在最后偿清。

    If the company is wound up the equity capital is the last to be paid off .

  2. 传统的业绩衡量指标没有扣除股本资本的成本,因此无法判断公司为股东创造的价值的准确数量。

    Since the conventional outstanding achievement measuring indices have not deducted the cost of equity capital , so unable to estimate exact amount of value , which the company created for stockholders .

  3. 收购和配股完成后,华侨银行的一级普通股本资本充足率按照现行监管标准将为13.2%,仍高于其他许多银行。

    After the acquisition and the rights issue , OCBC will have a common equity tier one ratio of 13.2 per cent under current regulatory standards , still higher than many peers .

  4. 监管机构的明智回应,是要求银行建立一层准股本资本防护层:好年景时是债务,坏年景时则变成股本(对坏年景的定义是,资本金未达到某个特定的水平)。

    Regulators ' sensible response is to require a thick layer of semi-equity capital : debt in good times , equity in bad ( with bad defined as falling below a specific level of capital ) .

  5. 在中国和巴西经济高速增长、企业和市场仍相对欠发达的时期,企业家和企业发现,他们几乎不需要私人股本的资本和建议。

    When the Chinese and Brazilian economies were booming , and when companies and markets were still relatively under-developed , entrepreneurs and businesses found they had little need for the capital or advice offered by private equity .

  6. 仍在增长并继续招聘MBA学生的行业包括卫生、制药、私人股本以及风险资本。

    Sectors that continue to grow and recruit MBAs include health , pharmaceuticals , private equity and venture capital .

  7. 私人股本和风险资本集团ApaxPartners是King公司最大的股东,持有48.2%的股权。

    Apax Partners , the private equity and venture capital group , is King 's biggest shareholder with 48.2 per cent of the equity .

  8. 而且他们需要的不仅仅是关爱:百代所有者、私人股本公司泰丰资本(terrafirma)的高管吃惊地发现,百代购买水果与鲜花的预算达到20万英镑。

    And not just love : executives at terra firma , its private equity owner , were appalled to find a 2 00000 budget for fruit and flowers .

  9. 这些公司有许多获得了国内外私人股本和风险资本的支持。

    Many of these companies are backed by private equity and venture capital – both from China and abroad .

  10. 核心资本结构方面,股本占核心资本比例与中小银行安全性显著负相关,与成长性显著正相关。

    In core capital structure aspect , ratio of equity accounts for total capital is significantly negative related with security , and positive related with growth .

  11. 行业内部人士表示,大量中国企业赴海外上市,最合理的解释是,国际私人股本和风险资本的投资开始进入收获期。

    Industry insiders say the most plausible reason for the influx is that a crop of investments by international private equity and venture capital funds is reaching maturity .

  12. 美国银行业压力测试完结,为华尔街开启了一条财路:通过帮助同行筹集股本以堵住资本缺口和偿还联邦援助资金,金融机构在短短数周就可赚入逾5亿美元。

    The completion of US banking stress tests has unleashed a fee bonanza for Wall Street , with financial institutions set to earn more than $ 500m in just a few weeks for helping rivals raise equity to plug capital shortfalls and repay federal aid .

  13. 另一家私人股本投资者贝恩资本(baincapital)也曾跟踪这笔交易。

    Bain Capital , another private equity investor , had also pursued the deal .

  14. 消息人士指出,美国私人股本公司贝恩资本(baincapital)上月末给出了报价。

    Sources close to the situation said that Bain Capital , the US private equity company , had made an offer late last month .

  15. 在香港股市下跌的情况下,中国最大全国零售商的股票收盘上涨69%。经确认,美国私人股本基金贝恩资本(BainCapital)已成为该公司新的战略投资者。

    Shares in China 's biggest nationwide retailer closed up 69 per cent in a falling Hong Kong market after Bain Capital , the US private equity fund , was confirmed as its new strategic investor .

  16. 尽管身陷囹圄,但他在狱中仍能行使股东参与权,成功赶走了公司董事,并阻止了美国私人股本集团贝恩资本(BainCapital)的投资。

    In spite of his incarceration , he has been able to exercise his shareholder rights to campaign from prison to have directors removed and block investment in the company by US private equity group Bain Capital .

  17. 不过,在2008年,尽管与美国私人股本基金贝恩资本(baincapital)合作,但华为仍不得不因为美国海外投资委员会的反对,而放弃收购美国路由器制造商3com的交易。

    However , in 2008 , Huawei had to abandon a deal to acquire 3Com , a US router maker , over opposition from CFIUS , although it had partnered with Bain Capital , a US private equity fund .

  18. 本文针对企业的发展做了深入探讨:公司上市策略及其达到的目标股本结构和目标资本结构;

    The paper deeply discusses its development : its policy of entering stockmarket ; its target capital stock structure and target capital structure ;

  19. 债务股本比率;债务资本比率:主要用于表示总负债与股东权益(净值)的比率。

    Debt equity ratio ; debt to equity ratio ; debt to capital ratio : Mainly used to describe the ratio of total liabilities to shareholders ' equity ( net worth ) .

  20. 太阳资本购买美标美国区业务的1.3亿美元中有5000万美元做为股本,使得太阳资本拥有了51%的股权,略高于贝恩资本。

    The $ 130 million carve-out of American Standard was structured with $ 50 million of equity & of which sun put in slightly more than Bain for a 51 % ownership stake .