
  • 网络BREGUET;Breguet - BG
  1. 在这款表陪伴宝玑家族50年后,斯宾塞布伦顿(sirspencerbrunton)以600英镑购得,此后又两次易手,然后成为大卫萨洛蒙斯爵士的藏品之一。

    It remained with the Breguet family for another 50 years before being bought for 600 by Sir Spencer Brunton , after which it changed hands twice more before becoming part of the collection of Sir David salomons .

  2. 尽管被盗手表中的60件依然下落不明,但藏品核心部分的56只宝玑表(breguet)中的多数已失而复得。

    Although 60 of the stolen watches are still missing , the majority of the 56 Breguet watches that form the heart of the collection were recovered .

  3. 外界认为,这款表最终由groyeofprovins侯爵所有,1838年,他将其归还宝玑厂房,之后从未再拿走过。

    The watch is thought to have ended up in the ownership of the Marquis de la groye of provins who returned it to the Breguet workshops in 1838 and never picked it up again .

  4. 尽管这部分表已部分破损,但按照哈桑的描述,玛丽皇后的那只宝玑表仍处于非常好的工作条件,该表将在该馆内部制表师对其进行小修之后于今年夏季重新展出。

    Although some of the watches had been partially stripped , the Marie-Antoinette Breguet is described by Ms Hasson as being in perfect working condition and is due to go back on display this summer following a light overhaul by the museum 's in-house watchmaker .

  5. 该表的齿轮大部分由黄金制成(这是委托人特别指定的),为了全面表现他的工作,宝玑用透明无色水晶制作了表壳、表背和表盘。

    The movement was made largely from gold ( as the person who commissioned the watch had specified ) and , in order to show off his work to the full , Breguet had the case , back and dial made from transparent rock crystal .