
  • 网络state capital operations
  1. 全面推行国有资本经营预算试点。

    We will expand the trials of a budget for state capital operations to include all state capital operations .

  2. 提高国有资本经营预算调入一般公共预算的比例。

    We will increase the percentage of funds transferred from the budgets for state capital operations to general public budgets .

  3. 地方国有资本经营预算管理改革。

    Reform of the Operational Budgeting Management of Local State-owned Assets .

  4. 完善我国国有资本经营预算编制工作的研究

    Study on improving the formulation of operation budget for state-owned capital

  5. 加快建设国有资本经营预算制度。

    Speed up the construction of the state-owned capital management budget system .

  6. 国有资本经营预算编制需明确五个问题

    Five Problems to Be Solved in Budget Workout for State-Owned Capital Management

  7. 国有资本经营若干问题研究

    A Study on Some Problems of State Owned Capital Operation

  8. 国有资本经营预算的资本性支出管理探讨

    The Management of Capital Expenditures on State-owned Capital Operating Budget

  9. 关于建立新型国有资本经营预算制度的几点思考

    Reflections on New Budget Surveillance and Management System of State-owned Capital Running

  10. 国有资本经营预算之资本性支出及其制度构建

    Capital Expenditures on State-owned Capital Operating Budget and Its Legal System Construction

  11. 加强国有资本经营深化国有企业改革

    Enhancing State Capital Management and Deepening State-owned Enterprise Reform

  12. 我国政府国有资本经营预算管理研究

    Research on the Governmental State-owned Captial Operating Budget Management

  13. 国有资本经营预算的考核评价体系构建

    Construction the Evaluation System of State-owned Capital Operational Budget

  14. 公共预算和国有资本经营预算的运行区间比较

    The Comparison on the Operation of Public Budget and State-owned Capital Management Budget

  15. 论国有资本经营预算的生存环境及其对法律调整的影响

    On the Implement Conditions of State Capital Operating and The Influence on Legal Regulation

  16. 论转换国有资本经营机制&深化国有资产管理体制改革的思考

    On the Conversion of State-owned Asset Management Mechanism

  17. 正是为了解决这些新问题,才决定实施国有资本经营预算。

    To solve these new problems , we decide to implement state-owned capital operation budget .

  18. 建立国有资本经营代理制的构想

    Construction of State-owned Capital Operation Agent System

  19. 建立健全国有资本经营预算制度迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , it is of immediate necessity to establish and improve national capital operation budgeting regulation .

  20. 本文将结合国有资本经营预算制度的建立探讨我国财政转型的理论和实践问题,并试图探索出一条符合我国历史和现实的路径。

    This essay basically aims to discuss theory and practice of public finance and the path of fiscal transition .

  21. 今年将进行国有资本经营预算编制试点。

    We will carry out a pilot project to compile budgets for the management of state capital this year .

  22. 该《意见》规定,从2008年开始,中央本级国有资本经营实施预算管理。

    It also stipulated that the state-owned capital management of the central level would implement the budget management from 2008 .

  23. 2008年,陕西省出台了关于国有资本经营预算的相关意见,初步建立了国有资本经营预算制度。

    In 2008 , shaanxi government enacted the opinion about the state-owned capital management budget . The elementary system was formed .

  24. 最后,需要对社会保障预算与一般性公共预算、国有资本经营预算的关系进行了明确。

    Finally , need for social security budget and the general public budget , state-owned capital management budget of the relationship of clear .

  25. 国有资本经营预算,是指国家以国有资本出资人身份依法取得国有资本收益,并对所得收益进行分配而发生的各项收支预算。

    The state-owned capital management budget is that the state acquires state-owned capital profit in the name of owner legally , and distributes the profit .

  26. 完善国有资本经营预算,提高中央企业国有资本收益上缴公共财政比例。

    We will improve budgeting for state capital operations and raise the percentage of earnings from state capital turned over to public finance by central government-owned enterprises .

  27. 实施国有资本经营预算制度试点,全面试行中央国有资本经营预算。

    Trials of the budget system for state capital operations were carried out , and budgets were compiled on a trial basis for state capital operations by the central government .

  28. 健全的国有资本经营预算制度不仅有利于国有资本经营管理的加强,而且对国有经济的持续健康发展具有战略性意义。

    The perfect one not only is advantageous to state-owned capital management 's strengthening , but also has the strategic significance to continue the healthy development to the state economy .

  29. 本文以国家财务理论为依托,认为国有资本经营预算属于国家财务管理范畴,在此基础上对国有资本经营预算的主体、目标和内容进行了探讨。

    The paper , according to state finance theory , think State-owned Capital Operation Budge is part of state finance management , and study its subject , aim and content .

  30. 第二章介绍了国有资本经营预算作为预算的一般性质和不同与一般预算的特殊性,并以经济法的视角分析国有资本经营预算的一般性和特殊性的关系。

    The second chapter describes the general nature and specificity of the state-owned capital operating budget . With the perspective of economic law analysis of the relationship between the two .