
ɡuǎnɡ ɡào yù suàn
  • advertising budget
  1. 对于那些有广告预算的企业,Facebook提供了一个很好的广告程序,它将使您可以按性别、年龄和位置精确定位您的广告。

    For those with an advertising budget , Facebook offers an excellent advertising program that will give you the ability to precisely target your campaign by gender , age , and location .

  2. 没有中间商,没有零售开销,以及几乎没有广告预算,它不支付或出售昂贵的,甚至是价格低廉,品牌名称,但只有它自己制造的品牌ZENNI。

    Nomiddlemen , no retail overhead , and practically no advertising budget , it does not pay for or sell expensive , or even inexpensive , brandnames , but only its own manufactured brand ZENNI .

  3. 公司已经做了1,000万美元的广告预算。

    The company has budgeted $ 10 million for advertising

  4. 不能用一大笔广告预算冒犯一个24岁的CEO。

    Don 't offend a 24-year-old CEO with a large ad budget .

  5. 在经过了多年的增长后,韩国三星电子(SamsungElectronics)明年也将不再增加全球广告预算。

    And , after years of increases , the global ad budget for South Korea 's Samsung Electronics won 't grow next year .

  6. 一项新的研究发现,youtube和myspace等由用户生成内容的视频网站所能获得的广告预算,将只占更专业在线节目广告预算的一小部分。

    User-generated video sites such as youtube and MySpace will earn only a fraction of the advertising budgets available for more professional online programming , according to a new study .

  7. 第二,广告商们已经意识到,如果他们要缩减经费,并希望把广告预算用在刀刃上,如果他们想要以任何方式瞄准年轻人市场,MTV就是他们要做广告的地方。

    And second , the advertisers have realized that if they 're cutting their budgets and concentrating their adverting budgets where they 're gonna get bang for their buck , if they 're aiming at the youth market in anyway at all , MTV is the place to be .

  8. 开发商还可以自己设定每日最大广告预算,使用GetJar的独家信息服务,推动基于地区、手机或运营商定位的多种促销活动。

    Developers can also set their own maximum daily budgets , run multiple campaigns each with its own unique messaging and / or geo-target their campaign by country , handset or carrier .

  9. 他们正在制定该公司1993年的广告预算。

    They are preparing for the company 's advertising budget for1993 .

  10. 我们坚持认为应该增加广告预算。

    We do maintain that our advertising budget should be increased .

  11. 你认为最好将广告预算花费在哪里?

    How are you analyzing where best to spend your advertising budget ?

  12. 我们的广告预算只有5%,陈启泰表示。

    Our ad budget is only 5 per cent , says Chan .

  13. 今天日程安排的第一项是广告预算。

    The first item on today 's agenda is the advertising budget .

  14. 毫无疑问,广告预算要被削减。

    Definitely the advertising budget will have to be cut .

  15. 广告预算被消减为零。

    The advertising budget have is cut to nil .

  16. 与全部的广告预算相比,这样做的代价是低廉的。

    Costs of doing so come cheap when measured against an overall advertising .

  17. 她已经将明年红牛饮料的广告预算增加了30%。

    She has increased her overall ad budget for the energy drink by30 % for2008 .

  18. 收卖司理能拱讵凉步广告预算而死力赛过他人。

    For example , the marketing manager may argue effectively for an increased advertising budget .

  19. 你们的广告预算是多少?

    How much is your advertising budget ?

  20. 他的一个重要决策是,统一公司的所有广告预算。

    A key move was his decision to unify all advertising budgets for the company .

  21. 我们的广告预算是多少?

    How much is our advertising budget ?

  22. 五千美元的广告预算

    An advertising budget of $ 5000

  23. 周三发布的出色报表,部分源于成本削减和广告预算大幅调低。

    The better numbers yesterday came in part from cost-cutting and a significantly lower advertising budget .

  24. 打造品牌意味着大规模的广告预算,而这一点是护肤品行业从不厌恶的。

    Supporting brands will call for big advertsing budgets , something the industry has never shied from .

  25. 面对这种情况,广告商如何才能从他们的搜索广告预算中获得最大收益呢?

    Faced with this , how can advertisers get the most out of their search advertising budgets ?

  26. 增加广告预算。

    And3.the increased advertising budget .

  27. 广告预算被消减为零。招聘广告似乎逐日减少。

    The advertising budget have is cut to nil . The want ads seemed scantier by the day .

  28. 有一点我要指出的是,我们需要增细广告预算。

    The point I 'm trying to make is that we need to increase our budget for advertising .

  29. 如果市场反馈良好,该公司将分配更多的广告预算从而进行更广泛的零售推广活动。

    If the response is good , look for a wider retail rollout backed by a bigger ad budget .

  30. 这些大投资公司有雄厚的财力和令人印象深刻的资源:大的广告预算,大型建筑和大市场营销部门。

    These big investment firms have deep pockets and impressive resources : big advertising budgets , big buildings and big marketing departments .