
  1. 实现中国上市公司广义资本结构的调整与优化,离不开一定的内、外部条件。

    Therefore , Chinese listed companies must further adjust and optimize their broad capital structure .

  2. 现代公司广义资本结构的形成,取决于各资本产权主体经济利益圆周范围的大小和谈判能力的高低。

    Broad capital structure of modern companies depend on their economic interests circumference scope and negotiating capacity .

  3. 中国上市公司广义资本结构的特殊性,决定了其治理结构的特殊性。

    The specificity of broad capital structure of listed companies determines the specificity of its management structure in China .

  4. 中国上市公司近年来质量下降的根本性原因在于不合理的、缺乏经济效率的广义资本结构,因此,进一步调整与优化广义资本结构是中国上市公司的必由之路。

    Chinese listed companies overall declined in the quality in recent years , the fundamental reason is that the broad capital structure is unreasonable , and lack of economic efficiency .

  5. 从广义资本结构特点的角度可以把中国上市公司大致归结为三种类型:即能源型公司、技术型公司和知识型公司。

    From the perspective of the broad capital structure , the listed companies in China can be divided into three types : energy-based companies , technology-based companies and knowledge-based companies .

  6. 广义上的资本结构是指资本构成及其相互比例关系,它是包括了股权结构和债务结构的。

    To a large extent , capital structure contains the formation of capital and the mutual relations of its formation , which includes the ownership structure and debt structure .

  7. 同时,采用滞后一期的因变量作为工具变量,利用广义矩估计对资本结构调整模型进行估计,对军工上市公司资本结构的调整速度以及影响因素进行进一步的分析。

    Then , with the lagged dependent variable , this paper uses dynamic adjustment panel data model to estimate the capital structure adjustment model with GMM and further analyze the adjustment of the capital structure and its affecting factors .